As one entry, complete the following requests/questions in sequence:
Justice has been a topic on many people’s minds in your society. ‘It’s not fair; it’s not right!’ Replace the pronoun with a word of your choice and describe why it is not fair and not right.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, healthcare systems around the world, even in highly developed societies with lots of money, have been overwhelmed by the number of patients. There are too many patients and too few staff or equipment or places to put them, to treat each person. Review the topic Merit or Equality: Who Gets to Live?
Should social or moral worth ever be taken into account in deciding who should be treated for COVID-19? Should the pregnant mother be treated before the Nobel Prize winner for Medicine? Should a convict be treated last, after all non-convicts have been treated?
Read through either Thomas Hobbes’ excerpts on pages 366 to 370. Here is question for the Hobbes readers. Hobbes aims low in terms of what he expects of people. Hobbes accepts that people are by nature ‘self-interested’ and that the only way to avoid a perpetual war against everyone is to ‘sign’ a social contract that gives us some moderate freedoms and keeps us from tearing each other to pieces. Has he a point?

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