Trait Criteria Points 1 2 3 4 Critiquing Abstract Contained no Abstract. Contained little information about the abstract Contained moderate information on abstract Contained valuable information on abstract _________ Introduction: Introduction of problem, importance of problem, description of relevant scholarship, and hypotheses and their correspondence to research design Contained no information on introduction. Contained little information about the introduction Contained moderate information on the introduction Contained valuable information on the introduction _________ Critiquing Methods: Subject characteristics, Sampling procedures, Sample size, power, precision Research design, Experimental manipulation or intervention Contained no information about the methods Contained little information about the methods Contained moderate information on methods Contained all information on the methods _________ Results: Recruitment Statistics and data analysis Ancillary analyses Participants flow methods Contained no information on the Results section. Contained little information about the results Contained moderate information on results Contained valuable information on results __________ Assignment help – Discussion Contained no information on Contained little information Contained moderate Contained valuable the discussion section. about the discussion section information on discussion section information on discussion section Read(Outcome2): Grove, S. K., Cipher, D. J. (2017). Statistics for nursing research (2nd ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Inc  Chapters 23 & 24 pages 231-254 (2 hour) Research Topic for Paper Due (2 hours)  Research “Current Healthcare” related issue with substantiative data OCW: 4 Hours 9  Selecting Appropriate Analysis Techniques for Studies (Outcome 2)  Describing the Elements of Power Analysis: Power, Effect Size, Alpha, and Sample Size (Outcome 2) 1. Read(Outcome2): Grove, S. K., Cipher, D. J. (2017). Statistics for nursing research (2nd ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Inc  Chapters 25-27 pages 255-305 (5 hour) Research Paper Sections Due:  Problem statement (1 page)  Purpose (1 page) o Help write my thesis – APA format o Resources within 5 years o Minimum references for this section 3 nursing research articles OCW: 5 Hours 10  Conducting Power Analysis (Outcome 2)  Determining the Normality of a Distribution (Outcome 2) 1. Read(Outcome4): Grove, S. K., Cipher, D. J. (2017). Statistics for nursing research (2nd ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Inc  Chapters 27 & 28 pages 291-318 (2.6 hour) Research Paper Section Due: (5 hours)  Review of literature (3 pages)  MUST define & operationalize all variables o Help write my thesis – APA format o Resources within 5 years o Minimum references for this section 3 nursing research articles OCW: 7 Hours MSN5250 Effective Date: 1/2/2018 Page 5 of 8 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES MSN Program MSN5250 Statistics for Advanced Nursing Practice Syllabus 11  Calculating Descriptive Statistics (Outcome 4)  Calculating Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient (Outcome 4) 1. Read(Outcome4): Grove, S. K., Cipher, D. J. (2017). Statistics for nursing research (2nd ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Inc Chapters 29 & 30 pages 319-348 (3 hour) 2. Correctionsforallsectionssubmitteddue(6 hours)  Help write my thesis – APA format  Resources within 5 years OCW: 9 Hours 12  Calculating Simple Linear Regression (Outcome 4)  Calculating Multiple Linear Regression (Outcome 4) 1. Read (Outcomes 2, 3): Grove, S. K., Cipher, D. J. (2017). Statistics for nursing research (2nd ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Inc 1. Chapters31-33pages349-392(3.3hour) Research Paper Sections Due: (4 hours)  Sample  Statistical Analysis  Hypothetical interpretation of stats  Implications for future study  (3 pages)  Help write my thesis – APA format  Resources within 5 years OCW: 7 Hours 13  Calculating t-tests for Independent Samples (Outcome 3)  Calculation t-Tests for paired samples (Outcome 3)  Calculating Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Post Hoc Analyses Following ANOVA (Outcome 2) 1. Read (Outcomes 2): Grove, S. K., Cipher, D. J. (2017). Statistics for nursing research (2nd ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Inc 2. Chapters34-36pages393-432(4hour) Research Paper Sections due:  Submit week 14 (6 hours) OCW: 10 Hours 14  Calculating Sensitivity and Specificity(Outcome 2)  Calculating Pearson Chi- Square(Outcome 2)  Calculating Odds Ratio and 95% Confidence Intervals(Outcome 2) 1. Complete Term Paper (Outcomes 1, 3, 5, 6)  Topic: “Current Heatlhcare Issue”  A Research Proposal MUST include introduction, problem statement, purpose statement, research question, review of literature, sample planning, methodology, statistical analysis with hypothesis, P-Value, Power of Sample Size  Help write my thesis – APA Format  Minimum of 10 pages excluding title and reference page  Atleast 5 reliable resources including peer MSN5250 Effective Date: 1/2/2018 Page 6 of 8 SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES MSN Program MSN5250 Statistics for Advanced Nursing Practice Syllabus reviewed articles within 5 years should be included in literature review  Include corrections from previous weeks OCW: 24 hours  Review for Final Exam  Term Paper Due  Prepare for Final Exam (4 hours) OCW: 4 Hours 15 16 Final Exam (Outcomes 1-6)

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