Running head: AT-WlLL POLlCY 1 AT-WlLL POLlCY 3 At-Will Policy Name lnstitution Scenario 1 This policy implies that an employee and the employer can terminate their work at their own will. They can also do this without giving any reason and without producing any warning in advance to each other. Mr. Con may assume he was fired unfairly but he was responsible since he failed to follow the stipulated instructions. According to the company law, this is a valid reason to terminate his employment. His actions could result in a loss of life of a patient or even damage the company since it may result in poor services delivery. The employer’s action was for the good of the company. Since it was not done to evade fulfilling its agreement such as health insurance, commissions or any other compensation. As an employee failing to follow instructions may be a form of disobedience and this may also result in obstructive conducts.
These leads in interference and contradiction with the employer’s set strategies for the companies’ success. This policy is important since it also helps to support public policy. ln that one cannot be fired for claiming his compensation as a result of an injury from work, thus it protects the employees. ln some policy, an employer can fire an employee if they refuse to carry out his request. But under this policy one cannot be fired if he refuses to engage in illegal activities that might have been requested by the employer. The contracts allow the employee to choose where to work at will. This freedom to choose will enable them to work in the best working conditions since they can terminate it if the conditions are not favorable. The policy supports equality since no work can be terminated under discriminative grounds like gender, age or disability (Lindbland, 2017).
Scenario 2 ln the adoption of the new policy, the hospital has the responsibility of informing the required personnel before its effective day. This helps to avoid negligence at work since some may follow the old policies. ln Mr. Con case he wasn’t informed the hospital adopted the policy that’s why it led to him being upset. Administration of treatment in the medical industry majorly focuses on experience, critical thinking, and the doctors’ effective judgment. Having worked for 5years in the hospital, he might have refused to follow the instructions since it contradicted with his judgment and he considered it a wrong choice for the patients. Thus at-will employment is not advisable in hospitals. Treatments administered and conducted tests are majorly based on the majority expert’s opinion. Thus recommendations provided may indeed turn out to be harmful to the patients. Having worked at the hospital for five years means he has a great experience.
The hospital should provide a well-documented report that shows his problems. This will form a basis of his termination hence proving there were no discriminative grounds on the termination. At- will policy should not be adopted in the medical industry since the doctors need to be responsible for their patients. They are bound by contracts that show the duration of service and also sign documents to protect the patient’s privacy. This policy will disrupt the caregiving process since some may terminate their employment to avoid being responsible for medical practices. Medical doctors have to be attentive and pay full attention to the patients to avoid medical malpractices. lmplementation of at-will policy may result in anxiety among the caregivers due to uncertainties of being fired this may lead to poor medical delivery practices resulting in medical malpractices.
Reference Heathfield, S. (2019, May 1). For What Reasons Will an Employer Fire an Employee? Retrieved from Lindbland, M. (2017, September 26). Advantages & Disadvantages of At-Will Employment. Retrieved from

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