discussionsweek 1Marketing has been criticized for forcing people to buy things they do not really need or want. Homework help – Discuss why you agree or disagree with this statement.topic 2Give an example of a company or service provider that has treated you well. What steps and actions did they take to achieve this?week 2Topic 1Suppose McDonald’s® was considering bringing a new kind of hamburger to its stores. What kind of research would it need to do in order to have some confidence that the new product would sell well, not just in the United States, but in its locations all over the world?opic 2What are the trade-offs among all the types of research addressed in this unit? Suppose you are a manager of a small start-up firm with a limited budget. What kinds of research would be the most valuable?week 3opic: VALSVALS™ strengthens demographic characterizations by explaining the deeper psychological drivers of consumer behavior. Visit the VALS web site,take the survey, and find out in which psychographic group you fall.Would you have guessed that you would have been in this group?How would you rate VALS in terms of market segmentation?week 4TopicIn many instances, competitors are seen as being detrimental, that is, having less competitors is healthier than having many.Can you consider situations in which having competitors can work to your benefitweek 5TopicIn many instances, competitors are seen as being detrimental, that is, having less competitors is healthier than having many.Can you consider situations in which having competitors can work to your benefitweek 6QuestionGive several examples of brands that have been recently repositioned. How has this been implemented and for what reason?week 8Retail companies like Walmart are heavy users of strategic control systems. Think about how it utilizes RFID technology to track products from inventory to the market shelves. Homework help – Discuss how Walmart relies upon strategic surveillance, special alert control, and implementation control. What improvements might you suggest to the company’s COO relative to strategic control and why?week 9What are the positive and negative aspects of using the Internet as a method of distribution?Are there some circumstances where it should not be a component of the channel mix?topic 2Topic 2Some experts refer to franchising as a method of distribution.What are your thoughts on using franchise a method of distribution for a business?Describe the pros and cons referenced with examples to support your thoughts.week 7Topic 1On April 25 of 2004, BusinessWeek inquired if Aldi may be the next Walmart®. Try to locate the article on the Internet.Homework help – Discuss the pros and cons of Aldi’s pricing strategy.Do you agree Aldi will be the next Walmart?Topic 2Being up to date with current events is an important part of becoming a business professional. In marketing, it is part of an important responsibility to continuously scan the external environment for opportunities and threats.Visit the Kaplan library and select a current article (no more than one or two years old) on pricing strategies for a small to medium size business. Be ready to critique the article and what other small to medium size businesses can learn from these strategies identified.week 10TopicHomework help – Discussion Topic: Think of an example in which you were treated poorly by a company.Assuming you choose not to buy any more of that company’s products or services, approximately what is the present value of the revenue that company has lost?Next, think of a company that has provided great customer service to you.What did it do? How did it go beyond what you expected?What do companies have to do to get employees to deliver such service?assignmentsassignmentsunit 3Kaplan MT450 unit III assignmentScenario MarketingCongratulations. You have just been named marketing manager of a major franchise. Your job will be to perform the daily tasks of a marketing manager.So what does a Marketing Manager do? As you know, marketing plays an essential role in almost every industry segment. In its simplest form, marketing management is about making certain that customers’ needs and wants are met while increasing the profits of a company. A marketing manager’s responsibilities can vary a great deal, but will always have this as a central purpose.Click here to learn more about being a Marketing Manager.Select one of the company’s below for which you would like to be Marketing Manager.Edible Arrangements® – Edible fruit baskets – Creates fresh fruit arrangements and gourmet chocolate dipped fruit to order.Cartridge World® – Cartridge Company – carries a complete line of both inkjet and toner printer cartridges. Offers both remanufactured and Original Brand (OEM) ink and toner cartridges for nearly all brands of printers, copiers, fax and postage machines.Liberty Tax Service® – Taxes – provides tax service to both consumers and businesses.AssumptionsIn this scenario, you will be responsible for the following:Evaluating a firm’s marketing opportunities in the consumer market.In addition you will be conducting the following tasks:Determine who your consumers are.Conclude why and how consumers buy.Determine when do consumers buy?See Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubric below for Assignment details.AssignmentYou are making your next presentation to the CEO of the organization. Your goal is to complete the following tasks for your consumer and business-to-business marketing strategy in a PowerPoint presentation to the CEO.Your objective is to compete more effectively against your competitors by serving important subculture segments better. The three markets that show the great potential are the following:1. Hispanic consumers2. Senior consumers3. Asian consumersNext, start segmenting the three subcultures. Pick one logical variable (e.g. age) that can be used to segment the market. Now add a second variable (e.g., gender) so that you have to satisfy the categories of both variables simultaneously (e.g. 25-30 years old women). Now add a third variable.? How many possible segments can you identify from a combination of the three variables you selected?? What implications does this have for you as the marketing manager?? What strategy will you use to reach these markets?Next, write a list of features for your products. Take each feature and indicate what benefits it provides to a customer.? How would a magazine advertisement reflect this information?? Create an actual magazine ad based on your features and benefits.? Would you consider your product seasonal?? What are the challenges in marketing products that are highly seasonal?Submit your PowerPoint presentation (7 to 10 slides) with speaker notes to the Unit 3: Assignment Dropbox.NOTE: Your PowerPoint presentation should be in APA format and cite all references used.1unit 2Scenario MarketingCongratulations. You have just been named marketing manager of a major franchise. Your job will be to perform the daily tasks of a marketing manager.So what does a Marketing Manager do?As you know, marketing plays an essential role in almost every industry segment. In its simplest form, marketing management is about making certain that customers’ needs and wants are met while increasing the profits of a company. A marketing manager’s responsibilities can vary a great deal, but will always have this as a central purpose.Clickhereto learn about being a Marketing Manager.Select one of the company’s below for which you would like to be Marketing Manager.Edible Arrangements® – Edible fruit baskets – Creates fresh fruit arrangements and gourmet chocolate dipped fruit to order.Cartridge World® – Cartridge Company – carries a complete line of both inkjet and toner printer cartridges. Offers both remanufactured and Original Brand (OEM) ink and toner cartridges for nearly all brands of printers, copiers, fax and postage machines.Liberty Tax Service® – Taxes – provides tax service to both consumers and businesses.AssumptionsThe plan is to aggressively go after the consumer and business market creating dual revenue streams. Your marketing strategy, research marketing mix and customer relationship marketing will be different for both groups.In this scenario, you will be responsible for the following:Develop a marketing research plan for a product.In addition you will be conducting the following tasks:Illustrate the research processUse secondary data sourcesDevelop a primary data planPredict market potential and forecastingSee Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubric below for Assignment details.Your top franchisee owns several franchises in New York, NY. Over the last three years, sales and market share have declined 5% each year in the consumer segment and business segment. As the marketing manager for the franchise, you have decided to fly to New York and develop a market research plan to understand the problem.Write a brief paragraph that answers the following questions.(This should not be in Question/AnswerFormat).1. Suppose that the franchisor was considering bringing a new kind of product or service to its stores. What kind of research would it need to do in order to have some confidence that the new product would sell well?Next, using the market research process in the diagram below, develop a market research plan that will provide a better understanding and solution to the problem.Address each step in detail..jpg”>Please make sure you include primary and secondary sources in your market research plan. See the diagram below.1.jpg”>[MT450: Marketing Management].gif”>.jpg”>Lastly, other than forecasting sales, what other uses are there for forecasting methods?You will provide a 3-5 page (APA formatted) a market research plan paper with at least three supporting references. You should include at least one illustration which can be included in the body of your paper or appendix.NOTE: Your paper should be in APA format and cite all references used.Submit to the Unit 2: Assignment Dropbox.unit 6Scenario MarketingCongratulations. You have just been named marketing manager of a major franchise. Your job will be to perform the daily tasks of a marketing manager.So what does a Marketing Manager do?As you know, marketing plays an essential role in almost every industry segment. In its simplest form, marketing management is about making certain that customers’ needs and wants are met while increasing the profits of a company. A marketing manager’s responsibilities can vary a great deal, but will always have this as a central purpose.Clickhereto learn more about being a Marketing Manager.Select one of the company’s below for which you would like to be Marketing Manager.Edible Arrangements® – Edible fruit baskets – Creates fresh fruit arrangements and gourmet chocolate dipped fruit to order.Cartridge World® – Cartridge Company – carries a complete line of both inkjet and toner printer cartridges. Offers both remanufactured and Original Brand (OEM) ink and toner cartridges for nearly all brands of printers, copiers, fax and postage machines.Liberty Tax Service® – Taxes – provides tax service to both consumers and businesses.AssumptionsOver the last year, many of your franchisees have made several suggestions for a new product. Some of the most famous franchises like McDonald’s ® have received their best new product ideas from franchisees. One example is the Filet O’ Fish® sandwich.See Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubric below for Assignment details.Part 1:Write a brief paragraph that answers the following questions. (This should not be in Question/AnswerFormat).? Describe the current brand of the franchise. Include the 5 dimensions from brand equity.Part 2: You are making a presentation to the CEO of the organization next week on a product developmentstrategy. Your goal is to complete the following tasks:1. Describe your new product. You have many choices. It could be a classically innovative product, new-category entry, an addition to the product line or line extension. It could even include more minor product changes like product improvements, repositioning, or cost reductions.2. Homework help – Discuss the new product and service development process..jpg”>1.jpg”>[MT450: Marketing Management].gif”>.gif”>.gif”>.gif”>3. Homework help – Discuss your new product launch strategy. Recall, launching requires that objectives be set, the strategy be developed, and that the implementation be planned and executed. Implementation is often a key factor in product failure.4. You will provide a 3-5 page (APA formatted) paper with at least three supporting references. You should include at least one illustration which can be included in the body of your paper or appendix.NOTE: Your paper should be in APA format and cite all references used.Submit to the Unit 6: Assignment Dropbox.unit 10Scenario MarketingCongratulations. You have just been named marketing manager of a major franchise. Your job will be to perform the daily tasks of a marketing manager.So what does a Marketing Manager do?As you know, marketing plays an essential role in almost every industry segment. In its simplest form, marketing management is about making certain that customers’ needs and wants are met while increasing the profits of a company. A marketing manager’s responsibilities can vary a great deal, but will always have this as a central purpose.Clickhereto learn more about being a Marketing Manager.Select one of the company’s below for which you would like to be Marketing Manager.Edible Arrangements® – Edible fruit baskets – Creates fresh fruit arrangements and gourmet chocolate dipped fruit to order.Cartridge World® – Cartridge Company – carries a complete line of both inkjet and toner printer cartridges. Offers both remanufactured and Original Brand (OEM) ink and toner cartridges for nearly all brands of printers, copiers, fax and postage machines.Liberty Tax Service® – Taxes – provides tax service to both consumers and businesses.AssumptionsThe CEO of your company wants you to create a strong current customer relationship management plan. You will present the plan as a PowerPoint presentation to all of the franchisees at the next annual franchise meeting.See Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubric below for Assignment detailssignmentConsider the customer satisfaction model show below. Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain why it is important to measure customer expectations as well as actual satisfaction from consumption or usage.Next, create a framework using the customer relationship management model as seen below..jpg”>In this Assignment, you will be using the PowerPoint narration tool to create your own audiovisual presentation. Once you have done this, you can put this skill on your resume. Audiovisual presentations are used in everything from customer service response, training employees, solving problems in the workplace, explaining instructions to colleagues and responding to stakeholders concerning business issues.Given the proliferation of loyalty programs, how can you differentiate your program from competitors programs?1.gif”>[MT450: Marketing Management]Your framework should be as specific as possible. For example:? What does your database look like and include? Why?? How will you analyze your database? What formulas or methods will you use in your analysis? Give a fictional example.? Give a rationale for selecting your customers. Will it strictly be based on profitability or will you use other variables?? How will you reach your customers?? Create a customer relationship marketing program.? Consider privacy issues.? How will you measure your results?Elaborate on the bulleted points on each slide rather than just reading the slides. In other words, your PowerPoint presentation provides an outline of what you will discuss in the audio portion of your presentation.Submission DirectionsSubmit your response in a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 8-10 slides, using 24-pt. font, to the Unit 10: Assignment Dropbox.unit 5his week you will continue to play the role of the Marketing Manager in a marketing simulation for Minnesota Micromotors, Inc. (MM). Minnesota Micromotors, Inc. (MM), based in Minneapolis, is a manufacturer of brushless, direct current (BLDC) 1 motors used in orthopedic medical devices.Approximately 70% of the revenues of Minnesota Micromotors, Inc. were generated from customers that placed large-volume orders.Marketing SimulationAfter you play the simulation in three steps (view simulation instructions) complete th
following Assignment:Please answer the follow questions in a 3-5 page paper (hire research essay pro writers) (excluding title and reference pages) and include textcitations for references:1. What was your marketing strategy for each of the decisions entered into the simulation game in Quarter #2?2. What were the results of your decisions?3. Analyze the results in terms of success or failure.4. What changes will you make in future quarters? Please insert a screen shot of the Quarter #1 results inyour paper. This can be done by highlighting the results, hitting “Control+C,” and then inserting the resultsin your paper by hitting “Control+V.”5. Please view the rubric below for full Assignment details.6. How would you design a research study to better understand the generic competitors for this product?7. What are the limitations of the game theory approach to understanding competitive strategy?8. What is the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC code) for Minnesota Micromotors, Inc. (MM)unit 9In a persuasive essay the author attempts to persuade others to concur with our facts, case, and conclusions. In this Assignment, you will write a persuasive essay on pursuing non-traditional locations for the franchise you selected in Unit 6. Non-traditional locations can include universities, cruise ships, retail businesses, or anything that is unique from the traditional location for your business. The persuasive essay will be sent to the CEO and board members for the franchise.In this Assignment, you will engage in the development of the following professional competencies:Analyze Qualitative DataObtain and process informationVisit the Kaplan library and select a current article on non-traditional location strategies. Your persuasive essay should be three to five pages and written in APA format and citation styleunit 7In the last unit, you reflected on the product element of the marketing mix. You were asked to present a new product to the CEO. The CEO likes the concept but wants you to come back with a strong pricing strategy. Based on the diagram and information below, discuss your pricing strategy for your new product.Make sure you include pricing objectives, industry conditions, and the pricing strategy you recommend for your product.Try to be as specific as possible and provide the CEO with a recommended price for one single unit.Lastly, create a break-even analysis based on your average sale based on the following numbers:Fixed cost per year – $500,000Average cost per single unit – $ this number is provided by you.Variable cost – 40% of average cost per single unit..kaplan.edu/MT450_1404C/highresmedia/Unit_7_image.png”>Types of pricingCost based pricingDemand based pricingCompetition based pricingValue based pricing strategyMaximizing volume pricingPrestige pricingReference pricingBundle pricingMultiple-unit pricingEDLP pricingOdd-Even pricingCustomary pricingSee Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubric below for Assignment details.For this Assignment, you will be using the PowerPoint narration tool to create your own audiovisual presentation. Once you have done this, you can put this skill on your resume. Audiovisual presentations are used in everything from customer service response, training employees, solving problems in the workplace, explaining instructions to colleagues and responding to stakeholders concerning business issues.You can either record a narration before you run a presentation or record a narration during a presentation and include audience comments in the recording. If you do not want narration throughout the presentation, you can record comments only on selected slides or turn off the narration so that it plays only when you want it to play.You can also use Brainshark.com to record your presentation. In this Assignment, you will engage in the development of the following professional competencies:? Verbal? Meet Project DeadlinesSubmit your response in a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 7 slides, using 24-pt. font, to the Unit 7: Assignment Dropboxunit 8In this unit Assignment, you will be using the PowerPoint narration tool to create your own audiovisual presentation. Once you have done this, you can put this skill on your resume. Audiovisual presentations are used in everything from customer service response, training employees, solving problems in the workplace, explaining instructions to colleagues, and responding to stakeholders concerning business issues.Scenario MarketingIn Unit 6, you selected a company that you would like to be Marketing Manager. Select the same company. You recently reviewed last quarter’s national ad campaign. All ads are tracked with your franchisees so you can tell what is working and what is not working. You noticed the numbers for most of the advertising had a low response. You also observed that the ads include some great features of your product (service) offered by your company but are not backed by benefits.In this Assignment, you will engage in the development of the following professional competencies:WrittenSell ideas and persuadeSee Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubric below for Assignment details.In this unit Assignment, you will be using the PowerPoint narration tool to create your own audiovisual presentation. Once you have done this, you can put this skill on your resume. Audiovisual presentations are used in everything from customer service response, training employees, solving problems in the workplace, explaining instructions to colleagues, and responding to stakeholders concerning business issues.Scenario MarketingIn Unit 6, you selected a company that you would like to be Marketing Manager. Select the same company. You recently reviewed last quarter’s national ad campaign. All ads are tracked with your franchisees so you can tell what is working and what is not working. You noticed the numbers for most of the advertising had a low response. You also observed that the ads include some great features of your product (service) offered by your company but are not backed by benefits.In this Assignment, you will engage in the development of the following professional competencies:WrittenSell ideas and persuadeSee Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubric below for Assignment details.Create a quarter page magazine ad that targets the consumer and business market. The ad should also include a coupon or some type of sales promotion to immediately generate revenue. You should include the following:? Two different ads, one targeting the consumer segment and the other targeting the business segment. ? Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain your advertising and promotion rationale in a PowerPoint to the CEO. o What are your advertising and promotion goals?o What magazine are you recommending to reach both segments?o What is the cost?o How will you track and measure response rates?You can either record a narration before you run a presentation or record a narration during a presentation and include audience comments in the recording. If you do not want narration throughout the presentation, you can record comments only on selected slides or turn off the narration so that it plays only when you want it to play. You can also use Brainshark.com to record your presentation. Elaborate on the bulleted points on each slide rather than just reading the slides. In other words, your PowerPoint provides an outline of what you will discuss in the audio portion of your presentation.Submit your response in a PowerPoint presentation consisting of 7 to 10 slides, using 24-pt. font, to the Dropbox.unit 4This week you are playing the role of the Marketing Manager in a marketing simulation for Minnesota Micromotors, Inc. (MM). Minnesota Micromotors, Inc. (MM), based in Minneapolis, is a manufacturer of brushless, direct current (BLDC) 1 motors used in orthopedic medical devices. Approximately 70% of the revenues of Minnesota Micromotors, Inc. were generated from customers that placed large-volume orders.In this Assignment, you will engage in the development of the following professional competencies:Analyze Quantitative DataActive ListeningMarketing SimulationAfter you play the simulation in three steps (view simulation instructions) complete the Assignment detailed in the Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubric below.Please answer the follow questions in a 3-5 page paper (hire research essay pro writers) (excluding title and reference pages) and include text citations for references:1. What was your marketing strategy for each of the decisions entered into the simulation game in Quarter #1?2. What were the results of your decisions?3. Analyze the results in terms of success or failure.What changes will you make in future quarters?Please insert a screen shot of the Quarter #1 results in your paper. This can be done by highlighting the results, hitting “Control+C,” and then inserting the results in your paper by hitting “Control+V.”Please view the rubric below for full Assignment details.Why is the notion of derived demand so important for companies selling products and services to other organizations?What is the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) for Minnesota Micromotors, Inc. (MM)Submit your paper to the Unit 4: Assignment Dropbox.Marketing Simulation InstructionsHarvard Marketing Simulation link and instructions can be found in Doc Sharing.Once you have accessed the Simulation on the Harvard site, you should play the simulation in three steps which are explained on the Prepare > How to Play screen:Step 1: Review the dashboard and detailed reports under the Analyze tab.The reports, accessible from the Analyze > Dashboard Overview screen will give students information about Minnesota Micromotors (MM) current and historical sales, product features that are desired by customers, how feature performance is changing for the motors over time, and financial statements for the company.Step 2: Enter decisions for Quarter #1.You must click on the Decide tab to enter your estimate and decisions. On the Decide > Your decisions screen, enter your estimate and decisions for the list price of the motors in U.S. dollars and percentage discount that MM will offer large-volume customer and distributors (channel margin). You must also enter how many budget dollars they plan to invest in the sales force, in large and small volume customers, in acquiring versus retaining large volume customers, in market research, and in research and development.Step 3: Review Company Results and Adjust decisions.After submitting your decision, the simulation will advance one quarter. You must return to the Analyze tab to review the results of your decision and to read any news about the marketplace. This information will be used to prepare the Unit 4 Assignment paper.unit 1cenario MarketingCongratulations. You have just been named marketing manager of a major franchise. Your job will be to perform the daily tasks of a marketing manager.So what does a Marketing Manager do? As you know, marketing plays an essential role in almost every industry segment. In its simplest form, marketing management is about making certain that customers’ needs and wants are met while increasing the profits of a company. A marketing manager’s responsibilities can vary a great deal, but will always have this as a central purpose.Click here to learn more about being a Marketing Manager.Let’s get started.Select one of the companies below for which you would like to be Marketing Manager.Edible Arrangements® – Edible fruit baskets – Creates fresh fruit arrangements and gourmet chocolate dipped fruit to order.Cartridge World® – Cartridge Company – carries a complete line of both inkjet and toner printer cartridges. Offers both remanufactured and Original Brand (OEM) ink and toner cartridges for nearly all brands of printers, copiers, fax and postage machines.Liberty Tax Service® – Taxes – provides tax service to both consumers and businesses.AssumptionsYour plan is to aggressively go after the consumer and business market creating dual revenue streams. Your marketing strategy, research marketing mix and customer relationship marketing will be different for both groups.In this scenario, you will be responsible for the following:Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain how marketing strategies influence marketing decisions. In addition you will be conducting the following tasks:Observing and analyzing market trends.Examining competitors’ products and services.Investigating ways of improving existing products and services, and increasing profitability.Identifying target markets and developing strategies to communicate with them.Have fun!See Paper Writing Service – Topic Examples – Rubric below for Assignment detaiquizesQuestion 1.1.A market structure analysis is used to better
understand the: (Points : 2)competition.customers.employees.social environment.Question 2.2.A typical marketing planning horizon is:
(Points : 2)one month.six months.one year.five years.Question 3.3.According to the needs hierarchy theory, basic
human needs such as food, sleep, and water are examples of ________ needs.
(Points : 2)physiologicalsafetyegosocialQuestion 4.4.The value proposition offered by the
competitors and the marketing mix used by them will most likely fall under
which of the following parts of the competitor analysis? (Points : 2)determination of the competitors’ major objectivesassessment of the competitors’ current marketing strategiesassessment of the competitors’ strengths and weaknessesinternal analysis of your firm’s strengths and weaknesses
relative to the competitorsQuestion 5.5.Which of the following refers to one particular
product segment of a particular industry? (Points : 2)a product brand.a product variant.a product type.a product class.Question 6.6.When marketing managers select a market segment
to pursue, it is called: (Points : 2)segmenting the market.selecting the target market.selecting the right product.selective distribution.Question 7.7.Which of the following types of competition can
be defined as products or services that the customer views as fulfilling the
same need? (Points : 2)product form competitionproduct category competitiongeneric competitionbudget competitionQuestion 8.8.According to the needs hierarchy theory,
friendship, affection, acceptance by reference groups are examples of ________
needs. (Points : 2)physiologicalsocialegoself-actualizationQuestion 9.9.Which of the following types of competition is
based on products that have similar features and provide the same basic
function? (Points : 2)product class or product categoryproduct formgenericbudgetQuestion 10.10.Conni is a marketing manager for a paper
manufacturer. Many customers are identified as a straight rebuy. Which of the
following is an example of a straight rebuy? (Points : 2)frequently purchased routine purchases such as printer tonerupgrading the local intranet with new technologiespurchasing the first local intranet for a small businessroutine purchases that have changed in some way such as air
travelQuestion 11.11.Tim is the marketing manager of a toy
company. He is segmenting the market via psychographics. Which of the following
is an example of a psychographic variable? (Points : 2)religionlifestylesocial classdensityQuestion 12.12.Which of the following best describes
upgrading the existing copier to take advantage of new technology? (Points : 2)straight rebuy situationmodified rebuy situationnew-task situationrepetition purchaseQuestion 13.13.With reference to the chasm model, the term
visionaries refers to: (Points : 2)innovators.early majority.early adopters.late majority.Question 14.14.What type of competition can destroy entire
product categories when a major innovation occurs, so it requires attention,
especially for long-run planning? (Points : 2)Product formProduct categoryGenericBudgetQuestion 15.15.An analysis in which the strengths and
weaknesses of competitors and their current and likely future strategies are
examined is known as competitor analysis. (Points : 2)TrueFalseQuestion 16.16.According to the needs hierarchy theory,
________ needs are based on job security and financial security. (Points : 2)physiologicalsafetyegosocialQuestion 17.17.John is a Marketing Manager for Kaplan Soda
Inc. He is making decisions about which customer groups his company will pursue
for a particular brand or product line. What is this commonly referred to in
marketing? (Points : 2)product segmentationperpetual ma

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