Homework help – Discussion: Health Issues: From Global to Local
It is often said that the world is “becoming smaller.” Among the justifications for statements such as this is that people are more mobile than ever before, more likely to visit other countries, and more likely to be consumers of products shipped from other countries.

While there are many benefits to being citizens of a smaller world, there are also some disadvantages. Among these is the threat of disease and other health problems that originate elsewhere. What begins as a local health problem can quickly become a national or even an international health problem. As a nurse leader, you could be called upon to not only to help treat such issues but to help inform and educate your local population about the threat.

In this Homework help – Discussion, you will examine one global healthcare issue and consider your potential role as a source of information for the population you serve.

To Prepare:

Review the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global health agenda in the Resources.
Identify and select one health issue at the global level that has implications at the local level.
Reflect on how a nurse leader might work with local authorities to inform and educate the local population about the global health issue you selected.
Global Healthcare Issues and Policies

Health Issues
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a hemorrhagic fever that causes organ failure, severe bleeding eventually death. In 2014, the United States recorded the first case of travel associated Ebola (Largent, 2016). A man who had traveled from West Africa to Dallas, Texas, at the height of the Ebola epidemic was diagnosed with the virus. The role of the nurse in such a case is to inform people to be cautious of the symptoms of the disease and report them immediately (Hall & Kashin, 2016). I would also advise the government to ensure they screen people leaving West African countries to America. Additionally, I would recommend the government to screen people from West African during their entry into America to prevent the potential threat. I would work closely with hospitals to ensure they remain ready to handle cases of Ebola. The government should thus deploy the necessary funds, medicine and specialists to be on standby to prevent further spread of the disease.
A nurse leader it would be essential to wipe out the source of the problem. I would, therefore, work closely with local authorities to deploy medical practitioners in the affected countries. The practitioners will train other local medical practitioners on how to handle the case (Hall & Kashin, 2016). It would also limit people from flying out of the country to seek treatment. I would recommend the government to establish more research centers to advance the research on Ebola treatment and prevention. The collaboration with local authorities would help draft policies on how the healthcare sector can be ready to tackle such a disease to prevent deaths (Veenema, 2018). Working with local authorities would lead to the implementation and evaluation of the necessary policies.

Hall, L. M., & Kashin, J. (2016). Public understanding of the role of nurses during Ebola. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 48(1), 91-97.
Largent, E. A. (2016). Ebola and Fda: Reviewing the response to the 2014 outbreak, to find lessons for the future. Journal of Law and the Biosciences, 3(3), 489-537.
Veenema, T. G. (Ed.). (2018). Disaster nursing and emergency preparedness. Springer Publishing Company.

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