HRM502 – Human Resource Management
Table of Contents
Subject Summary …………………………………………………………………………………………………….2
Subject Coordinator …………………………………………………………………………………………………2
Subject Coordinator……………………………………………………………………………………..2
Email …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2
Consultation procedures ………………………………………………………………………………2
Subject Overview……………………………………………………………………………………………………..3
Learning outcomes……………………………………………………………………………………….3
Subject content ……………………………………………………………………………………………3
Key subjects…………………………………………………………………………………………………3
Subject Schedule & Delivery ……………………………………………………………………………………..4
Prescribed text……………………………………………………………………………………………..4
Class/tutorial times and location …………………………………………………………………..4
Learning materials………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Learning, teaching and support strategies ……………………………………………………..6
Recommended student time commitment …………………………………………………….7
Assessment Items …………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
Essential requirements to pass this subject…………………………………………………….7
Items …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8
Presentation: Critical evaluation of HR……………………………………………….9
HR Business Report…………………………………………………………………………14
Role Play – Wearing Different Hats…………………………………………………….21
Assessment Information …………………………………………………………………………………………25
Academic integrity ……………………………………………………………………………………..25
How to submit your assessment items …………………………………………………………26
Online submission process………………………………………………………………26
Postal submission process ………………………………………………………………26
Hand delivered submission process …………………………………………………26
Alternative submission process ……………………………………………………….26
How to apply for special consideration…………………………………………………………27
Penalties for late submission……………………………………………………………………….27
Resubmission …………………………………………………………………………………………….28
Feedback processes ……………………………………………………………………………………28
Assessment return………………………………………………………………………………………28
Student Feedback & Learning Analytics ……………………………………………………………………28
Evaluation of subjects …………………………………………………………………………………28
Changes and actions based on student feedback ………………………………………….28
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Learning analytics ………………………………………………………………………………………28
Services & Support …………………………………………………………………………………………………29
Develop your study skills …………………………………………………………………………….29
Library Services ………………………………………………………………………………………….29
CSU Policies & Regulations………………………………………………………………………………………29
Subject Outline as a reference document……………………………………………………..29
Subject Summary
HRM502 – Human Resource Management
Session 1 2019
Faculty of Business, Justice and Behavioural Sciences
School of Management and Marketing
Internal Mode
Credit Points 8
Welcome to a new session of study at Charles Sturt University. Please refer to the University’s
Acknowledgement of Country (
Subject Coordinator
Subject Coordinator Ali Syed
Email [email protected]
Phone (03) 9935 7975
Consultation procedures
Lecturer Name : Genna Kaur
Lecturer Email : [email protected]
(mailto:[email protected]) (mailto:[email protected])
Email is the best option to contact your lecturer. Please send a brief message regarding the
issue and include the subject name and subject code in your email. If your query is urgent then
meet your Course Coordinator at Level 4, 30 Church Lane.
Class times and location
General Timetable as below will be available at the following website before the start of
201930 semester, which can be accessed on any Mobile Phone or IPAD:
(mailto:[email protected])
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Subject Overview
This subject is an introduction to human resource management in organisations, with a focus
on developing technical solutions that are practical and effective in meeting business goals.
Studying this subject will help you to make a difference to the performance of your
organisation or your part of an organisation, as well as helping you to develop broader skills in
critical thinking, communication, research and group learning.
Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this subject, students should:
• be able to provide realistic, theoretically-sound and well-informed technical HR
solutions to meet the business requirements of organisations;
• be able to propose and critically evaluate plausible alternative HR solutions to
business problems;
• be able to engage with contemporary digital platforms to develop, communicate and
review HR solutions;
• be able to work effectively with peers to develop, synthesise and negotiate group
responses to HR problems through role play and other group processes;
• be able to access, appraise and critically apply academic and professional literature in
the formulation of business-relevant HR recommendations and solutions; and
• be able to reflect on learning processes that involve individual, group and technologymediated environments.
Subject content
This subject is an introduction to human resource management at postgraduate level. The
subject covers the major HRM practices used in contemporary organisations, with a focus on
evidence-based practice critical thought and informed practical application.
Key subjects
Passing a key subject is one of the indicators of satisfactory academic progress through your
course. You must pass the key subjects in your course at no more than two attempts. The first
time you fail a key subject you will be at risk of exclusion; if you fail a second time you will be
excluded from the course.
The Academic Progress Policy ( sets out
the requirements and procedures for satisfactory academic progress, for the exclusion of
students who fail to progress satisfactorily and for the termination of enrolment for students
who fail to complete in the maximum allowed time.
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Subject Schedule & Delivery
Prescribed text
The textbooks required for each of your enrolled subjects can also be found via the Student
Portal Textbooks ( page.
Kramar, R., Bartram, T., De Cieri, H., Noe, R., Hollenbeck, J., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. (2017).
Human resource management in Australia – Strategy, people, performance (5th ed.).North
Ryde: McGraw-Hill.
Class/tutorial times and location
Your class times can be found at Timetable @ CSU ( Find out
how to use Timetable @ CSU via the Student Portal Class Timetable
( page.
Subject and Assessment Schedule
Week Commencing Topics Learning activities/assessments
1 4 March Topic 1: HRM
making a
Textbook reading, Chapters 1 & 2.
2 11 March Topic 1: HRM
making a
3 18 March Topic 2: HR
planning & work
Textbook Chapters 6 & 7: Can innovative
capability be planned? Should all organisations
be innovative? Should they try? What is HRs
role in an innovation strategy?
Assessment 1 (Critical Evaluation of HR)
Due: 22 March 2019
4 25 March
Topic 2: HR
planning & work
Deconstructing role play in HRM502 (Topic 2 –
What approach to work design should CERA
adopt?) Preparation: CERA website and topic 2.
Impacts of artificial intelligence on work.
Census for Session 1: Friday 29th March 2019
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5 1 April Topic 2: HR
planning & work
Is planning redundant?
6 8 April Mid Session Break
7 15 April Mid Session Break
8 22 April Topic 2: HR
planning & work
Share your stories on the discussion board
regarding word design practices.
Assessment 2 (HR Business Report) Due: 26
April 2019
9 29 April Topic 3: Diversity,
recruitment &
Textbook reading: Chapters 8 & 9. Good practice in
selection & what difference does it make?
10 6 May Topic 4:
management &
Textbook reading: Chapters 10, 13 & 14. Are there
‘right’ jobs for people, in terms of good
performance? Should performance management
be abandoned? Can we do better?
11 13 May Topic 4:
management &
If the reward is so broad, what is the role of
money? How to make your reward policy work?
Are theories of motivation useful in practice?
12 20 May Topic 5: Employee
development in the
Textbook reading: Chapters 11 & 12. Is informal
learning ‘better’ than formal programs? How can
we get the most from the training dollar? Who
should pay?
13 27 May Topic 5: Employee
development in the
Making development work in your organisation,
your stories and experiences.
Assessment 3 (Role Play) Due: 31 May 2019
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14 3 June Topic 6: Workplace
health & safety
Textbook reading: Chapter 4. Is WHS as long as a
piece of string? What is good practice? Have we
gone too far?
Learning materials
Details of learning materials that support your success in this subject can be found in the
Interact2 Subject Site.
Learning, teaching and support strategies
Email ([email protected]) is the best way to contact me as I am not always on campus. Please
send a brief message regarding the issue and include the subject name and code in your email
– it really helps to know which class you belong to as I maybe running more than one subject.
The best way to study this subject is to read the relevant textbook chapter and prepare
yourself to engage within the online activities as listed within the subject and assessment
schedule before joining the online session and to participate in the discussion forums. This
will give you a feel for the topic and help you to get more value from the lecture and
discussion. From time to time, I will upload relevant news journals to the i2 site for the subject.
These items will give you insight into real world HR practice. Learning is always a two-way
street. If you do your part in preparing for our online sessions, and being an active participant,
share your workplace stories, you will enjoy the subject and you will be much better
positioned to succeed.
HRM502 introduces the human resource management (HR) function to postgraduate students.
It is taught using a continuous case developed for the subject, focusing on an authentic, but
fictional, organisation, Civil Engineering & Research Associates (CERA). A website for the
company in on the HRM502 Interact2 (I2) site.
There are four things to do in order to study the subject successfully;
1. Read the subject outline, taking note of the requirements and deadlines.
2. Post a short introduction under the ‘Homework help – Discussions’ tab, which you’ll find in the link
called, ‘Time to introduce yourselves’, on the HRM502 I2 site. Tell us a little about
yourself, what your experience in the HR field entails, and whether your new to CSU or
an experienced hand.
3. Record due dates for all assessment items in your calendar. If any of the due dates
conflict with your work commitments, please email me immediately in order to
resolve your concern.
4. Begin to work through each topic using the subject outline to guide you. The subject
outline is also provided to you as a link on the I2 site.
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5. Plan your study so that you will be able to complete the assessment tasks by the due
Here are some videos that give a flavour for HRM;
This short video (approx 2 minutes) outlines the transformation from personnel management
to HRM.
Jack Welch on the role of HR (Approx 2 minutes)
Steve Jobs talking about managing people
An introduction to the world of e-HRM. (Approx 5 minutes)
A slightly longer video: TED talk on putting the ‘human’ back into human resources (approx 10
Recommended student time commitment
Each week you should spend around 10-12 hours studying this subject. Some weeks may
require more time than others depending on how you work.
The following is a guide only.
1. Online topics – critical reading, note taking, thinking – 8 hours
2. Preparation of assessments – 3 hours
3. Participation in online meetings – 1 hour
Assessment Items
Essential requirements to pass this subject
You must obtain a total mark of at least 50% in order to pass this subject. To be eligible for the
grade AA you must have submitted all assessment items in this subject. If you choose not
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to complete an assessment item and receive an overall mark between 45 and 49 then you will
not be granted an AA.
Item No. Title Value Due Date* Return Date**
1 Presentation: Critical evaluation of HR 30% 22-Mar-2019 12-Apr-2019
2 HR Business Report 50% 26-Apr-2019 20-May-2019
3 Role Play – Wearing Different Hats 20% 31-May-2019 25-Jun-2019
* Due date is the last date for assessment items to be received at the University
** Applies only to assessment items submitted by the due date
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Assessment item 1
Presentation: Critical evaluation of HR
Value: 30%
Due Date: 22-Mar-2019
Return Date: 12-Apr-2019
Length: 10 Minutes
Submission method options: Alternative submission method
This assessment task has four (4) parts.
Each student is required to submit a personally delivered (video-recorded) presentation
containing all four topics listed below using PowerPoint and CSU Replay. Instructions on how
to use CSU Replay are included within the HRM502 Interact2 site. The presentation should be
no more than 10 minutes. Use up to three (3) slides per topic, 1 slide for the title page, and 1
slide for references. Fourteen (14) slides in total.
A. Evidence-based HRM, a specific application of the broader term “evidence-based
management”, is a cornerstone in this subject. Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain what is meant by this term, using at
least two (2) information sources from academic journals to support your argument. Why is
evidence-based HRM important in HR practice?
B. Find any two (2) online information sources that you believe would be useful to Israel Tobin
in persuading Mark French of the strategic value of the HR function in CERA. (The sources do
not need to be used by Israel in full – they are to inform his presentation.) Briefly, explain how
each source might be used to support Israel’s pitch to Mark French and the CERA executive
C. Using the CRAP test (, evaluate the
two sources that you used above.
D. Draw conclusions regarding the nature of the information that should be used to inform
Flexible Assessments:
A Study Planner tool has been provided with this subject to support the assessment process.
This tool provides information about the submission flexibility of assessment tasks, and a way
to organise adjustments to submission dates. A link to the Study Planner can be found on the
Interact2 subject site.
Subject learning outcomes
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to provide realistic, theoretically-sound and well-informed technical HR
solutions to meet the business requirements of organisations.
• be able to propose and critically evaluate plausible alternative HR solutions to
business problems.
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• be able to engage with contemporary digital platforms to develop, communicate and
review HR solutions.
Graduate learning outcomes
This task also contributes to the assessment of the following CSU Graduate Learning
Outcome/s (
• Academic Literacy and Numeracy (Skill) – CSU Graduates demonstrate the literacy and
numeracy skills necessary to understand and interpret information and communicate
effectively according to the context.
• Information and Research Literacies (Skill) – CSU Graduates demonstrate the skills
required to locate, access and critically evaluate existing information and data.
• Digital Literacies (Skill) – CSU Graduates use, create, communicate and share
multimodal information in digital environments.
• Ethics (Application) – CSU Graduates form judgements and apply ethical decision
making and reasoning to identify creative solutions to ethical problems.
• Professional Practice (Application) – CSU Graduates exercise professionalism, initiative
and judgement in decision making, actions and evaluation in professional practice at
the level of a beginning practitioner or professional.
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Marking criteria and standards
Marking guide for Assessment 1
Criterion and
High distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Evidence-based HRM
and critical analysis
of sources.
Total Mark: /25
Describes evidencebased HRM correctly.
Demonstrates ability
to critique the nature
of sources using
relevant criteria that
unpacks the nature
of information and its
creation. Draws out
implications fully and
Describes evidencebased HRM correctly.
Demonstrates ability
to critique the nature
of sources using
relevant criteria.
Draws out
implications fully and
correctly, with minor
Describes evidencebased HRM correctly.
Demonstrates ability
to critique the nature
of sources
using criteria. There
may be some gaps in
the application of the
criteria. Draws out
correctly, but there
are some gaps.
A satisfactory
attempt is made to
describe evidencebased HRM.
Demonstrates ability
to critique the nature
of sources using
relevant criteria. The
discussion may be
overly descriptive,
lacking critical
thought. Does not
draws out
implications well.
No attempt is made
to describe evidencebased HRM. Does not
demonstrate the
ability to critique the
nature of sources
using relevant
criteria. No
discussion or
description, lacking
critical thought. Does
not draw out
implications well.
expression and
Correct expression,
presentation using
the CSU Replay
function and correct
APA referencing.
Minor errors in
expression and/or
presentation using
the CSU Replay
function and APA
The discussion is well
presented, but needs
to be improved in
academic writing
style using the CSU
Replay function and
APA referencing
The discussion
addresses the
requirements of the
task, but one or more
of presentation,
expression or
referencing needs
No discussion that
addresses the
requirements of the
task. All of the
expression or
referencing needs
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Total Mark: /5
improvement using
the CSU Replay
improvement, no
evidence of the
uploaded to CSU
Total Mark: /30
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To present your answer, simply list each topic using a new heading, and write your answer in
sentences and paragraphs. You may number each section as you wish. Include a cover and
reference page. Illustrations, tables and diagrams are allowed to be used with your
presentation. Ensure these resources are referenced correctly due to copyright law.
Reference all sources used with in-text citations and a reference list. The University uses the
APA6 referencing system. A guide to this system is available from your student homepage or
the library resources located on the HRM502 Interact2 site.
All presentations are expected to be well written with correct spelling and grammar. Ensure all
work is proofread for errors prior to submission. This is an area where you will lose marks
unnecessarily so please check your work. For academic integrity and student feedback
purposes, you are required to submit a hyperlink of your presentation to Turnitin using a Word
or PDF documents only. Avoid using rtf files when submitting your assessments through
If you elect to upload a powerpoint presentation, use the notes section of the powerpoint
slides to justify, underline your arguments and position of the corresponding topics.
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Assessment item 2
HR Business Report
Value: 50%
Due Date: 26-Apr-2019
Return Date: 20-May-2019
Length: 3000 words+/-10%.
Submission method options: Alternative submission method
This assessment requires you to prepare a business report that addresses one (1) of the
following three options. These questions relate to Topics 2, 3 and 4.
Option 1- Work design pilot at CERA (Topic 2)
Refer to the story of CERA relating to work design in Topic 2. Using the information on the topic
and at least eight (8) additional sources, provide advice to Rachel Amaro on how to design jobs
in her area to support innovative behaviour. At least five (5) of the additional sources must be
academic journals or books/book chapters published in the last seven (7) years.
Option 2 – The business rationale for diversity management (Topic 3)
Study the business rationale for diversity management and the debates surrounding this using
the information in Topic 3 and at least eight (8) additional sources. At least five (5) of the
additional sources must be academic journals or books/book chapters published in the last
seven (7) years.
Then, answer this question.
Are you convinced by the business rationale argument for diversity management? What
argument would you make to Mark French regarding the business case for focusing on
diversity management in CERA?
Flexible Assessments:
A Study Planner tool has been provided with this subject to support the assessment process.
This tool provides information about the submission flexibility of assessment tasks and a way
to organise adjustments to submission dates. A link to the Study Planner can be found on the
Interact2 subject site.
Subject learning outcomes
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to work effectively with peers to develop, synthesise and negotiate group
responses to HR problems through role play and other group processes.
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Graduate learning outcomes
This task also contributes to the assessment of the following CSU Graduate Learning
Outcome/s (
• Academic Literacy and Numeracy (Application) – CSU Graduates consider the context,
purpose, and audience when gathering, interpreting, constructing, and presenting
• Information and Research Literacies (Skill) – CSU Graduates demonstrate the skills
required to locate, access and critically evaluate existing information and data.
• Digital Literacies (Skill) – CSU Graduates use, create, communicate and share
multimodal information in digital environments.
• Ethics (Application) – CSU Graduates form judgements and apply ethical decision
making and reasoning to identify creative solutions to ethical problems.
• Professional Practice (Skill) – CSU Graduates demonstrate discipline-specific technical
capabilities and self-appraisal required for a beginning practitioner or professional.
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Marking criteria and standards
Marking guide for Assessment 2
Criterion and
High distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Critical analysis
and assessment of
relevant literature
in the
development of an
(40 marks)
Demonstrates critical
reading ability in
reviewing recent
Constructs an
argument, drawing on
academic and
professional sources.
Uses the literature to
develop the student’s
own voice in
constructing an
Demonstrates critical
reading ability, the
ability to construct an
argument and the
exercise of
judgment. There are
gaps in critical
evaluation of claims
and in the use of the
literature to develop
the student’s own
Demonstrates some
degree of critical
reading ability, and
the ability to
construct a limited
argument. There is an
imbalance between
description and
critical evaluation of
the literature. This
leads to an argument
that is driven more by
authors’ claims.
Demonstrates limited
critical reading and
construction of an
argument. The
demonstrates an
attempt to exercise
critical, independent
judgment; however, it
tends to be overly
descriptive of the
literature. Thus, the
argument consists
largely of an organised
set of claims made by
No attempt to
exercise critical,
judgment; No
description of the
No argument of
an organised set
of claims made by
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requirement: ten
sources, including
five academic
sources from the
last ten years.)
(5 Marks)
Referencing is
academic integrity,
and conforms exactly
to APA style
Referencing is
academic integrity,
and conforms to APA
style conventions with
fewer than three minor
errors or omissions
which don’t impact on
the transparency and
traceability of the
source, or the
demonstration of
academic integrity.
Referencing is
comprehensive and
mostly accurate
according to APA style
conventions. Up to
eight minor errors or
omissions in style and
formatting choices
(e.g. italics,
underlining) don’t
impact on the
transparency and
traceability of the
source, or the
demonstration of
academic integrity.
Referencing is
comprehensive and
mostly accurate
according to APA style
conventions. Frequent
minor errors or
omissions in style and
formatting choices
(e.g. italics,
underlining) don’t
impact on the
transparency and
traceability of the
source, or the
demonstration of
academic integrity.
Does not adhere
to the referencing
requirements. Is
and mostly not
according to APA
style conventions.
Frequent errors or
omissions in style
and formatting
choices (e.g.
impacts on the
transparency and
traceability of the
source, or the
demonstration of
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Report writing
(5 marks)
The report is formatted
correctly. It is written
using appropriate
language and style. A
coherent argument is
built, with each point
building on the
previous one. Each
part of argument is
connected to the
Minor errors in report
format. The writing
style and language are
appropriate for a
There are minor errors
in coherence of the
argument and in
connections made to
the question. It is thus
unclear at times why
some parts of the
argument have been
The report is
formatted according
to business report
conventions, but with
some errors in format.
The language and
writing style are not
always appropriate to
a report genre. There
may be gaps in
coherence of the
argument, making it
difficult to follow.
The report is on the
right track, but needs
improvement in
format and/or writing
style and/or
Does not adhere
to the report style
required. Needs
improvements in
writing style and/
or coherence.
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Mark /50
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• Use the business report format that is provided in the Resources link on the HRM502 I2
• Use 12 point font size, and 1.5 line spacing.
• Include a cover page stating the subject code and title, the assessment number and
title, your name and student id, and the word count.
• Upload a Word document to Turnitin. Do not upload rtf or pdf or Pages documents. Do not
use appendices, footnotes and endnotes.
• Use the APA6 referencing system for citations and references to sources.
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Assessment item 3
Role Play – Wearing Different Hats
Value: 20%
Due Date: 31-May-2019
Return Date: 25-Jun-2019
Submission method options: Interact2 Homework help – Discussion Board
This assessment requires you to adopt the role of a character in the CERA story and to address
a role play problem from that person’s perspective. You are stepping into a character, and
determining a response to a problem from that character’s perspective. You have to do two
role plays in total to complete this assessment. It will be an exciting and fun task!
You must complete two role-play tasks, from any two separate topics, commencing at
topic 3. The role play problem for each topic is provided below. For each role play you have to:
– Make the first post of no more than 250 words stating how one of the CERA characters
would address the problem. You must use the behavioural profile information from Topic 1 as
well as information from the relevant topic. References are not needed. (5 marks)
– Respond to a first post made by any CERA character, in no more than 350 words, adopting
the perspective of another one of the CERA characters. Use a minimum of two (2) academic or
professional references in your response. (5 marks)
Remember, it is not your own perspective being offered: you are stepping into the CERA
characters. The roleplay will be run in the Homework help – Discussion forums. A separate roleplay discussion
forum has been created for each topic. You must post into the correct role play to be eligible
for a mark. You are reminded to be respectful and professional when posting to Homework help – Discussion
forums. You will get the most out of this assessment task by practising empathy and thus
embracing each character’s point-of-view while at the same time reflecting a real-world
To make an initial post – create a thread in the forum, and indicate in the subject line which
CERA character you are playing.
To respond to a post – press the reply button on another CERA character’s initial post.
Each role play is worth 10 marks in total giving you an overall score out of 20.
Role play problems and assessment due dates are shown below.
Topic and role play problem Close-off date
Topic 3
Should we follow our competitors or do
something quite different in recruitment?
Assessment 3: Roleplay for topic 3 ends on
24th May 2019
Topic 4 Assessment 3: Roleplay for topic 4 ends on
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What should we be trying to achieve in our
individual performance measurement
24th May 2019
Topic 5
What principles should we apply in deciding
what employee development is funded by
Assessment 3: Roleplay for topic 5 ends on
24th May 2019
Topic 6
Should we do away with workplace
celebrations because of the risks that CERA
is carrying?
Assessment 3: Roleplay for topic 6 ends on
24th May 2019
Flexible Assessments:
A Study Planner tool has been provided with this subject to support the assessment process.
This tool provides information about the submission flexibility of assessment tasks and a way
to organise adjustments to submission dates. A link to the Study Planner can be found on the
Interact2 subject site.
Subject learning outcomes
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to access, appraise and critically apply academic and professional literature in
the formulation of business-relevant HR recommendations and solutions.
• be able to reflect on learning processes that involve individual, group and technologymediated environments.
Graduate learning outcomes
This task also contributes to the assessment of the following CSU Graduate Learning
Outcome/s (
• Academic Literacy and Numeracy (Application) – CSU Graduates consider the context,
purpose, and audience when gathering, interpreting, constructing, and presenting
• Information and Research Literacies (Skill) – CSU Graduates demonstrate the skills
required to locate, access and critically evaluate existing information and data.
• Digital Literacies (Skill) – CSU Graduates use, create, communicate and share
multimodal information in digital environments.
• Ethics (Application) – CSU Graduates form judgements and apply ethical decision
making and reasoning to identify creative solutions to ethical problems.
• Professional Practice (Skill) – CSU Graduates demonstrate discipline-specific technical
capabilities and self-appraisal required for a beginning practitioner or professional.
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Marking criteria and standards
Marking guide for Assessment 3
Criterion and
High distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Argument to
address role play
problem (This
applies to the first
and second
(5 Marks for each
role play)
Presents an
argument that
addresses the
problem using deep
knowledge of the
topic and academic
and/or professional
references. There are
no gaps in the
argument and the use
of references.
Presents an argument
that addresses the
problem using deep
knowledge of the
topic and academic
and/or professional
references. There are
minor gaps in the
argument and use of
Presents an argument
that addresses the
problem well, using
appropriate knowledge
of the topic and
academic and/or
professional references.
There are some gaps in
the argument and use
of references.
Presents an argument
that addresses the
problem using
appropriate knowledge
of the topic and
academic and/or
references. However,
the argument may be
overly intuitive or
limited in scope,
lacking depth of
knowledge of the topic
and effective use of
Presents no
argument that
addresses the
problem using
knowledge of the
topic and no
academic and/or
references. Lacking
in depth of
knowledge of the
topic with no use
of references.
Application of role
(5 Marks for each
role play)
complete application
of the role
characteristics, with
plausible role
Demonstrates almost
complete application
of the role
characteristics, with
plausible role
application of the role
characteristics, and
some plausible role
satisfactory application
of the role behavioural
characteristics. Scope
for further
interpretation and
development of the
Does not
application of the
role behavioural
characteristics. No
scope for further
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development. development. role/s. interpretation and
development of
the role/s.
Mark /20
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Students are required to post their role play using the Journal function to be eligible for the
marks allocated.
To make an initial post – create a thread in the forum, and indicate in the subject line which
CERA character you are playing.
To respond to a post – press the reply button on another CERA character’s post.
When submitting your completed work use the following format.
– Cover page, stating the subject code and title, the assessment number and title, your name
and student id.
– Role play 1: copy in the required screen shots, in legible format.
– Role play 2: copy in the required screenshots, in legible format.
You must follow the correct process for making your initial post and your reply post, as
explained above. For each role play that you do, you must complete your work by the close-off
date for that role play, as set out in the table above and also in the schedule. Extensions are
not available for this assessment, so please get organised early.
Look over the marking guide to get across the standard of work that is expected.
Assessment Information
Academic integrity
Academic integrity means acting with honesty, fairness and responsibility, and involves
observing and maintaining ethical standards in all aspects of academic work. This subject
assumes that you understand what constitutes plagiarism, cheating and collusion. If you are a
new student we expect you to complete the modules called Academic Integrity at CSU.
CSU treats plagiarism seriously. We may use Turnitin to check your submitted work for
plagiarism. You can use Turnitin to check for plagiarism (
integrity/referencing-at-csu/checking) in your assessments before submission.
Referencing is an important component of academic work. All assessment tasks should be
appropriately referenced. The specific details of the referencing requirements are included in
each assessment task description. Get referencing style guides and help
( to use for your assessments.
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How to submit your assessment items
Online submission process
Assignment(s) should be submitted through Turnitin. Assignment(s) submitted through emails
will not be considered for marking. Please meet with your respective lecturer in the class to
enroll in the Turnitin (If you are not enrolled this subject in Turnitin and/or do not receive any
email from Turnitin). Make sure you are enrolled in Turnitin much earlier than due dates of
assignments. Extension on due date will not be approved for the reason that student is not
enrolled in Turnitin.
Please submit the assignments only as word document in Turnitin, unless your lecturer
advises otherwise.
Assignment(s) must be submitted through Turnitin by midnight (AEST) according to the date
mentioned in the subject outline.
Assignment(s) submitted in the RESPECTIVE FINAL FOLDER only will be considered for
marking. Assignment(s) submitted in the DRAFT folder or other subject folder will NOT be
considered for marking. Once submitted in the FINAL folder, assignment(s) can not be deleted/
resubmitted even if the student submits wrong assignment by mistake.
Postal submission process
Under normal circumstances postal submissions will not be accepted for any of the
assessments required.
Hand delivered submission process
Under normal circumstances hand delivered submissions will not be accepted for any of the
assessments required.
Alternative submission process
Please check online submission process for submitting or completing your assessments.
It is best to complete assessment items by the due date. However, when something
unavoidable comes up an extension may be possible. The following principles are used when
processing extensions
1. For in-session assessment items, an extension request for up to three (3) calendar days can
be made by emailing your subject coordinator directly before the due date. In your email
please state the reason why you need more time as well as what precisely you are requesting.
Supporting documentation is not required. If an extension is requested in the above format
with a valid reason and your request does not disadvantage other students, the extension will
be approved.
2. For in-session assessment items, extension requests of more than three (3) calendar days
must be made via the special consideration form:
( request must be made before the due date and
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must include supporting documentation. Acceptable reasons are given in the Special
Consideration Policy. Each request will
be considered on a case by case basis. The request may not be granted. The maximum
extension possible will be seven (7) calendar days.
3. If you receive an extension, then you should expect the assessment item and its feedback to
be returned later. If you submit later than the extended due date you will receive late penalties
as per guidelines below.
4. Unless your extension permits otherwise, submissions received 10 days after the original
due date will receive zero.
5. For end of session exams, you can request a supplementary exam
via ( request
must be made within 3 working days of the date of exam and must include supporting
documentation. Acceptable reasons are given in the Special Consideration Policy . For medical issues, a CSU medical
certificate is required. If the supplementary exam (SX) is awarded then your exam is moved to
the next examination period. In order to preserve exam integrity and manage the logistics of
exams, the timing of a supplementary exam is heavily restricted.
How to apply for special consideration
Academic regulations provide for special consideration to be given if you suffer misadventure
or extenuating circumstances during the session (including the examination period) which
prevents you from meeting acceptable standards or deadlines. Find the form on the Student
Portal Special Consideration, Misadventure, Advice and Appeals (
study/academic-advice) page.
Penalties for late submission
The Faculty of Business, Justice and Behaviural Sciences has determined that the penalty for
the late submission of an assessment task (without obtaining the Subject Coordinator’s
approval for an extension) will be:
10% deduction per day, including weekends, of the maximum marks allocated for the
assessment task, i.e. 1 day late 10% deduction, or 2 days late 20% deduction.
An example of the calculation would be:
Maximum marks allocated = 20
Penalty for one day late = 2 marks (so, a score of 18/20 becomes 16/20 and a score of 12/20
becomes 10/20).
If an assignment is due on a Friday but is not submitted until the following Tuesday, then the
penalty will be four days (40% deduction or 8 marks in the example above).
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Submissions more than 10 days late will be acknowledged as received but will not be marked.
Under normal circumstances resubmission of assessment items will not be accepted for any of
the assessments required in this subject.
Feedback processes
Student marks are based on the marking criteria in the rubrics in this outline and written and/
or verbal comments in assignments.
Assessment return
If your assignment was submitted on time, you should normally expect your marked
assignment to be despatched/returned to you within 15 business days of the due date. If an
assignment is submitted on time but not returned by the return date, you should make
enquiries in the first instance to the Subject Coordinator. If the subject coordinator is not
available, please contact your teaching team using the contact details and consultation
procedures provided on your Interact2 subject site.
Student Feedback & Learning Analytics
Evaluation of subjects
CSU values constructive feedback and relies on high response rates to Subject Experience
Surveys (SES) to enhance teaching. Responses are fed back anonymously to Subject
Coordinators and Heads of Schools to form the basis for subject enhancement and recognition
of excellence in teaching. Schools report on their evaluation data; highlighting good practice
and documenting how problems have been addressed. You can view a summary of survey
results via the Student Portal SES Results ( page.
We strongly encourage you to complete your online Subject Experience Surveys. You will be
provided with links to your surveys via email when they open three [3] weeks before the end of
Changes and actions based on student feedback
The subject has been adapted from the feedback provided by students and the principle of the
Online Learning framework by providing you links to industry based institutions such as the
Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) plus to encourage you to create and harness
networking and engagement communities.
Learning analytics
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Learning Analytics refers to the collection and analysis of student data for the purpose of
improving learning and teaching. It enables the University to personalise the support we
provide our students. All Learning Analytics activities will take place in accordance with the
CSU Learning Analytics Code of Practice. For more information, please visit CSU’s Learning
Analytics (
learning-analytics) website.
Data about your activity in the Interact2 site and other learning technologies for this subject
will be recorded and can be reviewed by teaching staff to inform their communication,
support and teaching practices.
Services & Support
Your Student Portal ( tells you can how you can seek services and
support. These include study, admin, residential, library, careers, financial, and personal
Develop your study skills
Develop your study skills ( with our free study services.
We have services online, on campus and near you. These services can help you develop your
English language, literacy, and numeracy.
Library Services
CSU Library ( provides access to the eBooks, journal
articles, books, and multimedia resources needed for your studies and assessments. Get the
most out of these resources by contacting Library staff either online or in person, or make use
of the many Library Resource Guides, videos and online workshops available.
CSU Policies & Regulations
This subject outline should be read in conjunction with all academic policies and regulations,
e.g. Student Academic Misconduct Policy, Assessment Policy – Coursework Subjects,
Assessment Principles Policy, Special Consideration Policy, Academic Progress Policy,
Academic Communication with Students Policy, Student Charter, etc.
Please refer to the collated list of policies and regulations relevant to studying your subject(s)
( which includes links
to the CSU Policy Library ( – the sole authoritative source
of official academic and administrative policies, procedures, guidelines, rules and regulations
of the University.
Subject Outline as a reference document
This Subject Outline is an accurate and historical record of the curriculum and scope of your
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subject. CSU’s Subject Outlines Policy (
requires that you retain a copy of the Subject Outline for future use such as for accreditation
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