Posted: January 17th, 2023
health economist
that you complete them before the deadline.
3. If you get sick for a prolonged period of time, or if you encounter a verifiable and
genuine emergency, which might preclude you from taking the quizzes prior to the
deadline, you must let me know as soon as possible. If you have a medically veri fiable
reason, I may extend the deadline for you without penalty. Please DO NOT wait after
the deadline to inform me of reasons why you couldn’t take the quiz as the deadline will
not be extended.
Research Paper
As a health economist you will, in your future career, be required to write a paper as a form of
communication with the management of the agency or company you may work for. As such,
you will need to learn how to write and present your projects, proposals, technical solutions, or
anything else you may wish to communicate. In order to learn professional communication
skills, an art that you will be using in the real world, you are required to submit what we will
refer to as a “Research Paper”. In essence, it is a paper you will have to write with the
specifications shown below. However, the nature of what you write could be a presentation of
your scientific research, a proposal for a well-defined project that you manage, a presentation of
a project you were asked to complete, or a technical solution to your agency to improve the
functioning and efficiency of the agency and offering services that the clients/customers of your
organization demand. The topics could relate to any of the Learning Outcomes above. If you
wish to choose a different relevant topic, please contact me to discuss.
Your “Research Paper” paper should be 5 to 10 pages (regular 8.5xll page, double-spaced, font
12 Times Roman), which you will submit before Monday, November 28, 2016 at 10:00 PM.
You are urged to start working on this project alter the second or thirds week of instruction. This
will give you sufficient time to have a clear idea of the nature of Health Economics about which
you will choose to write your “Research Paper”. For example, you may choose to write about
health policy (the role of government in providing health care, your analysis of Affordable Care
Act ACA, regulation of heath care, etc.). You could also write about the operation of a hospital,
a dental office, a clinic. or a health organization of your choice. Here you would examine the
demand and supply of health care, how it is provisioned, whether or not it is efficient, any
creative ideas you may have to improve the provision of health care, etc. Alternatively, you can
analyze a particular health care social issue and analyze how our current health care system is
responding to it. We will discuss a number of such cases through our discussion forum. You are
welcome to choose one partner and write a joint paper as long as the contribution by each author
is clearly demonstrated. This practice allows you to learn collaborative analysis which is
commonplace in the real world.
Please feel free to submit the topic of your choice and a basic outline of your Research Paper
midway through the quarter, if you wish to receive any guidance on how to move forward.
Midterm and Final Exams
There will be a midterm and a final exam. These exams will consist of multiple choice questions
from the chapters we cover. You will need a scantron to take these exams (please see
Blackboard for the specific form of scantron). The exams will be held in class and it will be a
completely closed-book, closed-noted exam. You may use a simple calculator. No electronic
devices (including cell phones, electronic dictionary, etc.) will be allowed in the class during
these exams. You mav be required to bring a picture [D to the class at the time of the
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