Week 2 – Journal
IMAR: The Three-Minute Breathing Space
This exercise is quick to perform and is an easy way to begin a regular mindfulness practice. The Three-Minute Breathing Space can be the perfect technique for people with busy lives and minds. The exercise is broken into three sections, one per minute, and works as follows:
1. The first minute:
Answer the question, “How am I doing right now,” while focusing on the feelings, thoughts, and sensations that arise and trying to put them into words.
2. The second minute:
Keep awareness on the breath while gently noticing when the mind wanders to thoughts and then easing back into sustained awareness of the breath.
3. The last minute:
Expand your focus of attention on the breath while observing the sensation of the ins and outs of each breath and how it affects the rest of the body.
It can be rather challenging to keep a quiet mind during this exercise and often thoughts pop up. The idea is not to block those thoughts, but rather just let them come into your mind and then disappear back out again. Try just to observe them.
• Describe your experience with The Three-Minute Breathing Space activity.
• Were you able to observe thoughts as they came into your mind and then allow them to disappear back out again?
• Assignment help – Discuss any mood or emotional responses you felt while doing this exercise.
• How could this activity be used within a human services organization to promote organizational effectiveness?
Your initial post should be 350-400 words
Guerrero, E. G., Aarons, G. A., & Palinkas, L. A. (2014). Organizational capacity for service integration in community-based addiction health services. American Journal of Public Health, 104(4), e40-7. Retrieved from ProQuest database.
McCarthy, D., Kerrisk, M., & Gijbels, H. (2012). Turning recovery principles into practice through leadership. The International Journal of Leadership in Public Services, 8(1), 21-32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/17479881211230646
Implementing Change
Change is inherent in the human services environment as newer models of service delivery and the healthcare system overall continue to evolve. Individual and organizational conflict may occur because change cannot always be avoided. However, if conflict is ignored, it can result in lost time, poor production, and decreased efficiency. When the leader manages conflict well, new ideas as well as informed decision making, and better performance can surface. Implementing change effectively requires skill, knowledge, and experience.

Point Value: 5 Points

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