The Assignment:
Complete the following items and incorporate them into the final version of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan.

Homework help – Write a paragraph that provides a detailed comparison at least two nursing specialties, including your selected specialization and second-preferred specialization.
Homework help – Write a clear and accurate 2- to 3-paragraph justification statement identifying your reasons for choosing your MSN specialization. Provide sufficient evidence of incorporating feedback you received from colleagues in this week’s Assignment help – Discussion Forum.
Clearly identify and accurately describe in detail the professional organization related to the specialization you have chosen to focus on for this assignment and explain how you can become an active member of this organization.

Note: Your final version of the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan should include all components as presented the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan template. Make all corrections to each part based on faculty feedback and submit a final and edited copy of the template (Part 1-Part 6) in correct Help write my thesis – APA format.

Standards of Practice
Psychiatry mental health nurse practitioner provides mental care to groups, communities, individuals, and families. They assess, diagnose, and treat an individual with mental illnesses. On the other hand, family nurse practitioner comprises of registered nurses who collaborate with other healthcare providers to provide family-centered care (Freeth, 2017). They emphasize on the well-being and prevention of illnesses. They can work in homes, schools, hospitals and doctor’s offices (Freeth, 2017). The two nursing specialties have major differences since family nurse practitioner focuses on the family-care while psychiatry mental health nurse practitioner does not provide family-based care. The similarities include the focus on individuals with mental issues or disorders. Therefore, the two focus on assessing, diagnosing, treatment and prevention of diseases.
My specialization is psychiatry-mental health nursing. I choose the specialty since I would like to help families or individuals with mental issues. I was raised up with a brother who had mental problems, which was a huge issue in the family. He always seemed a huge burden due to lack of proper treatment. Therefore, I would like to help other families to access mental health services for relief. The specialty deals with various issues that I am passionate about. They include mood, eating, personality, and anxiety disorders (Fazel, Hayes, Bartellas, Clerici & Trestman, 2016). I believe people can overcome such disorders if they are given the right treatment. I believe many cases of obesity are a result of eating disorders, which are undetected and untreated. I have selected the specialty since I believe the high cases of suicide can be controlled with proper treatment. Psychiatry mental health nurse practitioner addresses suicidal thoughts, which are common in society today (Torous & Firth, 2016). Therefore, I have selected the course since it will solve contemporary issues in society.
I am passionate about working with people who are engaged in drugs and substance abuse. I believe many can overcome all forms of addiction and return to their normal life. Therefore, I have selected the course as a way of finding opportunities to address cases of drug abuse. Additionally, the training will boost my skills in what I am currently doing during my free time, which my colleagues are witnesses. I love reading about anxiety and worry, which is a major cause of various diseases. As a psychiatric nurse, I believe I will help many people overcome stress and anxiety. Moreover, the demand for psychiatric nurses is likely to grow by 20 percent in 2020 (Torous & Firth, 2016). In the psychiatric mental health sector, specialists work in homes, schools, prisons, hospitals, and outpatient health centers. The diversity of the places I can work in also motivated me to select the course.
I have selected Fairview Psychiatry Clinic in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The organization started in 1906 and it so far established 12 hospitals and 110 clinics. I can become an active member of the organization through student internships and training. Later, I aspire to be employed as a full-time nurse in the organization. Through the internships, I will be exposed to real cases involving people with mental issues or disorders. I will remain committed to the organization and request to be retained after the holidays. The hands-on experience will make me realize my dream of helping people to overcome various problems in life.

Fazel, S., Hayes, A. J., Bartellas, K., Clerici, M., & Trestman, R. (2016). The mental health of prisoners: prevalence, adverse outcomes, and interventions. The Lancet Psychiatry, 3(9), 871-881.
Freeth, R. (2017). Humanizing psychiatry and mental health care: the challenge of the person-centered approach. CRC Press.
Torous, J., & Firth, J. (2016). The digital placebo effect: mobile mental health meets clinical psychiatry. The Lancet Psychiatry, 3(2), 100-102.

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