Posted: January 17th, 2023
Problem 1 Tax Return 2 Go to the IRS web page and download a Form 1040 for
Problem 1Tax Return 2Go to the IRS web page and download a Form 1040 for2015 and save it to your computer or flash drive. Theweb: Go to –>more forms, current formsand publications, type 1040 in the search box. Be sure tosave this form on your computer; please "save as" YourName Tax Return 2"Type into the pdf form and when it is complete be sure tosave it! Put your name on the return. Skip the addressand social security number or make up something fun.Complete the return based on the following data:Choose Single as your tax status (Note this is slightlydifferent from the last problem!) Salary $40,000 withFederal tax withholding of 5,000, Interest Income -ChaseBank $50 and Ford Company qualified dividends $ 3000.Note that qualified dividends and long term capital gainsare taxed at a preferred rate. Although the taxableincome will be the same as tax return 1, the tax will bedifferent. You will go to the instructions and look up thetax amount from the tax tables for the amount of taxableincome excluding the qualified dividend. That tax onincome before the dividend is then added to the amountof the tax on the qualified dividends. The tax on qualifieddividends is multiplied by these percentages:0% if the top regular tax rate is 10% or 15%15% if the top regular tax rate is 25% or 28% or 33% or35%20% if the regular tax is 39.6%Problem 2Tax Return 3Tom Jones and Doris Day, each age 42, married on September 7,2014. Tom and Doris will file a joint return for the year. Tom’sSocial Security number is 111-11-1111. Doris’s Social Securitynumber is 123-45-6789. They live at 211 Brickstone Drive, Atlanta,GA 30304.Tom was divorced from Sarah Jones in March 2015. Under thedivorce agreement, Tom is to pay Sarah $1,250 per month for thenext 10 years or until Sarah’s death, whichever occurs first. Tompays Sarah $15,000 in 2015. In addition, in January 2015, Tom paysSarah $50,000, which is designated as being for her share of themarital property. Sarah’s Social Security number is 123-45-6788.Tom’s salary for the year is $150,000, and his employer, BlueBus,Inc. (Federal I.D. No. 98-7654321). His employer withheld $24,900for Federal income taxes and $8,000 for state income taxes. Theproper amounts were withheld for FICA taxes.Doris recently graduated from law school and is employed byHelpMe, Inc. (Federal I.D. No. 11-1111111), as a public defender.She receives a salary of $40,000. Her employer withheld $7,500for Federal income taxes and $2,400 for state income taxes. Theproper amounts were withheld for FICA taxes.Doris has $2,500 in qualified dividends on Ford Corporation stockshe inherited. Tom and Doris receive a $1,900 refund on their priorstate income taxes. They itemized deductions on their priorFederal income tax return (total of $15,000) so the state incometax refund is taxable.Tom and Doris itemized this year. They pay $4,500 interest and$1,450 property taxes on their personal residence. Their charitablecontributions total $2,400 (all to their church). They paid statetaxes with were deducted from their pay of $8,000 and 2,400.Compute the Jones’s net tax payable (or refund due) for the year.If you use 2015 tax forms for your solution, you will need Form1040 and Schedules A and B.Problem 3Tax Return 4Reba Dixon is a fifth-grade school teacher who earned a salary of$38,000 in 2015. She is 45 years old and has been divorced for fouryears. She received $1,200 of alimony payments each month from herformer husband.Reba and her daughter Heather (20 years old at the end of the year)moved to Georgia in January of 2015. Reba provides more than one-halfof Heatherâs support. They had been living in Colorado for the past 15years, but ever since her divorce, Reba has been wanting to move backto Georgia to be closer to her family. Luckily, a teaching position openedup and Reba and Heather decided to make the move. Reba paid amoving company $2,010 to move their personal belongings, and she andHeather spent two days driving the 1,426 miles to Georgia. During thetrip, Reba paid $143 for lodging and $85 for meals. Rebaâs mother was soexcited to have her daughter and granddaughter move back to Georgiathat she gave Reba $3,000 to help out with the moving costs.Reba rented a home in Georgia. Heather decided to continue living athome with her mom, but she started attending school full-time inJanuary, 2015 at a nearby university. She was awarded a $3,000 partialtuition scholarship this year, and Reba helped out by paying theremaining $500 tuition cost. If possible, Reba thought it would be best toclaim the education credit for these expenses.Reba wasnât sure if she would have enough items to help her benefitfrom itemizing on her tax return. Reba paid $2,800 in state income taxesand $6,500 in charitable contributions during the year. She also paid thefollowing medical-related expenses for her and Heather:Insurance premiumsMedical care expensesPrescription medicineNonprescription medicineNew contact lenses for Heather$4,7951,100350100200A few years ago, Reba acquired several investments with her portion ofthe divorce settlement. This year she reported the following incomefrom her investments: $2,200 of interest income from corporate bondsand $1,500 interest income from City of Denver municipal bonds.Overall, Rebaâs stock portfolio appreciated by $12,000 but she did notsell any of her stocks.Reba had $10,000 of federal income taxes withheld by her employer.Problem 4Tax Return 5Addison Brown, single and age 32. She is employed as regional salesmanager by PILLS Corporation, a manufacturer and distributor ofvitamins and food supplements. Addison is paid an annual salary of$50,000.Addison also has a bookkeeping and tax business that she runs out ofher home. Her fees income collected for the year was $25,000. Out of1,500 square feet of living space in her apartment, Addison has setaside 300 square feet as an office. Expenses for 2015 relating to theoffice are listed below.Her self-employment-related expenses for 2015 are summarizedbelow.The business gifts were boxes of candy costing $30 sent to 18 clientsat Christmas. The continuing education was a noncredit coursedealing with improving people management skills that Addison tookonline.She uses her automobile 10% for business and 90% for personal. Theautomobile was purchased new on June 30, 2012, for $37,000 (notrade-in was involved). During 2015, Addison drove 15,000 miles(total) and incurred and paid the following expenses relating to theautomobile:Besides the items already mentioned, Addison had the followingreceipts in 2015: Bank of America interest income of $250 and Cityof Dallas bond interest of $1,000.Addison’s expenditures for 2015 (not previously noted) aresummarized below.MedicalState and local tax3000Church pledge PaidCredit card interestTax return preparation fee700060002000500Her employer withheld $9,600 for Federal income tax purposes,Compute Addison’s Federal income tax payable (or refund) for 2015.
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