.blackboard.com/webapps/blackboard/execute/uploadAssignment?content_id=_804820_1&course_id=_21121_1&assign_group_id=&mode=view”>Assignment #1Attached Files Please read the attached case and answer the following questions. Your response should be approximately 2 – 3 pages in length (using 12-point font, double-spacing, and one-inch margins) and submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment. A well-written response will incorporate course concepts and include appropriate reasons, evidence, and/or examples as support for your position. What types of work behaviors did AIG intend to encourage through its retention bonus plan?Which needs seem to be important to the employees of AIG’s Financial Products unit?Which motivation theory do you think has the most relevance for understanding the responses of the Financial Product employees to the implementation and unraveling of the retention bonus plan? Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain the reasoning behind your answer.The amount of compensation earned by executives–as well as by professional athletes and famous actors/actresses and musicians–often sparks emotionally charged debate. Do you believe the $1 million plus retention bonuses received by seventy-three employees of AIG’s Financial Products was excessive? Why or why not?What would you have done if you were one of the seventy-three Financial Products employees who received a retention bonus of $1 million or more? Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain the reasoning behind your answer..blackboard.com/images/ci/sets/set01/assignment_on.gif”>.blackboard.com/webapps/blackboard/execute/uploadAssignment?content_id=_804821_1&course_id=_21121_1&assign_group_id=&mode=view”>Assignment #2Attached Files Please read the attached case and answer the following questions. Your response should be approximately two pages in length (using 12-point font, double-spacing, and one-inch margins) and submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment. A well-written response will incorporate course concepts and include appropriate reasons, evidence, and/or examples as support for your position.Homework help – Discuss the extent to which the characteristics of well-functioning, effective groups accurately describe the Freiburg hip replacement navigation system team.Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain why teamwork is important to effectively solve the problems which field testing of the hip replacement navigation system revealed.Describe how the task functions and maintenance functions are operating within the Freiburg team.How could Stryker utilize insights gained from the experiences of the Freiberg team to address the ongoing quality problems with the actual orthopedic implants?.blackboard.com/webapps/blackboard/content/launchAssessment.jsp?course_id=_21121_1&content_id=_804825_1&mode=view”>Final Exam 1-2014 The following is an open-book exam. Please answer five (5) of the following essay questions. Each question is worth 20 points. Your response should be submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment, using 12-point font, double-spacing, and one-inch margins. A well-written response will incorporate course concepts and include appropriate reasons, evidence, and/or examples as support for your position Give an example of a situation that you and someone else experienced together but perceived differently. Which perceptual biases/distortions might explain the difference in perception?Congratulations, you have just made a PowerPoint presentation to top management that led to cheers and applause from the executive group. Use attribution theory to explain whether the executives will attribute your accomplishment to your internal qualities.Recall that attitudes have three components-affective, behavioral, and cognitive. Suppose that a salesperson is required to sell damaged televisions for the full retail price, without revealing the damage to customers. She believes, however, that doing so constitutes unethical behavior. What predictions would you make regarding the salesperson’s attitude and/or behavior? Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain your answer.John and Mary are full professors in the same medical school department of a large private university. As a private institution, neither the school nor the university makes the salaries and benefits of its faculty a matter of public record. Mary has pursued a long-term (fourteen years) career in the medical school, rising through the academic ranks while married to a successful businessman with whom she has raised three children. Her research and teaching contributions have been broad ranging and award winning. John joined the medical school within the last three years and was recruited for his leading-edge contribution to a novel line of research on a new procedure. Mary thought he was probably attracted with a comprehensive compensation package, yet she had no details until an administrative assistant gave her some information about salary and benefits a month ago. Mary learned that John’s base contract salary is 16 percent higher than hers ($250,000 versus $215,000), that he was awarded an incentive pay component for the commercialization of his new procedure, and that he was given an annual discretionary travel budget of $35,000 and a membership in an exclusive private club. Mary is in a quandary about what to do. Given pressures from the board of trustees to hold down costs associated with public and private pressure to keep tuition increases low, Mary wonders how to begin to close this $70,000 inequity gap. Propose threespecific strategies that would enable Mary to resolve the inequity.Based on your understanding of the job characteristics model, propose three changes you would make to your current (or past) job that would result in greater job enrichment.Describe specific actions you would take as a group leader at each of the five stages of group development to ensure that your group functions smoothly.discussios.blackboard.com/webapps/discussionboard/do/forum?action=list_threads&nav=discussion_board_entry&course_id=_21121_1&conf_id=_24797_1&forum_id=_76073_1″>Week 1 – January 2 – January 8, 2014.blackboard.com/webapps/discussionboard/do/conference?toggle_mode=read&action=list_forums&course_id=_21121_1&nav=discussion_board_entry&mode=view#contextMenu” title=”Options menu: forum”>.blackboard.com/images/ci/icons/cmlink_generic.gif” alt=””> In response to security threats in today’s world, the U.S. government federalized airport security workers. Many argued that simply making screeners federal workers would not solve the root problem: bored, low-paid, and poorly trained security workers have little motivation to be vigilant. Using one of the motivational theories or methods presented in Chapter 5, describe how these employees might be motivated to provide the security that travel threats now demand. Please state the theory/method in the “Subject” field of your posting, and, if possible, select a theory/method that has not yet been discussed by a classmate.42.blackboard.com/webapps/discussionboard/do/message?action=collect&requestType=unread_user_forum&status=unread&nav=discussion_board_entry&course_id=_21121_1&conf_id=_24797_1&forum_id=_76073_1″>2212.blackboard.com/webapps/discussionboard/do/forum?action=list_threads&nav=discussion_board_entry&course_id=_21121_1&conf_id=_24797_1&forum_id=_76074_1″>Week 2 – January 9, 2014 – January 15, 2014.blackboard.com/webapps/discussionboard/do/conference?toggle_mode=read&action=list_forums&course_id=_21121_1&nav=discussion_board_entry&mode=view#contextMenu” title=”Options menu: forum”>.blackboard.com/images/ci/icons/cmlink_generic.gif” alt=””> Complete the Leadership and Influence Self-Assessment located in the weekly modules folder (accessed via the “Course Content” link). Respond only to the questions below that pertain to your particular leadership style:Uninvolved: Devise strategies for developing task-oriented and people-oriented styles. What problems might occur if you do not do so?Task-oriented: How can you develop a more people-oriented style? What problems might occur if you do not do so?People-oriented: How can you develop a more task-oriented style? What problems might occur if you do not do so?Balanced: Do you see any potential problems with your style? Are you a fully developed leader?22.blackboard.com/webapps/discussionboard/do/message?action=collect&requestType=unread_user_forum&status=unread&nav=discussion_board_entry&course_id=_21121_1&conf_id=_24797_1&forum_id=_76074_1″>1013.blackboard.com/webapps/discussionboard/do/forum?action=list_threads&nav=discussion_board_entry&course_id=_21121_1&conf_id=_24797_1&forum_id=_76075_1″>Week 3 – January 16, 2014 – January 23, 2014.blackboard.com/webapps/discussionboard/do/conference?toggle_mode=read&action=list_forums&course_id=_21121_1&nav=discussion_board_entry&mode=view#contextMenu” title=”Options menu: forum”>.blackboard.com/images/ci/icons/cmlink_generic.gif” alt=””> Culture plays an important role in shaping individuals’ behavior within organizations, and consequently, has a significant influence on organizational success. Consider the culture of the organization for which you currently (or used to) work, and answer the following questions:Describe the organization’s culture. In doing so, you may find it helpful to review the dimensions of culture in Chapter 16 of the textbook.How does the culture impact your organization’s performance (either positively or negatively)?In what ways could your organization’s culture be improved?

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