Health lnformation Exchange Student’s Name lnstitutional Affiliation ‘ Health lnformation Exchange lntroduction Recently, most health care organizations have been making efforts to transform their health care information exchange operations and records from paper-based to electronic programs. The trend seeks to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the health care information processes. However, the adoption of HlEs faces some various challenges. For instance, the HlEs faces the challenge of getting the vendor who are capable in providing good technology than other vendors. ln addition, the lack of proper standards and access to hospital facilities and lT resources would help to improve longer integration and additional costs. The implementations of HlE projects often leads to integration delays and extra costs. Therefore, the adoption of HlE has helped the health care organizations to improve their overall quality of patients’ data and security of the medical records.
Concept of HlE The concept of health information exchange involves the allowing the health care professionals including nurses, and doctors and other health care providers to obtain access and share their patient medical information through electronic means. HlE is keen on improving the overall quality, speed, and the safety of the patient care services. Even though there is a wide availability of secure data transfer through electronic means, most Americans stores their medical information and data on paper format that are stored in the filing cabinets located in the different medical offices and folders stored in homes of patients. ln addition, HlE cannot fully replace the entire provider-patient communication process. However, it helps in improving the quality and accuracy of the patient’s records and data, current treatment plans and other relevant information.
Structure and Types of HlE The key types of health information exchange include directed, query-based, and the consumer mediated exchanges. The directed exchange gives the patients the capability to send and get secure information through electronic means between the health care providers to enhance coordinated care. For instance, a primary health care provider could be sent electronic care data including medications, lab results and problems to other specialists while referring their patients. Query-based exchange gives the providers the ability to search and request for comprehensive information on the various patients from the different health care providers. The providers depend on the HlE to search and identify available clinical sources on a certain patient. This form of HlE is used when providing unplanned care treatment to the patients.
While, consumer mediated exchange gives the patients the ability to gather information on the use of their personal health information among the care providers. The technology and policies for implementing these three types of HlE are tested and evaluated effectively. Under the consumer-mediated exchange, the clients have complete control over their health data and information making it possible to coordinate their care effectively through various ways. Some of the approaches would entail the offering of health information to other providers and the identification of the correct health information.
Challenges related to HlE HlE faces significant challenges in the health care sector. One of the issues is the demand that HlEs should make proper selection of vendors to improve the delivery of the services. For instance, the health care market is largely dominated by 12 main HlE vendors and other smaller vendors. The HlEs should choose the best vendors to provide better consulting services. A poor selection of the vendors at the initial stages of implementing HlE could adverse to the success of the HlEs. The lack of solid federal standards for the HlEs also affects the implementation of the HlEs and leads to increased costs for integrating the EHRs. There is no specific vendor that dominates the market of the HlEs and the solutions need to supply the health care solutions to the HlEs. Legal costs and the extra time required to create data sharing agreements often slows down the implementation of the HlE projects. ln most occasions, the sharing of information and data between parties is challenge and could be lengthy for the HlE programs. The health care organizations must demand for the creation of viable sustainability financial model to eliminate the potential collapse of HlE because of the lack of funding. The premise of the success of HlEs depends on the ability to have develop sustainable financial model because the public funding might end. Other barriers and challenges to the successful implementation of HlE technology and innovation is the integration of technology into the health care facilities workflow and planning process.
Benefits of HlE for various Stakeholders The health information exchange provides the health care providers and payors with an opportunity to fill their patient records. HlE enables the health care providers with proper care services including encounter notification, portal for developing query on the medical history of the patients, and the reporting of encounters. The advantages of HlE are enjoyed by the varied stakeholders. Among the patients, HlE helps to improve the coordination of the payments, improving the clinical outcomes, promoting transitions of care services, the reduction of unnecessary tests and the improving the patient’s visit experiences. Within the health care providers, the HlEs reduces the health care costs, enhancing meaningful use objectives, the accessibility of critical clinical data, improving the monitoring of the patient movement and management of health conditions, and improving patient satisfaction. For the government, HlE improves the proper understanding of clinical requirements and needs for the patients. lt also promotes the access to public health and data in a timely manner than claims analysis.
Role of Clinical Terminologies and Data Standards in HlE The healthcare sector recognizes the role for standardized terminologies and standards that work as universal adapters to enhance flow of data and information. lt also helps in achieving interoperability amongst the different organization using the different systems. The clinical standards and terminologies help to arrive at consensus on what is difficult. ln spite of all, the multiple terminology standards that exists are not adopted and implemented effectively. The data standards are critical component that is useful for the flow of information through national health information network. Such common data standards are effective in enhancing the overall integration of new knowledge to the support tools.
Significance of Data Quality Characteristics in HlE Data quality characteristics in HlE are significant.
Ascertaining data quality is important and involves ensuring that the health data is accurate and complete. 33%
Ascertaining data quality is important and involves ensuring that the health data is accurate and complete. Quality data demands for a clear understanding of the context and the actual meanings of the data. lt usually involves the standardization of the definitions of data, which forms the fundamental basis for future decision-making. For example, HlE patient identity is usually based on patient identifier, patient demographics, and patient administration management. The efforts to increase data integrity would include the accurate selection of patient as part of the overall internal assessment process.
lnterest As a consumer, l have a strong interest in HlE because of its ability to improve the flow of information from the varied stakeholders. ln the health care facilities, l would be able to access quality information and records in an effective and efficient way. Most importantly, HlE helps in improving the coordination of care services. The coordination of health care services is useful to enhance the long-term efficiency of health care services and programs.
State-Specific HlE Findings The findings from the research work on the State of lllinois use of HlE helped to develop electronic networks that enhances the transmission of health care data between the different health care providers. The state had to create HlE that supports the efficient passage of the health information. HlEs allowed the state to share their data through electronic means within the local community and state area. As such, the HlE is well-designed to enhance efficient access to quality health information and thus, it is more efficient and safer for the health care organizations.
Conclusion ln summary, HlE can be described as the programs and tools that allows for the sharing of data and information of patients with other stakeholders through electronic means. The sharing of important patient information helps to make better decisions and allows the health care providers to improve medical diagnosis, avoid potential medication errors among others. The federal standards are expected to provide clear guidelines and procedures for improving the implementation process of the HlE projects in the health care organization. The HlEs also faces dilemma over whether to select the single-sourced or the multi-vendor HlE options. This results from the dynamic technology environment and the absence of cost-effective clinical innovation and expertise within the market. As such, HlE supports the health care programs to develop and prioritize health care programs to enhance the efficiency of health care services.
References Akhlaq, A., McKinstry, B., Muhammad, K. B., & Sheikh, A. (2016). Barriers and facilitators to health information exchange in low-and middle-income country settings: a systematic review. Health policy and planning, 31(9), 1310-1325.
Alexander, G. L., Rantz, M., Galambos, C., Vogelsmeier, A., Flesner, M., Popejoy, L., … & Elvin, M. (2015). Preparing nursing homes for the future of health information exchange. Applied clinical informatics, 6(02), 248-266.

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