Identify Evidence- Based practices to be implemented in the hospital addressing prominent clinical concerns “in this case SEPSIS”
These are the instructions from the instructor. Also attached is a table(file) to be completed.
I also copied the grading rubric as a guideline to what’s expected.

Question: Using Evidence -Based practice
Your chief nursing officer recognizes you have completed your MSN and has asked you to be a member of the nursing evidence-based practice committee. They have advised the members that the purpose of the committee is the assess evidence in the literature to identify evidence-based practices to be implemented in the hospital and address prominent clinical concerns. As a nurse on this committee, you have been presented with a clinical concern prevalent within the organization. You will need to conduct a literature search to find background evidence/information of the clinical issue. Following an understanding of the problems, you will continue to search the literature and appraise and rank the evidence for an intervention/assessment to address the clinical issue. Once an intervention/assessment has been selected you will then decide how to promote the adoption and evaluation of this clinical practice in your hypothetical health care institution.
In an 8-10-page paper (excluding title page, tables, and reference page) you will describe and discussing the following:
Describe clinical concern affecting the healthcare institution
Background knowledge of the problem (describe the importance and relevance of the problem to patient care and/or the role of the nurse)
Review and evaluate evidence addressing the clinical issue (evaluate six primary research/data-based articles in past 5 years no later than 2015 including one systematic review or meta-analysis on your topic.)
Identify an intervention to be implemented into the clinical practice and provide an explanation of the use of the evidence-based practice.
Delineate strategies to translate the evidence-based practice/recommendation into clinical practice by nurses in your hypothetical healthcare setting.
Evaluation plan to assess the outcome of the evidence-based recommendation in the clinical setting.

Rubric–Evidence-Based Practice Report
Grading Criteria
1. Background and Significance

Introduced and identified the problem

Provided some background about this problem and include why this is relevant to nursing (role of the nurse, nursing care)

2. Evaluation and Synthesis of Evidence

Wrote a synthesis of the evidence reviewed

Assignment help – Discussed the significant findings that inform nursing care/patient care and how studies compare or contrast

Described if there is a consensus on a standard of practice and/or clinical practice guideline; and whether the standard is being translated into practice

3. Evaluation Criteria for Table 1: Summary of Evidence Selected and the Grade of Evidence

Completed the search information in this table and included the table with the paper in the appendix

Determined the ranking accurately for the 6 articles on your topic using the grading criteria provided

Submitted the copies of 6 articles in Blackboard on the due date/time of the paper

4. Evaluation Criteria for Table 2: Table of Evidence

Included a minimum of 6 primary research based articles in past 5 years (published no later than 2015)

Include only pertinent information in each column

Included accurate information (e.g., correctly identifies the study design; correctly describes variables as independent, dependent, or neither, as appropriate)

Appropriately categorize the information into columns (e.g., findings are correctly placed under Findings or Results)

Information taken directly from the article is quoted and cited with the page number from the article

5. Identification of evidence-based research to be implemented in clinical setting

Described the selected evidence-based research for implementation

Provided explanation for selecting the evidence-based practice for implementation (appraisal process and final findings)

6. Strategies to Translate Evidence into Practice

Delineated strategies to translate the evidence-based practice recommendations into clinical practice (unit and/or organization)

7. Evaluation of evidence-based practice

Assignment help – Discussed plan to evaluate outcomes of evidence-based practice

8. Help write my thesis – APA format consistently used and presentation of written work:

Correct syntax, grammar, punctuation, and spelling

Follow strictly the Help write my thesis – APA guidelines; proper use of references

1 point deducted if less than or greater than 10 pages, not including the title page, tables, appendices and references) (1)
Attached file
File N547 Tables.docx
Evidence-Based Practice Report Presentation

It’s a nursing class/presentation, and the instructor is really picky and strict, please do your best ok? Thanks, i appreciate.

Source (article citation)
Help write my thesis – APA format Purpose of Study Design
Type Measurements:
Variables, Outcome Measures Study Setting and Study Population

Study Intervention
Key Findings

Table 1: Evidence Level

Table 2: Synthesis of Evidence Table
Level Evidence Levels
The Johns Hopkins Hospital/The Johns Hopkins University Article Number

I Experimental study, randomized controlled trial (RCT)
Systematic review of RCTs with or without meta-analysis
II Quasi-experimental study
Systematic review of a combination of RCTs and quasi-experimental, or quasi-experimental studies only, with or without meta-analysis
III Non-experimental study
Systematic review of a combination of RCTs, quasi-experimental and non-experimental studies, or non-experimental studies only, with or without meta-analysis
Qualitative study or systematic review with or without a meta-synthesis
IV Opinion of respected authorities and/or nationally recognized expert committees/consensus panels based on scientific evidence includes: clinical practice guidelines, consensus panels

V Based on experiential and non-research evidence includes: literature reviews, Quality improvement, program or financial evaluation, case reports, opinion of nationally recognized experts based on experiential evidence

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