Expansion of Hillsboro County Home Health Care

Provision of healthcare services is critical to the society as it affects the productivity and
longevity of the population. On this note, the introduction of Hillsboro county home healthcare
agency has been a significant milestone to the community due to the provision of the critical
services to the people. Since its inception in 1946, the facility has been a pillar that supports the
individuals and offers a wide range of healthcare medication (Seidel & James 2013). The fact
that it is the only accredited institution in the county makes it an important facility that fills the
gap that is present. The management of the facility has been instrumental in ensuring there is
constant expansion and sustainability so that there is continuity in serving the people that live in
the vicinity. Notably, the changes and transformations including the renaming has been a stride
in the right direction as it affirms the commitment of the institution. Nevertheless, the board has
been prudent in the dispensation of its duties including planning for the future, instilling virtues
and values in the workforce and expansion of the various services that are offered. For this
reason, this analysis reflects on the organization with critical reflection on the environmental
analysis, organization structure, mission, vision, values, porter’s five forces, objectives and
action plan that will help the organization achieve its objectives.

Organizational Structure

Hillsboro home agency is dependent on the leadership of the board of directors that are
legible to serve the institution for a three-year term after they are elected to office. It involves an
executive committee comprising of the president, vice president, treasurer and the secretary. The
21 individuals have to be involved in meetings each month to discuss the affairs of the facility.


Apparently, they are involved in the voting of the individuals that will take the leadership roles
of the institution. The main objective of the leaders is to provide a sense of direction, instigate
plans and review the performance of the institution over the period that they serve in office
(Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). They also have to identify the strategic plans and plan for the
board meetings. Before the end of the tenure of the incumbents in office, they have to identify a
number of individuals that will likely replace the people that are in office. Through this process,
there is continuity in the serving the people since there is no power vacuum left after the tenure

The critical objective of the board is to plan for the budget and approve the budgetary
estimates. They also have to review the financial position of the organization so that they identify
the emerging problems and identify the possible solutions that would be critical for the
expansion and development of the facility. Janet Myer is the president of the board and she is
assisted by William Bond. The two individuals play similar roles in the institution as Bond can
deputize Myer in any meeting when she does not attend (Swayne, Duncan & Ginter, 2006).
Notably, they are professionals that have significant experience in various fields, and they bring
their expertise to the institution. Through their leadership, the institution has been making
significant progress including improvement in the quality of services, admission of a large
number of patients and dispensing medication to the population at ease. On the same note, the
board has numerous committees including the executive, finance, professional advisory, public
relations and building and grounds. These groups have a chair a not less than two members each
and they are critical in deciding the future plans of the facility (Pfannstiel, & Rasche, 2017). The
consistency in the communication through frequent meetings is one of the factors that have led to


the improvement in service provision of the facility. Thus, there is a need for continuity of these
approaches as they will aver the performance of the organization.


The mission of the facility is to ensure that it serves the population in the vicinity.
Through this process, the facility has to ensure that there is standardization of services in that
there is constant improvement in the quality of the healthcare treatment that is offered to the
people. On this note, the leaders indicate that they have to indulge primary, secondary and
tertiary prevention measures so that they limit the diseases that affect the people. Since
prevention is a significant mitigation, it will be easier to avoid the illnesses rather than treating
them (Seidel & James 2013). On the same note, the management indicates that it is critical for
the workforce to focus on the reduction of the implications of unavoidable diseases to the
community. It means that the employees have to focus on the critical avenues that they can use to
ensure that many people are not affected by the diseases that could lead to complications that are
hardly treatable.

The leadership indicates the need to focus on collective measures that will reduce the
susceptibility to illnesses. It is affirmed that they have to provide information to the households
that reside in the area while providing any help that they need to improve their lifestyle(Seidel &
James 2013). On the same perspective, the management indicates that it focuses on special
groups and vulnerable populations that could be affected by the conditions that exist in the
environment. Notably, the facility focuses on the promotion and advocacy for a healthy
community that experiences limited number of health complications.



The vision of the facility is to improve the living standards of the people by focusing on
the provision of quality healthcare. On this note, there is a need to promote the health of the
people by focusing on the problems that they may experience in the environment. It includes the
reduction of the negative implications of the diseases and focusing on the possible remedies that
will improve the life of the people. The facility plans to ensure that there is accessibility to all the
healthcare services by the entire community by improving the number of employees and
reducing the lead time used to treat each person (Swayne, Duncan & Ginter, 2006). On this note,
there is a need to focus on the technology that will improve service delivery. In addition to this,
the facility seeks to improve the governance by engaging professionalism in the execution of the
plans. It means that the board will involve other individuals in the selection process such that
there is the engagement of people that has vast experience in the management of the facilities.
The improvement in the quality service provision will be significant in the improvement of the
health of the individuals in the community, and this will aver the contribution of the facility to
the people.

Value Statements

 Hillsboro home agency focuses on the prudence of quality service provision to the
communities that reside in the area. It means that the workforce in the facility has
to work in a professional manner guided by the need to improve the lifestyle of
the population in the area. Over the years, the facility has focused on training the
employees so that they can affirm the value of quality service provision (Seidel &
James 2013).

 , the firm considers governance as a critical value that will have an effect on the
quality of the services that they provide. For instance, they have to be engaged in
the selection of the individuals that will be at the top of the management for a
period not exceeding three years. Through this process, there is the identification
of the preferred individuals that have the experience that is needed to ensure that
the facility continues to improve.
 The firm is concerned with compassion while serving the patients in the facility. It
is apparent that the employees have to treat the clients with sympathy and
empathy by providing the required care and services without discrimination and
prejudice (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). Through this process, the clients are
satisfied with the services that they receive and they become whole again health
wise. In addition to this, it is
 The organization is concerned with the community as it has to ensure that it fills
the gap that is apparent in the community. On this note, there is reliance on the
commitment and diligence when working on the needs of the people in the
community. Moreover, the management states that it is prudent that the facility
should be concerned with the prevention of diseases that could have negative
effect to the population.

Type of Service and Objective

Martha Washington is the executive director of the facility and has identified Home care,
Private Duty and Community Health as the three critical areas of focus(Seidel & James 2013).
The priority area of focus is the provision of treatment and medication to the individuals that


have health issues. The provision of prescription and offering treatment becomes the priority area
since it has the direct effect to the health of the people in the area. The facility has to ensure that
it maintains the quality of services so that there is avoidance of the complications that could arise
from the situation.

The facility indicates that it focuses on the prevention of the diseases that could affect the
individuals that live in the area. For this reason, there is the identification of the primary,
secondary and tertiary preventive measures that will jell with the interests of the people. The
management has been prudent in the dispensation of these methods and it has been successful
since many people no longer have to deal with the health complications. For example, the facility
in involved in immunization of some of the common diseases such as polio. In addition to this,
the facility focuses on the sensitization and awareness creation in the community so that the
individuals have the critical information they can use to protect themselves from some of the
common diseases. Through this process, there is the dissemination of information relating to
some of the diseases such as HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. The continuity
in such initiatives provides a buffer to the people as they have the data that will help them to take
care of their lives (Walston, 2018). Over the years, the facility has focused on the allocation of
resources that will specifically be used to protect the community, and this has been helpful since
the number of individuals that are affected reduce significantly.

The objective of the facility is to deal with social issues that affect the community. Some
of the significant issues include teenage pregnancy, increase in the spread of sexually transmitted
diseases and deterioration of the life of the senior citizens. On this note, the facility focuses on
the specific approaches that it will use to avert the possible problems that could emanate from


each situation (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). For example, the sensitization and awareness
creation limits the extent of sexually transmitted diseases and the teenage pregnancies. On the
same note, there is the provision of home care for the aged individuals since they may not have
the capacity to check into the hospital to receive the treatment that they need (Swayne, Duncan
& Ginter, 2006). The provision of numerous nurses that attend to such a population improves the
commitment of the facility to serving the people. In addition to this, there is the provision of
professional advice to the community as the board that controls this perspective is concerned
with the progress of the community and improvement of their health. Moreover, there is the
focus on public relations where the facility has to engage the communities to understand their
problems and find the possible ways that will be critical in solving the prevalent problems that
affect the individuals.

Method of Identifying Needs

The facility engaged researchers to identify the specific gaps that exist in the community
so that there is determination of the priority areas. Through the studies, it was noted that the
critical areas include provision of homecare, private duty and the health of the community.
However, the findings were that there is a need to improve the number of nurses and
practitioners involved in delivery of services at home.

Core areas of focus


core areas
home care
private duty
community health

Environmental Assessment

The environmental assessment defines the strategic placement of the facility and how it
executes its tasks when serving the community. The critical area of focus is the professional
management team that has a large number of experienced specialists. For example, the presence
of individuals with specialization in finance, management, strategy formulation and management
of patients makes it easy for the facility to serve the needs of the people (Seidel & James 2013).
On this note, the facility continues to prioritize the involvement of individuals that have the
capacity and capability of managing the issues that affect the patients that need the treatment
from the institution.

The executive director indicated that there is a need to focus on home care as a critical
perspective that will affect the lives of the people in the society. For this reason, there is the
investment in the provision of a large workforce that will ensure that all these issues are executed
diligently. For example, the firm focuses on the availability of nurses that provide home care so


that all the individuals that have difficulty accessing the facility are treated in their homesteads.
Through this process, there is the avoidance of various complications such that the patients can
regain healthy status within a short time (Pfannstiel, & Rasche, 2017). In addition to this, the
approach ensures that there is the reduction of queues in the institution, and this leads to
provision of quality healthcare services since the practitioners have limited pressure when
serving the clients.

The facility is the only medically accredited institution in the area, and this increases the
population’s reliance. Notably, it is a reliable healthcare organization that focuses on the needs of
the community and offers a wide range of services so that the individuals are satisfied with all
the services that they receive. On the same note, it is apparent that the facility has noted its
importance in the community and this has led to the improvement of the quality of services. Over
the years, the organization seeks to make changes that will show its focus on the improvement of
the health factors in the region (Seidel & James 2013). Some of the approaches that the facility
uses are the increase in allocation of resources, increase in the number of employees and
focusing on training to equip the workers with the skills that are needed to improve

Service Area Assessment

The facility has identified a number of programs that will be critical in the provision of
the services to the people. First, the management under the leadership of Martha Washington has
stated that home care is a critical service area as it will affect the morbidity of the individuals that
live in the county. For this reason, there is a need to increase the number of individuals that offer
the services to the people in their homes, and this will help the facility to attain its goals of


treating all the clients at the right moment (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). The second area of
service includes private duty where the facility has to work with the clients to offer a solution to
all their problems. It includes treatment to some of the prevalent diseases that affect each person
that lives in the community. In addition to this, the management indicates that it has to focus on
community health. It includes the provision of solutions to some of the problems that emanate
from social issues.

Since the community has a wide range of problems that could affect different people, it is
critical to identify the most appropriate approaches of solving the challenges and providing
preventive measures at all times. Through this process, it is easy to manage the healthcare
services of the community since there is a reduction in the susceptibility of the people.
Moreover, the facility identifies the vulnerable populations including the aged citizens in the
vicinity. There are at risk of infections and deterioration of their health due to the limited care
that they receiver from close family members (Swayne, Duncan & Ginter, 2006). At some point,
some of them are neglected yet they do not have the independence of doing chores such as
personal hygiene. The process may lead to complications of their health, and this could lead to
premature death. On this note, there is a need for the facility to identify remedies for such
situations and explore the various approaches that they can use to help such people. Notably, the
facility has been instrumental in helping such individuals and this has improved the living
standards on the people in the community.

Porter’s Five Forces

Hillsboro home agency has been in the provider of healthcare services for more than half
a decade in the county. However, it is critical to reflect on the various factors that could


influence its dedication to provision of services to the people in the area(Seidel & James 2013).
For example, it is imperative to focus on the bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, threat of
new entrants, substitute products and the threat of rivals.

The Threat of new entrants is constrained by the fact that the government requires the
facilities to have requisites, prerequisites and requisites. For instance, they need to have
certification that affirms the buildings are safe for the clients. Additionally, the management has
to have specific requirements such as the level of education and a workforce that has the required
skills and knowledge. For this reason, it is a complex situation when a new facility is to be
introduced in the area. Thus, Hillsboro may continue to be the only accredited institution that
provides the healthcare services in the area unless other individuals go through the painstaking
process of receiving the accreditation(Seidel & James 2013). In addition to this, such facilities
require a significant amount of resources to provide the services to the community. In fact, they
may need sponsorship and donations from well-wishers to continue with the service provision.
Since it is not easy to get such individuals that will provide the capital and the factors of
production, it is not easy for new entrants to start serving the people in the area.

The threats of substitutes in this case are significantly low despite the presence of
alternative medicinal approaches that are practiced by various individuals. The population in the
area believes that modern medicine is effective in treating a number of medical problems that
they experience. For this reason, there is a limited demand for the traditional medicine that is
offered in the area. Notably, most of the individuals that reside in the region are literate, and they
are likely to select the treatment in the facility rather than opting for the other methods that are
hardly trusted (Walston, 2018). Therefore, Hillsboro home agency remains to be a priority choice


of the people in the area, and this makes it a dependable institution for the people(Seidel &
James 2013). Irrespective of the emergence of the additional treatment measures, the facility will
continue to serve the individuals, and this will increase its performance in the community as it
will be a pillar that supports their lifestyles.

The Bargaining power of suppliers has a significant impact to the performance and
service delivery of the institution in the community. Notably, the facility depends on the
distributors to provide the medicine that will be used to treat the patients. At this stage, the
management of the institution has limited control on some of the factors such as the pricing of
the medication. Accordingly, some of the suppliers intentionally distribute brand-name
medication to the institution yet this has a significant implication to the costs that the clients will
incur. Ideally, the individuals in the trade use this approach so that they can increase the profits
that they collect from the institutions and patient (Swayne, Duncan & Ginter, 2006)s. On this
note, the institution has limited course of action that they can take since they need the medicine
to treat the patients. In particular, they will only have to wait for the regulators such as the
federal and local government to institute control measures so that there is a reduction in the
amount of money that people spend on medication.

The Bargaining power of buyers is a critical perspective that could affect the provision of
quality services to the population. Notably, the absence of immediate rival in the provision of
health services reduces the bargaining power of the buyers since they do not have any other
option. On this note, the facility has to focus on the health status of the individuals and identify
the various ways that it can use to ensure that the individuals are satisfied with the healthcare that
is provided. Nevertheless, the facility is a not-for-profit firm that focuses on the health of the


community (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). On this note, some of the individuals have financial
constraints such that they may not afford the services that are provided. Nevertheless, the facility
has to focus on the delivery of the services and improving the living standards of the individuals.
For example, most of the senior citizens that reside in the area are dependent on the sandwich
population, and this makes it almost impossible for the individuals to get all their basic needs. In
such a situation, the work of the facility is complicated in that there is a need to provide a wide
range of services including the basic needs such as food and shelter. However, the management
has to focus on the possible approaches that it can use to ensure that the health conditions of the
individuals continue to improve.

The threat of rivals in the region is significantly low since the Hillsboro home agency is
the only accredited institution in the area. The lack of competitors makes it easy for the company
to execute its activities, but it also has the negative implications linked to the situation. For
instance, the facility has to provide all the services that the community needs since there is no
substitution. In such a case, the lives of individuals that have complex medical situations are at
risk especially when there is no professional that can treat the condition. In times of emergency,
there is no other institution that can deal with the situation, and this increases the risks of losing
lives in the area (Swayne, Duncan & Ginter, 2006). In addition to this, there is the possibility of
laxity at the place of work since the workforce understands that the population will always
depend on the institution due to the lack of another service provider. In such a situation, the
management has to focus on internal control measures to ensure that the employees execute their
tasks in a diligent manner and they do not entertain complacency in the service provision.
Additionally, the leadership will have to make continuous changes since they do not have
another institution that they can use to make comparisons. Thus, functioning as a loner in the


community will be a complex task that will require constant transformation and evaluation of the
service provision.

Porter’s five forces chart

Five forces Importance 1-5

Less Important – 1

Moderate – 3

very important – 5

Level of threat

Low – 1

Medium – 3

High – 5

Weighted mean

Threat of substitutes 1 1 1
Threat of entry 3 3 9
Threat of rivalry 1 1 1
Bargaining power of suppliers 5 5 25
Bargaining power of buyers 5 3 15
Total 51

The chart above evaluates the level of threat and importance of each of the five forces.
Ideally, the results show that the facility is at a strategic place in that the level of threats is
significantly low.

SWOT analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
Influential in the community Single facility that cannot serve the


Strong organizational culture

Competence in home care, private duty
and community health

interests of all the population

Lack of control measures to regulate
pricing of the services

Opportunities Threats
Expansion to serve a larger capacity
including in-patient and out-patient

Provision of primary, secondary and
tertiary prevention to the community

Ease of entry of new service providers

Reliance on alternative medication such
as traditional medicine



Hillsboro home agency focuses on the critical areas including the home care, private duty
and the health of the community. However, it has three objectives that it has to accomplish in the
future. The first area of focus is the reduction in the cost of treatment(Seidel & James 2013). It is
noted that the costs of service provision have increased significantly over the past years, and this
affects the ability of the people to request for the treatment. In many instances, the individuals
have limited resources due to the lack of employment and old age. Thus it is imperative that the
situation changes so that people can access the treatments without worrying about the resources
that they have.

The facility notes that flow of information is a critical approach to the prevention of
various scourges including waterborne diseases, sexually transmitted diseases and lifestyle
illnesses. For this reason, there is a need to increase sensitization and awareness creation in the
community so that many people have information about some of these diseases and they can find
the best approaches to use to avoid them (Swayne, Duncan & Ginter, 2006). On this note, the
facility has to focus on the creative and inventive approaches that will help in dissemination of
information to the people.

The facility affirms that there is a need to increase the number of visits to the senior
citizens as this will have a significant influence to their health. On this note, there is a need to
refocus on the emergency visits to clients that have expressed a risk in their health (Pfannstiel, &
Rasche, 2017). Through this process, there is the capacity to reduce the premature deaths that
occur especially to individuals that have been known to have chronic diseases. Through this
process, it will be easy for the facility to create positive impact to the community.

Action Plan


The reduction of the costs of treatment in the institution will be dependent on an action
plan that involves the internal management and other external parties. For instance, the facility
can lobby for the government to provide initiatives that control the pricing of some of the
medications. Additionally, the institution can rely on the producers of generic medicine as they
are affordable when compared to brand-name medicine(Seidel & James 2013). On this note, the
facility can provide a ceiling of the pricing of the medication so that they control the expenses
that arte incurred in the procurement process. In the end, the clients will not have to pay
exorbitantly for the medication that they receive.

The facility has to focus on the allocation of resources that will be used in sensitization
and awareness creation. It includes identification of institutions that specialize in certain
activities including the control of sexually transmitted diseases, caring for the elderly and
prevention of other prevalent diseases (Pfannstiel, & Rasche, 2017). Through this process, there
is the ability to reach out to a large group of people and reduce susceptibility to diseases.

The facility will have to increase the wage bill and ensure that it employs more workers
that will execute the emergency treatments to the individuals that are vulnerable (Swayne,
Duncan & Ginter, 2006). On this note, the facility can identify the qualified volunteers that can
preform such tasks. Through this process, it is easy to improve the quality of life of the
individuals without depleting resources.

Internal and External Communication Strategy

The facility has to identify the effective communication approaches including having
weekly meetings that involves the management. Through this process, there is the discussion of


all issues affecting the institution, and remedies are developed. On the same note, the facility will
have to use technology in communication, and this includes having a server to store information
and relaying data through emails. In the external aspect, the leadership will have to indulge
public relations manager that disseminates information to the external parties. The use of both
formal and informal communication formats will be critical as it helps to create a rapport.



Buchbinder, S. B., & Shanks, N. H. (2012). Introduction to health care management. Burlington
(MA, USA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Pfannstiel, M. A., & Rasche, C. (2017). Service business model innovation in healthcare and
hospital management: Models, strategies, tools. Cham, Switzerland : Springer Science
and Business Media.

Seidel, L. F., and James B. L. (2013). Middleboro Casebook : Healthcare Strategy and
Operations. Health Administration Press, 2013. ProQuest Ebook Central.

Swayne, L.. E., Duncan, W. J. & Ginter, )P. M. (2006). Strategic Management of Health Care
Organizations. Blackwell Publishing.

Walston, S. L. (2018). Strategic healthcare management: Planning and execution. Washington,
DC : Association of University Programs in Health Administration.

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