Human Ecology-My volunteer Service

Assignment parameters required of this ordered research/essay paper:Write a two-page

essay in a “.doc” format – including a small photo if you want – and submit it as an

attachment here in this “Assignments” section of class. The essay should be about a

volunteer service that you have recently completed or would be willing to complete

that relates to LOCAL topic(s) in your area that are intertwined with material you’ve

learned in class. Ideas: join a “friend of” group, volunteer to educate visitors or

students at a museum, write a letter to a manager or senator to protect resources,

etc – anything that is volunteer work and is related to a topic covered in class.

This essay should be written in the proper format – it’s an academic paper. I would

like to see information about the place(s) you volunteer for and your volunteer plan:

how many hours you volunteer; where; with how many other people; a description of

your volunteer service; a description of what volunteer service is needed there, etc.

If you haven’t already done a volunteer activity, write about one you expect you will

do in the near future.

Please cite your sources and upload this assignment to the correct folder. Select

“submit for grading” so I know you turned it in. You can turn this in at any time

during the course up until the last day. This Extra Credit will be worth 1% on your

final score and can effectively nudge grade up if it’s on the fence. Have FUN!

The essay/research paper should be about ME VOLUNTEERING FOR “The Wounded Warrior


for the “The Wounded Warrior Project” member that is ALSO it’s ALUMNI. Here is “The

Wounded Warrior Project’s” official webpage that should be used as a reference and


for the WWP in a case by case basis for other wounded warriors. The volunteering I do

is explaining coping with war wounds that range from PTSD all the way up to

servicemembers with missing limbs and mild to extreme skull/nervous system/Substance

abuse problems. After a soldier is wounded many get prescribed massive amounts of

pain narcotics making them addicted and they usually drink and get drunk while taking

those narcotic medications. If they don’t overdose or kill themselves the combat

events, heavy narcodicts dependency, and the loss of their families and loss of

friends deceased in war with them change who they are uncertain of who they really

are. S.P.E.E.C.H.(Political Implications, Economical Implications, Enviromental

Implications,Cultural Implications, Historical Implications)
Historical Implications) should be explained within the assignment with:
Social Implications include a change for returning combat veterans that in previous

wars would have died from their wounds. Since they are living in that new reality the

physical and mental wounds become a new part of the society.
Political Implications include increased funding for the veterans, more veterans are

living to allow for a larger portion of voters for politicians.
Economical impications include increased funding for surviving veterans, changes in

healthcare laws regarding medical treatment for veterans, and contributions of

surviving veterans to the economy through being alive to seek employment that in the

past wars was not a large factor since most combat injured veterans either died or

had medical impairments that did not allow for many careers.
Enviromental implications include the increasing life expantcy of modern combat

veterans occupying the nation resulting in more land used for their homes and the

demand of agriculture increasing with the veteran populations.
Cultural implications include the accepting of combat injured veterans in society and

veterans that have severe wounds reproducing and passing on the aspects of war, life,

and value based morality to their children including other family members.
Historical implications include that through our history warfare has been construde

as imortant but not as relevant to our current warfare strategies, care of living

veterans, and that the wars within the last two decades have produced veterans that

learned many skills and views of war, and many current veterans may try to get

elected to political positions, their experiences would change political aspects, and

even if elected veterans are opponents of the political divide they may work together

across political lines due to the military commroditary that is forged as close as

almost all family feelings and sometimes even more complex.
Include all of the above information in the REQUESTED COURSEWORK including that I

volunteer for WWP at locations across the United States and I plan to continue my

volunteering when needed and the people I volunteer for need people like me to

volunteer to help in many ways but the largest benefit is that I can share my

experiences with a group of veterans to let them heal and know that I once was where

they are but through proper support I am now much better mentally and physically.The

majority of need is giving the fellow wounded warriors that they are alive and should

LIVE instead of just being alive. The majority of the veterans I volunteer for are

fearful of being pushed for help through a psychiatrist and enjoy my approach since I

have been in their positions which most of the time allows them to open up to me in

our shared experiences that are elusive for them to speak about until they realize we

are all part of the extended military “family”, and that as a group we share

information that make life very positive once they understand who they are after

changing through war so they can know it is healthy to be a different person after

those experiences.

The second reference should be about the topics I have outline using as a referance

and last of TWO citations. Feel free to add some information or insights about this

topic coursework.


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