Week 1: The Value of a Master’s- Prepared Nurse Consider the current healthcare delivery models and practice settings. Reflect on how nursing practice is transforming in response to the current demands of the healthcare system and answer one of the following questions: 1.What differentiates the practice of a master’s-prepared nurse compared to that ofa baccalaureate-prepared nurse? 2.What is the value of a master’s degree in nursing? 3.What do you consider to be the most essential professional competency for a master’s-prepared nurse practicing in the 21st century?

Week 1: The Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse Value of a Master’s-Prepared Nurse Chamberlain University Abstract The setting in master’s-prepared nursing education has been greatly transformed by the continued progress of the healthcare delivery systems. Programs are constantly expanding and evolving to respond to the changing trends and essentials in healthcare. The baccalaureate nurse and masters prepared nurse differentiate in roles and skill, but the benefits of acquiring a BSN or MSN are invaluable as the healthcare delivery systems change and evolve. Introduction In their paper, Buerhaus, Auerbach, & Staiger (2014) mention that a forcast from the year 2000 predicted a nursing shortage of approximately 500,000 registered nurses (RNs) by the year 2020. The authors state that, as a result of these forecasts, nursing education programs joined in the efforts to draw individuals into nursing and help relieve the anticipated shortage of RNs. Nursing programs changed, expanded and created new ways for RNs to expand their education, including options for RNs to obtain their baccalaureate degree in nursing, new postmaster’s certificate options and the development of the clinical nurse leader and doctor of nursing practice (Buerhaus, Auerbach, & Staiger, 2014). Another major force driving nursing education is the 2010 Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. This document includes the recommendation to increase the quantity of nurses with a baccalaureate degree from 50 to 80 percent by 2020 (Institude of Medicine, 2010). Consistent with the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) recommendation for improved health care workforce, the number of RN graduates of master’s and doctoral programs also increased dramatically since 2002. Between 1980s and

While searching the CINAHL database, I came across an article on the effectiveness of using cold and vibration for pain relief when starting peripheral IV’s on children. According to Canbulat, et al (2015), “The simple insertion of a needle has been shown to be one of the most frightening and distressing medical procedures for hospitalized children”. I have been starting IV’s on children for a couple years now and would love to find something that would be fun and a distraction at the same time to help take

NR 500 Assignment help – Discussion Week one #2 2.What are the principles of scholarly discussion in an online environment? How does this differ from a social network? Please cite the sources used to support your response. The understanding of scholarly dialog is that it is a structured form of critical thinking and a reflection that utilizes evidence to support the dialog. Scholarly discussion is based on evidence, either observed orvalidated through research that is associated with an expert point of view. Scholarly dialog is objective intone, meaning that what you are writing is not biased. In other words, it is not based on your opinions, rather it is balanced in its presentation and allows the reader to come up with a conclusion based on the evidence through research. Scholarly communication is concise and presented in a logical order and is written with correct grammar and punctuation.When discussing in a scholarly manner in an online atmosphere there are no visual cues. According toConnor (2015) the utilization of Netiquette is essential for scholarly online discussion. Basically, there is no face-to-face encounters so be mindful on how you respond. Connor (2015) suggests, being clear and articulate your point, use correct spelling, grammatical construction and sentence structure, cite your resources, and be respectful. My best advice would be, always remember to proof and read your discussion out loud before hitting the send button; this is a great principle. The opinion is that online dialog is really a combination of the formality of paper writing combined with the lesser formality of verbal dialog. Part of the challenge to learning how to engage in scholarly discussion in the virtual classroom is finding the right mix of these two principals (Connor, 2015).Additional principles for online scholarly discussion would be to read and incorporate peer reviewed scholarship when appropriate. One may weight personal experience but also incorporate instructor feedback into the next post (Walden, 2013). When instructors give feedback on your posting, what needsto be done is to take that feedback from the postings, critically reflect on it, and incorporate that feedback into subsequent postings that you write.

MSN NR500 Week 2 care concepts posting

Week 2
Caring Concepts in Nursing Week 2 discussion According to Flynn (2016), caring can be described as an individualized foundation that is built upon the social, spiritual, and physiological needs of that individual, which displays qualities such as empathy, love, and compassion (p. 30). Nursing has long been thought of as a caring profession. Caring can be displayed when a nurse allows a mother to hold her baby for the first time after surgery or when she helps comfort a loved one who has just loss their family member. Additionally, advocating for the safety of your patients by preventing harm, or as we most recently saw in the public eye, abiding by state laws to protect individuals that can not speak for themselves regardless of law enforcement threats. Each day nurses provide care in a therapeutic manner in order to develop trusting relationships with their patients. In order to strengthen this bond, the nurse must collaborate with the patient to determine the best course of treatment when

Week 5
Evidence-based care is a problem-solving approach to care that incorporates the best evidence from studies and patient care data with clinician expertise. ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. , 2017). Master’s prepared advanced practice nurses need the proper knowledge and skills to implement EBP (evidence-based practice), consistently. Evidence-based practice leads to higher quality care, improved patient outcomes, reduced costs and improved nurse satisfaction than more traditional care. (Melnyk, Fineout-Overholt, Stillwell, and Williamson, 2010). As outlined by Melnyk et al. (2010), the seven steps involved in the EBP process are as follows:  Culture a spirit of inquiry  Ask a clinical question  Search for the best evidence  Critically appraise the evidence  Integrate the best evidence with one’s clinical expertise and patient preferences and values to make a practical decision or change

Nr 500 Week 8 This course has been a great introduction to the essential requirements of a masters prepared nurse. I now understand that I will need to be prepared for the difficult challenges that this different health care delivery system provides. As a future nurse practitioner, it is imperative that I have all the competencies established by AACN and other nursing professional organizations to actively lead and act as a change agent to become a role model for the nursing profession. As a masters prepared nurse, scholarship is a big part of disseminating evidence based practice which provides patience center care. The importance of continued education and professional and personal growth takes place to develop the necessary skills and attitudes to be able to provide unbiased and caring patient centered care. For this reason, one of the most important interventions that masters prepared nurses can do is to better one self. I find that self-

Cultivating Healthful Environment Incivility in the workplace can cause numerous issues not only for the employees involved but for the institution as a whole. Incivility may cause psychological problems for those who have endured the behavior, increased medical errors, decreased patient satisfaction and increased financial spending. (Abdollahzadeh, Asghari, Ebrahimi, Rahmani, & Vahidi, 2017) Dealing with incivility and developing a plan can promote a healthy work environment. (MacLean, Coombs, & Breda, 2016) This paper will discuss the issues of incivility, the importance to nursing, provide an example of incivility in the workplace, provide suggestions on how to create a healthy work environment, and how to apply these to the family nurse practitioner (FNP) practice. Issues of Incivility The definition of incivility is the quality or state of being uncivil and a rude or discourteous act. (Merriam-Webster, n.d.) Acts of incivility may include horizontal violence that is expressed through nonphysical acts such as eye rolling, being verbally aggressive, and withholding information among other acts. (Cabrera & Mennella, 2016) Incivility can cause numerous problems within the field of nursing including decreased staff satisfaction, decreased retention rates and increase the likelihood of patient errors. (MacLean, Coombs, & Breda, 2016) The American Nurses Association has a zero-tolerance stance on incivility in the workplace and yet it still exists. (American Nurses Association, 2016) Incivility can be found in every area of nursing and the consequences can be far reaching. Incivility can range from a look to the opposite end of the spectrum, physical violence. There are no current federal standards for violence in the workplace. Some states have enacted laws to prevent such behavior, however these laws are not all encompassing. (American Nurses Association, 2017) Importance to Nursing 2
CULTIVATING HEALTHFUL ENVIRONMENT Incivility is important to nursing because maintaining nurses who are engaged and fulfilled within their profession will increases staff morale and lead to increased retention rates and better patient outcomes. When nurses endure incivility in the workplace it can increase their stress level causing not only harm to themselves but possibly the patient as well. It can lead to depression, decreased job satisfaction, absenteeism, and higher turnover rates. (Peters, 2015) Some nurses who have been victims of horizontal violence have committed suicide according to Cabrera. (Cabrera & Mennella, 2016) At the microsystem level incivility can affect many areas in a negative way. The staff being dissatisfied and feeling stressed does not promote a healthy work environment where people enjoy performing their job. This can lead to staff burnout and staff leaving their positions

NR00 Foundational Concepts and Application EBP Searchable Clinical Questions with Annotated Bibliography Guidelines with Scoring Rubric Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to: a) formulate a PICO (T)-formatted clinical question, b) identify key terms for conducting a review of the literature, c) search for relevant evidence in scholarly databases, and provide a summary of research articles to support an answer to the clinical question. Course Outcomes Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to: (CO#3) Apply research principles to interpretation of the content of published research studies. (PO 9) (CO#4) Analyze data from relevant sources, including technology, to inform the delivery of care. (PO 4) (CO#5) Analyze the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing. (PO 1) Due Date: Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week 5 . Total Points Possible: 200 Requirements: 1 Select a health-related topic applicable to your practice setting and formulate a clinical question using the PICO (T) format. 2 Identify key terms that you will use to search the literature, based on the PICO (T) elements. 3 Search for information on your formulated clinical question in each of these three databases: PubMed, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature ) , and The Joanna Briggs Institute database. 4 Present the results of the searches in the tables provided in the “Evidence-Based Practice Searchable Clinical Questions Form” found in Course Resources. Place this completed form in the Dropbox. 5 From the articles you found during your database searches, choose ten scholarly peer reviewed articles that would help provide an answer or provide insight to your clinical research question and write them in an annotated bibliography format. Submit this Help write my thesis – APA 6 th ed format paper into the Dropbox for a Turnitin Review. 6 Submit the Searchable Clinical Questions Form and your annotated bibliography paper to the Dropbox by the due date. The annotated bibliography is the only part of this assignment that you need to have the Turnitin similarity report less than 25%. 1/21/16 sw 1
Chamberlain College of Nursing NR500 Foundational Concepts and Application P REPARING THE PAPER 1. In Course Resources, you will find the ‘Week 5 Evidence-Based Practice Searchable Clinical Questions Form’. This is the form that you can use to document your search process and results. Below, you will find an example of how to complete the tables as you are doing each search 2. The notes section is to be completed in detail as each step of the search process is performed. 3. An optimal range of 10-15 scholarly articles is to be achieved for each database search. If this is not possible, a detailed explanation is to be included in the notes section. Do not stop too soon or you may miss some valuable article to help answer your clinical question. You want to be able to identify ten scholarly peer reviewed articles that would help answer

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