
Organizational theories are important for addressing the various issues that face the success of the organization. Organization is marked with various aspects including the social, economic and psychological aspect. Organizations executes various functions which are guided by their structure, design and different theories which connect together to bring the overall objective of the organization. The employees form a vital part of every organization thus it is important for the organization to have effective strategies for solving any issue that affect the operations of the employees. The application of organizational theory in the decision making process can have immense benefits to the organization especially in solving the problems in the organization.

This essay examines the importance of organization theory (OT) and delineates how the Queenly Community Health Service (QCHS) can use organizational theory to make informed decision on its counseling services

Organizational Theory (OT)

According to Jones (2010), organization theory is focused on identifying the design, patterns and structure of the organization in the decision making process. Indentifying the operational patterns of an organization is important for devising new strategies that will help the organization to boost the level of productivity, efficiency and that will meet the desires of the stakeholders (Cornelissen 2005).  Generally, the organization theory provides basis on the best structure that should be used by organization for it to function to its best. Additionally, the organization theory can be used in making new adjustments in the organization, adjustments that are meant to solve a particular inefficiency in the organization. With increase in competition in every industry, it is important for organization to incorporate strategy that will promote effectiveness and efficiency in order to favorably compete with its rivals (Miller et al 2009).

The Problems in the Organization

 Waiting problem

Queenly Community Health Service (QCHS) is faced with a problem in the provision of timely counseling services. Although the medical facility engages in the provision of a wide range of services, the major area that is facing a problem is the counseling department because the counseling staffs are not sufficient to cater the high number of clients. The clients for counseling services are booked by the practitioners or may self-refer to the counseling services.  When the clients visits the facility for counseling services, the client may be forwarded to the general counseling services or to the specialist counseling teams based on the needs of the clients. The problem in the Queenly Community Health Service (QCHS) is that the clients booked for the counseling services are kept in a 3 month wait period, a waiting time that has continued to increase to where clients are required to wait for an extra period of 4-9 months. In addition, the medical facility is facing limited financial resources even with the yearly increase of its workforce cost CPI (consumer price increase).

Financial problems

Although Queenly health facility enjoys a high number of customers, especially for counseling service, the facility is still faced with inadequate resources. The inadequate resources make it difficult for Queenly to expand its operations. The financial problem faced by the organization is largely because the organization is taking its full use of its potential.
Workflow problems

Although there is cooperation by the members of staffs, the problems is that there is a shortage of employees in Queenly organization especially in the counseling department. The other issue is that the nurses and the clerks are not equipped with the skills on how to deal with the clients. The workflow problem in the organization is characterized by longtime taken to serve the clients.

Solution to the Problems Facing Queenly in the Organization

Reducing the waiting time

            From the normal 3 month wait time, it is clear that the organization has a huge client base in the community than other medical facilities. Therefore, the organization should focus on strategies to makes its operations more efficient in order to significantly reduce the time that the clients are required to wait. This may include using technology to serve customers from their homes in order to reduce the time that will be taken to serve the customer.

Solving the financial problem

In contingency theory, an organization is likely to be faced with diverse constraints, thus the management should focus on reducing the effect of the constraints. Jokipii (2010) explains that organizations should maximize their operation by countering the internal and external constraints facing the organization. Queenly should look for strategies to improve its performance amid the inadequate resources and shortage of staffs. This may involves having the staffs working longer than their normal day with a new compensation plan, in addition to hiring more staffs. The increase in revenue from the high number of staffs who are served can be used to hire new staffs in addition to training the nurses and clerks to serve some minor counseling problems in the organization to reduce the workload.

Solving the workforce problem

            In the Scientific management theory, Taylor explains strategies for improving the efficiency in the organization. According to the theory, the organization should focus on the root cause of the slow workflow and provide effective and cheap methods for countering the problem. Scientific management is an effective theory that the management of Queenly can adopt to enhance workflow in the organization. In putting the theory into effect, the organization should replace and incorporate new methods of carrying out duties by the staff. Queenly should implement equal division of labor in addition to fostering a strong employer-employer relationship.

Bolman & Deals Framework

            To structure an effective structure and design of Queenly organization, the best strategy will be to adopt the Bolman & Deals Framework. According to Jurkiewicz & Giacalone (2004), the framework focuses on structural, human resource, political and symbolic factors. Queenly should make its decision based on its structure which includes the internal issues such as inadequate number of staffs and the long waiting time. The major issue facing the organization is based on the human capital. Queenly should make its decision using the human resource framework by working with all the members of staffs to structure a method of reducing the long waiting time of services. The organization should hire more counseling staffs in addition to training the clerks and nurses to acquire counseling skills in order to ease the workloads from the experts.

In order make effective strategic decisions to improve the clients’ accessibility to counseling services, and its method of care delivery and its operations, Queenly Community Health Service should first keenly analyze its operations. There are various theories that explain organization and its structure. These theories include administrative theory, bureaucratic approach and scientific management approach. The scientific management theory targets to bring efficiency in the organization through planning, standardization and specialization.  Understanding the structure of the organization gives the direction of the area that needs to be improved in the organization. Scientific management is the important in the issues affective the operational efficiency of Queenly medical facility (Hinings & Greenwood 2002). With high number of clients looking for counseling services, the organization should take the opportunity to make its administration of counseling services more accessible. This means that the organization should involves all the member of the staffs in the decision making. Making a decision in an organization should involve the contribution of different ideas by giving other employees an opportunity to participate in the decision making. In order to identify the root cause of the problem, the management should consult with the counseling specialists. The counseling specialists are in good position to identify the root cause of the delay because they have direct relations to the clients (Foss & Knudsen 2013).

Based on the organizational theory, the management of Queenly Community Health Service (QCHS) should mainly concentrate on reducing the time taken by the clients to meet counseling specialists. From the contingency theory it is clear that Queenly community health should look for strategies to counter the long delay in accessing counseling services (Snowden & Boone 2007). The first strategy that organization can use to reduce the delay is reducing the time taken by the specialist to counsel a single client. The next strategy is hiring counselor to help reduce the workload from the current team of counselors. Additionally, the community health facility should new avenue for funding the new strategy of hiring new employees. Hiring new employees is an expensive process because of the additional cost from the new competition budget. Embracing the new strategies will not only help the community heath center from reducing the delay but will also improve the customers attendant which will translate into good returns (Eisenhardt & Graebner 2007).

Supply and Demand Method

The structure of the organization is based on there factors the culture of the organization, the social structure, physical structure and the technology factor. In Queenly health facility, the technology factor can be improved to make the counseling services more accessible. With the growth of technology, it is very easy to access counseling services from every location. The internet has made its easy to pass services beyond geographical boundaries. The management should look for ways on how technology can be incorporated so that some of the clients will not have to book for direct sessions with the counselors. Clients with minor problems can be counseled right from their home thus reducing the workload on counselor thus reduce the delay of services. According to management science theory, it is very important to rally a strong team that will help the organization to achieve the desired goals. This is why it is important to have a powerful organizational culture that will guide the behaviors of the employees in the organization (Laffont & Martimort 2009).


Organization theory has become a necessity in the decision making process in an organization. Organization theory incorporates the issues affecting the organization. Organization theory encompasses other competing theories including rational system perspective, modernization theory and bureaucratic theory.  The rational system perspective focuses on the goal and formalization. This includes the objectives that the organization is aiming to achieve and the strategy of streamlining the operations of the organization to a give culture.  The modernization theory includes the alignment of the organization based on the changes in the change in the industry. To make effective decision, the management of Queenly medical facility should involve the stakeholders of the organization. This may include the frontline employees such as counseling specialist and the financers of the organization. Since the main problem facing the organization is from the counseling department, the management should devise methods that will help reduce the time taken to deal with a single client. Additionally, the organization should consider increasing the number of counselor so that the clients will have an easy access of counselors.


















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