NO PLAGARISM!!!!!!! Please follow ALL instructions. The case study has been uploaded with this post.Review Case Study 6.1 in your textbook on pp. 169–170, and  address the   questions that are provided below. In essay format, provide a  complete and   detailed response to each question. You are required to use at  least your   textbook as source material for your essay. Each of the responses  should be   compiled into a document that consists of at least two pages. Your  essay  should  address the following questions:

                                                                           What               factors encouraged the entrepreneurs to develop an      alternative to               the traditional source of primary care?
                           What               characteristics did the      urgent care center concept have that               might make it unattractive      to mainstream healthcare               consumers?
                           What               assumptions did the      developers make at the outset about the demand               for such service      and the type of consumers who might use it based               on how      consumers make decisions regarding health               care?
                           From               the market research, did      the developers find that the urgent care               center model would      appeal to the general population or that some               segments of the      population would find it more attractive than               others?
                           What               was the profile of the best      prospects for utilization of an urgent               care center?
                           Explain               the products, product      mix, and various ways the developers               conceptualize products for      the target consumer. How would the               product mix at urgent care      centers differ from those in primary               care facilities?
                           Explain               how marketing of the      urgent care center’s attributes should be               highlighted to      influence the target audience’s decision to visit               the center. 

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