Human Resource Management Case Study
Human resource is the scarcest resource an organization is striving today in the cut throat competition. With increasing complexities in the work place due to diversity, technology and business models the demands on the human resource department (HRD) have changed significantly over the years. While a couple of decades ago the department used to be perceived as cost centers and management would be happy if HRD keep on hiring people can deliver good performance. But in the dynamic environment those challenges has multifariously altered.

According to Johnson and Scholes (1997) “Organizations can successfully manage change if they able to integrate their human resource management policies and strategies with strategic change process of training, employee relations, compensations packages and other personnel department aspects.

 Just to put things in perspective the three biggest challenges all HRD are facing across corporate America today are – personnel, changing technology and increasing globalization. These three trends are not only altering the work place but also altered employee – employer relationship in the last decade. Changing technologies has fast altered the job design which makes companies keep rotating the work force, increased staffing needs and trends, and put stress on bringing more cosmopolitan work force to manage change.

Execution Plan for HR Managers
The HR department should divide the workforce mainly in two categories based on the amount of job profile and nature of work. According to Wharton Professor Benjamin Campbell when the changes in job is small then the company should look for hiring from outside while if the changes in job is not significant then it should try to develop employees from with in. ([email protected], 2005). The organizations should look for people in terms of their respective career p and provide them those incentives.
Some of the most important retention strategies are (Debra Kay 2000)–
Training – Even though training is always one of the best tools to increase productivity and retain employees it is even more significant for the employees working in fast changing environment mostly in administration section of the healthcare industry. The method of consumer interactions are changing fast and sometime the p for an employee with an organization is only limited to the p of a particular system the company is operating. In such a scenario employees seeking career advancements can be trained to work with new technology. Retaining present employees will have positive impact on other employees to upgrade themselves.

Career Path – As the organizations are flattening out fast due to use of greater technology, the challenge in front of HR managers is how to chart out the evaluation standards and growth plan for employees with in the organization. To solve this puzzle the organizations should chart out a clear career path for its employees and letting them know in advance what is to be done to achieve that. Goals should be clearly stated and roles should also be clearly charted out.
Personal development – More often than not the most likely people to leave the job for another organization are the one who are most marketable and above all whom the present company don’t want to loose. To overcome such situation the company should have a clear policy regarding handling employees more responsibilities and putting them into leadership position.

Cross Department experience –It will keep the employees fresh for new challenges, make them aware of the other side and improve their ability to conceptualize their role in an organization.

Bonding – As our personal life is crammed with work people only form of social interaction is at work so organization should try to foster such bonding by adventure trips and various other programs.

The above suggested strategies and subsequent execution plans can only be successful if they are made according to the need of the employees rather than organizational protocol. For example if the organization is having matrix structure then team work is the key and it can be achieved through bonding exercises. Out of work bonding lasts longer comparatively than working relationship.

Debra Kay Rosenfeld and Barbara Ritter (2000). “Making the Right Offer, Keeping the Best People.”  Rural Telecommunications; Sep/Oct2000, Vol. 19 Issue 5, p24, 5p
Johnson, G and Scholes, K (1997) Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall, Hemel Hempstead
[email protected] (2005). “The Hiring Dilemma for High-tech Firms: ‘Make vs. Buy'”  [email protected] Accessed 6th August 2008.

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