National healthcare Issue
Healthcare institutions highly depend on professionalism from the leaders to achieve the ultimate goal of providing care. Dealing with significant healthcare issues such as cybersecurity, vastly helps in boosting the general progress of the institution and better care is provided (5 Major Challenges Facing the Healthcare Industry in 2019, 2019). Cybersecurity has negatively affected the healthcare department through breach of information, hence increased lawsuits, crimes, and fear of seeking medical attention from the public (Jarrett, 2017). This paper discusses on Cybersecurity issue and proposes the best mitigation to be carried out by healthcare leaders.
Work setting impact
Cybersecurity has been prompted by the increased adaptation of technology in healthcare institutions where confidential data is recorded. The use of decentralized systems makes it more for hackers to infiltrate. This infiltration highly results in the existence of a crime, and the law can subject the hospital to the action (Perakslis & Stanley, 2016). Again, the public may resist from attending the facility for treatment, as they fear their privacy being exposed. In general, cybersecurity is catastrophic to any healthcare facility (Kwon & Johnson, 2015).
Organizational response/Changes Implemented
The best solution would be an investment in hiring technical team, for maintenance and upkeep of the hospital’s technology. In specific, a group of both software and hardware engineers would be deployed to create and closely monitor healthcare systems. With this investment, infiltration to the orders will be challenging to the hackers as they will be detected in advance and possibly located (Greer, 2018). In general, the team will ensure data security is maintained at all time, which in turn will increase the public’s confidence with the healthcare system. The secured data will not only ensure clients information safety but also aid in providing the institution with accurate patient data to work with for better treatment giving and discoveries (Zhang et al., 2015).

5 Major Challenges Facing the Healthcare Industry in 2019. (2019). Retrieved from
Greer, B. J., (2018). Cybersecurity for Healthcare Medical Devices (Doctoral dissertation, Utica College).
Jarrett, M. P. (2017). Cybersecurity—a serious patient care concern. Jama, 318(14), 1319-1320.
Kwon, J., & Johnson, M. E. (2015, June). The Market Effect of Healthcare Security: Do Patients Care about Data Breaches? In WEIS.
Perakslis, E. D., & Stanley, M. (2016). A cybersecurity primer for translational research. Science translational medicine, 8(322), 322ps2-322ps2.
Zhang, Y., Qiu, M., Tsai, C. W., Hassan, M. M., & Alamri, A. (2015). Health-CPS: Healthcare cyber-physical system assisted by cloud and big data. IEEE Systems Journal, 11(1), 88-95.

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