Pro & Con Paper:
Write a five page paper (hire research essay pro writers) on one of the issues that we discussed in class (your title page and works cited page should be an addition to the 5 page requirement). You must have a minimum of 7 references in addition to your text with no online references. All of your references should be scholarly references obtained from professional peer-reviewed journals or books. The paper should be typed and follow APA format. Present both PRO & CON positions. Your paper should be based on references rather than personal opinion. This paper must be turned in on the due date or you will receive a grade of zero.

Here are just a few examples of journals you can use for this paper are:

Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
The American Journal of Drugs and Alcohol
The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research
Journal of Addiction Medicine

The topic I choose:
Should marijuana be approved for medical use?

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