Question description

Research Paper 
3-pageresearch paper critique
The paper
will be submitted through safe assignment (plagiarism program)
Reviews and meta-analyses are not to be used; selected article should have
methods, results, and discussion sections 
(ask if unsure)
The article should be from the past 5 years (exceptions upon approval)
The paper should address each of the following points
1.  The paper will start with an
introduction paragraph.
2.  Homework help – Discuss the study purpose and
hypothesis; why was this research conducted? 
That is, what was the deficiency in the knowledge base (a void that
needed addressing)?  2+ references
3.  Which research design was used in
this research and what is the evidence supporting your choice? (choices:  survey, epidemiological, cohort, or
experiment [such as RCT]) (note: reviews and meta-analysis are not permitted
for paper)
4.  Homework help – Discuss the validity of the research
methods:  are the investigators using
good measurement techniques?  What is
your evidence? (this evidence is usually presented in the methods section) Is
the sample population appropriate?  Is
the behavior or trait being measured properly? 
2+ references suggested
5.  Homework help – Discuss the results – was the
hypothesis accepted or rejected?  State
the most important results using some actual data from the paper
6.  Homework help – Discuss how these data may be useful
to the public  2+ references

What is the next step?  What future research needs to be
conducted? 2+ references suggested
End the paper with a summary
paragraph to integrate and conclude concepts/ideas/possibilities
Your final paper should have at
least 9 references (including the study that is being critiqued – references
are to be from the research literature and not websites.  Use Pubmedto help search for references –
you need to be in the ASU system for link to work).
Do not use any quotes – state information in your own
words.  (Quotes are rarely used in
scientific writing in the nutrition field.)
Do not use 1st
references cited in the paper must follow the American Medical
Association style. Research essay writing service – MLA format

citations should be made using numeric superscripts; number them in the
order of appearance.

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