Community Medicine
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Please you this as one of the references:

Community/Public Health Nursing Practice: Health for Families and Populations (Required)
Maurer, F.A, & Smith C.M.
St. Louis, Missouri: Saunders Elsevier, 5th Edition, (2009)
ISBN-10: 1455707627
ISBN-13: 9781455707621

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1. As an occupational health nurse working in a textile factory, you are responsible for planning and implementing health care programs in your facility. Major health needs of your client population include substance abuse, respiratory problems, hypertension, cancer, and back injuries. Although you would like to develop programs reflecting primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of prevention for all the major health needs, inadequate fiscal and human resources prevent you from doing so.
a. Given the scarcity of resources, what health needs would you address first, and why?
b. What level of prevention would your program target?
c. What are the positive and negative implications of your decisions?
d. What additional information do you need to gather to prioritize health needs effectively?

2. Declan is a nursing student enrolled in a public health/community nursing course. As part of Declan’s clinical rotation, he visits a homeless shelter twice a week to provide nursing care to the shelter’s occupants. Declan’s clients experience health issues such as malnutrition, communicable diseases, chronic illnesses, mental health issues, and substance abuse.
a. On Monday, Declan screens the shelter’s children for signs and symptoms of ear infection. The rate of ear infections is ___________ higher among homeless children than the national average.
b. Many of Declan’s clients in the homeless shelter experience mental illness. Declan knows that this subpopulation has a limited chance of escaping homelessness. Why is this? Homework help – Discuss.
c. When Declan assesses the shelter’s occupants for mental health illness, to what mood disorder should he pay particular attention? Why? Homework help – Discuss.

3. Wayne is a public health/community nurse who lives in South Texas. During the summer, Wayne’s community experienced uncontrollable wildfires that devastated the area. Because he lived in the area, Wayne was called upon to help triage and care for victims of the fires. Many of the wildfire victims were Wayne’s family, personal friends, and work colleagues.
a. After the fires were controlled and the most critically ill residents were transported to the hospital, Wayne began recovery efforts. What is Wayne’s priority recovery goal for this population? What steps should Wayne take to reach this goal? Homework help – Discuss.
b. Wayne performs psychosocial assessments on the wildfire victims. Which victims are more likely than others to need crisis intervention? Homework help – Discuss.
c. Wayne is worried about the major health concerns after a disaster and how they may affect his community. What are some of these major health concerns? What can Wayne do to improve the health concerns? Homework help – Discuss.

Community Medicine
1. a.
Taking care of the ill employees would be the first health need to address in the textile factory. The treatment of employees includes dealing with back injuries, hypertension and respiratory problems. The later should be addressed immediately. Illnesses and injuries usually limit workers ability to perform their tasks better (Friis & Sellers, 2014). Thus, it would be appropriate to develop a treatment plan and schedule that will be useful in taking care of the ill employees in the factory. Moreover, it is always important to deal with the medical problems of the population before creating other health development plans.
The primary level of prevention would be appropriate for the proposed program to deal with the major health needs. It will strive to reduce the incidence and prevalence of such health issues as back injuries, respiratory problems, etc. (Maurer & Smith, 2012). The program will rely on evidence of the prevalent diseases and injuries among the employees. The strategy of the primary level of prevention is appropriate for protecting population health.
The health care decisions have both negative and positive implications on the health status of workers in the factory. One of the positive effects is reducing the prevalence of diseases and injuries in the factory population (Townsend, 2014). Lowering the illness rate would improve the productivity of the factory workers as well as expand health care development. In contrast, one of the negative implications is that the decisions would undermine the tertiary level of prevention to reduce the negative consequences of its health care interventions.
To prioritize health needs effectively, it would be important to gather additional information. Supplementary data would include the nature and frequency of the illnesses reported by the population. Precise figures on the prevalence of each disease will be appropriate for prioritizing the health needs. Moreover, the health care interventions existing in the factory would help in understanding the health care needs of the workers. Such information would assist in prioritizing the health care needs efficiently.
2. a.
It is expected that Declan would determine that the rate of ear infection is relatively higher among homeless children than the national average. The environment of the homeless children is hostile compared to the others. For instance, the homeless children are exposed to higher levels of noise pollution, which increases the risks of ear infections. Besides, the exposure to the dusty environment also increases the chances of getting ear infections.
It is highly likely that the subpopulation would not escape homelessness due to their mental illness. The individuals suffering from mental disorders are always disturbed and unable to make the right decisions. The prevalence of mental health issues among the clients of the homeless shelter would limit their opportunity to improve living conditions (Townsend, 2014). The influence of the current health population also restricts the ability of the homeless people to overcome their housing problems. Therefore, Declan will have to come up with housing plans to resolve the homeless problem, which affects his clients.
While assessing the shelter’s occupants for mental health illness, Declan should pay more attention to major depressive disorder. The patients with mental health disorders are significantly exposed to depression. Some external factors such as the lack of proper housing could also lead to depression. Moreover, the shelter’s occupants experience other health issues such as malnutrition, substance abuse, and communicable diseases which increase the prevalence of mental illness. It is important to focus on the cases of depressive disorder among the clients of the shelter since it will help to improve the overall health care outcomes (Friis & Sellers, 2014).
3. a.
Wayne’s priority recovery goal for this population would be to treat the injuries sustained during the wildfires in the community. Treatment of the injuries would be a critical approach to deal with the recovery of the community. It is important for the Wayne to visit injured persons to provide immediate medical care to the victims. Apart from other health care needs and requirements, it is appropriate to pay close attention to improving treatment (Maurer & Smith, 2012). Wayne should take various steps to reach his goal of treating the injured people. The steps include developing treatment plans, assessing a number of the injured persons, and lastly, creating relevant treatment programs.
The injured victims, their relatives and friends need crisis intervention approach. The persons suffered significant traumas, which should be managed appropriately. The management of psychological issues and problems is a major concern in dealing with the potential crisis facing the individuals (Maurer & Smith, 2012). Uninjured individuals and people who did not lose their loved ones do not require any psychological assessment of the impact of the wildfires.
Some of the major health concerns, which would face the community after the disaster, include posttraumatic stress disorder (PSTD), depression, and mental illness. Such concerns would occur due to nature and significant impacts of the disaster on the individuals and their families (Psaila, Schmied, Fowler, & Kruske, 2014). Wayne should develop comprehensive health care treatment and post evaluation plans to assess and intervene accordingly in the process of reducing the major health concerns of the community. In addition, Wayne should seek counseling programs and practices to assist the victims in overcoming their traumatic condition.

Friis, R. H., & Sellers, T. A. (2014). Epidemiology for public health practice (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Maurer, A. F., & Smith, M. C. (2012). Community/public health nursing practice: Health for families and populations (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders.
Psaila, K., Schmied, V., Fowler, C., & Kruske, S. (2014). Discontinuities between maternity and child and family health services: health professional’s perceptions. BMC Health Services Research, 14(1), 4.
Townsend, M. C. (2014). Psychiatric mental health nursing: Concepts of care in evidence-based practice. Philadelphia, PA: FA Davis Company.

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