Why is innovation important to healthcare management? For this exercise, you will “nurture
foresight,” which is described in your textbook as a process involving looking ahead to
visualize developments and their possible impact on the organization, perhaps even before
they become inventions, trends, or actual concerns.
Go to the following website:
Source: National Institute for Healthcare Management.
Select a featured publication of interest to you. Based on the publication that you review,
and to prepare your organization for the change(s) that you foresee, write a paper of 750 to
1000-words to respond to the following:
1. Describe the publication and the issue(s) that it presents.
2. After reviewing the article, identify the type of health care organization that you
would like to work for in the future and explain the implications of this issue to that
organization and to at least two groups of its stakeholders.
3. What are some of the questions that you would need to ask, resources you
might need to access, or actions you would take to prepare your organization for
change or to exploit opportunities?
4. Respond to two of the following questions:
a. Do you see changes arising from this situation to be a boon to patients?
Why or why not?
b. Do you think that government will create regulation relating to this topic
that you will need to comply with?
c. Do you see this issue as having the potential to result in a possible new
profit center for your facility?
Your writing should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar,
punctuation, etc.) and it should be logical, original, and insightful. Finally, ensure that your
paper conforms to Help write my thesis – APA Style, including in-text citations and a reference page.
• Responses to the questions should be written in a clear, detailed manner and observe the
conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
• Double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font.
Kaplan University School of Health Sciences
HS450 Strategic Planning and Organizational Development for
• Include at least two references. The course textbook may count toward the reference
requirement for this Assignment. All references should follow Help write my thesis – APA style format.
• Please be sure to download the file “Writing Center Resources” from Doc Sharing to
assist you with meeting Help write my thesis – APA expectations for written Assignments.

Nurturing Foresight
Ario, J. (2016 August). The ACA’s Section 1332 waivers: will we see more state innovation in health care reform? Retrieved from
The publication was keen on implementing ACA’s Section 1332 waivers that would allow for increased state innovation in the health care reforms and efforts. Section 1332 waivers on ACA will offer protective aspects in promoting health care administration. Even though the Affordable Care Act is politically debated, the publication indicated how the stakeholders in a health reforms environment are keen to implement laws and make incremental changes. It is because radical changes would not be correct in promoting long-term reforms of ACA. Most importantly, it explores the limitations which the states would propose significant and sweeping reforms and adjustments. It is because the federal government was keen to resolve the problems which place the states at challenges with certain ACA provisions. Such legislations and health care programs are important in implementing improved laws and creating proposals on the specific rating practices.
In reviewing the publication by Ario (2016), the type of health care organisation I would like to work in future is a tertiary hospital. It is because the tertiary hospitals including the referral centers face complex problems while dealing with the clients. The hospitals also consist of a specialized form of care including transplant centers and units for general care services. Based on the publication, it shows the health care investment and efforts directed towards the tertiary hospitals. I would feel motivated and satisfied to work in the tertiary hospitals to handle complex health care issues.
The aspect of health care reforms on ACA is important to the expansion of the care services provided by the referral hospitals. ACA reforms will be able to provide funding for the referral and territory hospitals towards expanding the health care coverage and services. The two group of stakeholders involved includes the citizens and the health care organisations. Both stakeholders will need to give their opinion and view on the potential health care forms on the ACA. It shows that innovation aimed at improving the ACA reforms is useful and implements new approaches.
In preparation of health care reforms in the referral hospitals, the questions would include the impacts of the innovation and reforms on the health care operations, the potential changes of ACA to improve health care facilities, and the issue of the investments on innovations and technological advancement in the health care facilities. The resources I would need to access the health care reforms includes investing in quality and talented employees as well as additional capital funds. The actions I would use to enjoy the strategic changes and exploitation of opportunities in health care reforms. I will rely on the government initiatives and efforts to promote innovation and long-term care expansion.
Impacts of ACA Reforms and Innovations
The publication discusses a critical issue of ACA reforms and innovation on expanding health insurance coverage. Such opportunities are critical in expanding the role of the health care facilities to obtain a high level of premiums and access to care services.
I think ACA reforms and changes would bring about positive assistance and progress to the patients. In most states, the patients have been paying high premiums in the hospitals due to the negative impacts of ACA. The reforms would assist in reducing the level of health care insurance coverage and prices. The changes to ACA would ensure that all American citizens can afford the insurance policies offered by the insurers. For example, it would reduce the mandatory insurance premiums to ensure that it is affordable to the American citizens. Such changes to ACA is useful in promoting long-term health care plans and coverage in the society.
I think that the federal government is going to develop regulations on ACA reforms which need all patients and healthcare facilities to comply with. The compliance with the ACA reforms will assist in ensuring that the patients have access to health care at lower insurance cover premiums. I will be forced to comply with the regulations as it will require all health care facilities to implement the ACA reforms and initiatives. The federal government has made efforts in implementing laws and adjustments on the ACA reforms which are critical in promoting innovations of the ACA reforms. In spite of all, the federal government will be keen to work with the state governments create adjacent health care policies and programs to improve the success of the Affordable Care Act changes.
Based on the issue of ACA reforms and innovation, I think that there is no potential for my health care facility creating a new profit center. It is because the health care reforms are seeking to reduce the costs of insurance premiums within the healthcare sector in the United States. It explores the limitations which the states would propose significant and sweeping reforms and adjustments. It is because the federal government was keen to resolve the problems which place the states at challenges with certain ACA provisions.
It is important to understand the nature of the health care facilities about the potential ACA reforms and adjustments. The creation of a new profit center requires the expansion of health scope such as the introduction of cancer regulations (D’Alfonso, Zuniga, Weberg & Orders, 2016). However, the health care forms were keen to improve the health care insurance coverage in the U.S which does not have an impact on the health care centers and services.
In summary, the publication is important in highlighting the key issues relating to ACA reforms. It proposes the important innovations critical in supporting long-term health care reforms and insurance coverage. The federal government has made efforts in implementing laws and adjustments on the ACA reforms which are critical in promoting innovations of the ACA reforms. My tertiary healthcare organisation will need to comply with the reforms on ACA.

D’Alfonso, J., Zuniga, A., Weberg, D., & Orders, A. E. (2016). Leading the future we envision: nurturing a culture of innovation across the continuum of care. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 40(1), 68-75.

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