4 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following has the responsibility for deciding which allocation of resources and rewards in a business makes the most business sense?Question 24 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following is a Chinese law applying to corporate political activities in 论文帮助/论文写作服务/负担得起我及时提交我最好的质量 – China?Question 34 out of 4 pointsCorrectManagers can make their own ______ law by entering into contracts and crafting certain governance structures.Question 44 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following is an advocacy group that has lobbied against marketing to children?Question 54 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following is not a component of legal astuteness as referenced in the text?Question 64 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following illustrates that corporate conduct violating society’s expectations can result in new forms of regulation without regard for feasibility or cost?Question 74 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following is a psychological disorder referenced in the text resulting in a lack of empathy and the inability to recognize boundaries?Question 84 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following is the group given the ultimate legal authority to change management?Question 94 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following is a term for the maximization of shareholder value?Question 104 out of 4 pointsCorrectAccording to the Kantian theory of universalizability, the ethical worth of an act is determined by whether oneQuestion 114 out of 4 pointsCorrectA judge will grant a motion to dismiss the complaint on all but the following grounds:.Question 124 out of 4 pointsCorrectDiversity jurisdiction exists whenQuestion 134 out of 4 pointsCorrectFor diversity purposes, a corporation is deemed a citizen ofQuestion 144 out of 4 pointsCorrectIf the defendant does not file an answer within the time required, a(n) ____________ may be entered in favor of the plaintiff.Question 154 out of 4 pointsCorrectCase law, the legal rules made by judges when they decide a case where no constitution, statute or regulation exists to resolve the dispute, is known as ________.Question 164 out of 4 pointsCorrectThe President has the power to make treatiesQuestion 174 out of 4 pointsCorrectThe _____________ Clause of Article VI of the U.S. Constitution states that the Constitution, laws, and treaties of the United States take precedence over state laws and that the judges of the state courts must follow federal law.Question 184 out of 4 pointsCorrectA law enacted to punish a specific individual would be an example of a(n)Question 194 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following was the result in the case in the text challenging regulations involving the posting to a website of human readable source code of an encryption software program?Question 204 out of 4 pointsCorrectIn which of the following cases did the U.S. Supreme Court uphold Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibiting discrimination or segregation on the grounds of race, color, religion or national origin in any inn, hotel, motel, or other establishment of more than five rooms that provides lodging to transient guests?QUIZ 24 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following was the result in O’Shea v. Welch, the case in the text involving whether an employee was acting within the scope of his employment when, while driving to deliver a vendor’s gift (football tickets) to his employer’s office, he turned into a service station to obtain an estimate regarding nonemergency maintenance on his car?Question 24 out of 4 pointsCorrectUnder the duty of ____________ an agent has a duty to act solely for the benefit of his or her principal in all matters directly connected with the agency undertaking.Question 34 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following terms refers to a slight deviation from the employer’s business that is still within the scope of employment?Question 44 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following was the result in EBC I, Inc. v. Goldman, Sachs, & Co., the case in the text in which it was claimed that Goldman Sachs breached a fiduciary duty in acting as an underwriter and in providing advice to eToys, the plaintiff’s predecessor, in regard to an initial public offering of stock?The court refused to order a dismissal of the plaintiff’s claim and found that Goldman Sachs’ failure to disclose a material conflict of interest established a claim for breach of fiduciary duty.Question 54 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhat is the meaning of the term “respondeat superior”?Question 64 out of 4 pointsCorrectAn agency by ________ occurs when a person leads another to believe that someone else is his or her agent and is thereafter prevented from denying it.Question 74 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following are autonomous computer programs that can be dispatched by the user to execute certain tasks?Question 84 out of 4 pointsCorrectApparent authority may be based on which of the following?.Question 90 out of 4 pointsIncorrectUnder the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act, what would be the result if an electronic agent agrees to a click-wrap agreement?Question 100 out of 4 pointsIncorrectWhich of the following is not usually considered an independent contractor?Question 114 out of 4 pointsCorrectUnder the arbitrary and capricious standard, if the agency has a choice between several courses of action, a reviewing court will presume that the chosen course isQuestion 124 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhat three-step procedure does an agency follow in order to promulgate rules or regulations, and in what order is the procedure performed?Question 134 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhat was the result in Ragsdale v. Wolverine World Wide, involving whether the Department of Labor could validly institute a regulation giving an employee the right to an additional twelve weeks of family or medical leave if the employer failed to notify the employee that the twelve weeks of leave provided by the Family and Medical Leave Act ran concurrently with the thirty weeks of paid disability leave provided by the employer?Question 144 out of 4 pointsCorrectReasons for creating administrative agencies include:Question 154 out of 4 pointsCorrectRules adopted by a federal agency are published in theQuestion 164 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following is exempt from the Administrative Procedure Act’s requirement that the public be given notice and an opportunity to comment before a federal agency can promulgate a rule?Question 174 out of 4 pointsCorrectFederal administrative agencies are normally created byQuestion 184 out of 4 pointsCorrect________ by administrative agencies provide a practical decision-making process for repetitive, frequent actions that are inappropriate to litigate in courts.Question 194 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following would a comment letter to an agency generally not contain?Question 204 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following presides over formal agency adjudications at the federal level?QUIZ 34 out of 4 pointsWhich of the following is a technique by which a new party is substituted for one of the old parties, and a new contract is written (with the consent of all old and new parties) to effect the desired change?Question 24 out of 4 pointsUnder traditional common law, the acceptance must be the ________ of the offer.Question 34 out of 4 pointsCommercial transactions involving the sale of goods, movable personal property, are governed by which of the following?Question 44 out of 4 pointsA contract entered into by a minor isQuestion 54 out of 4 pointsIf the promisee entered into the contract in order to discharge a duty he or she owed the third party, then the third party is a(n) ________ beneficiary.Question 64 out of 4 pointsAs a birthday gift, Ben’s uncle promised Ben that he would pay Ben’s business school tuition for the next semester. In reliance on that promise, Ben quit his part time job at a fast food restaurant. When the tuition bill became due, Ben’s uncle told Ben that he was sorry but that he would not be able to pay the tuition because he just built a new swimming pool at his house, and funds were running short. Ben asks you if there is any basis upon which he could win in litigation against his uncle. Which of the following would be the best advice?Question 74 out of 4 pointsWhich of the following does not generally make a contract voidable?Question 84 out of 4 pointsFraud in the ________ occurs when a party is persuaded to sign one document thinking that it is another.Question 94 out of 4 pointsWhich of the following are damages that give the plaintiff the benefit of its bargain, putting the plaintiff in the case position it would have been in if the contract had been fulfilled?AnswerQuestion 104 out of 4 pointsWhich of the following was the result in Copeland v. Baskin Robbins, the case in the text involving the issue of whether a party may be held liable on the theory that the party wrongfully failed to engage in contract negotiations?Question 114 out of 4 pointsA statute of ________ prevents recovery for product injuries by limiting the time period for recovery from the date when the injury occurred.Question 124 out of 4 pointsWhich of the following is not a theory on which a product liability claim can be based?Question 134 out of 4 pointsWhich state court was the first to adopt the doctrine of strict product liability?Question 144 out of 4 pointsUnder the doctrine of _________, the plaintiff’s damages in a strict liability action may be reduced by the degree to which his or her own negligence contributed to the injury.Question 154 out of 4 pointsWhich of the following products has traditionally been viewed as “unavoidably unsafe” by the courts?Question 164 out of 4 pointsA product that was sold without a component part properly fastened to the product is an example of a ________ defect.Question 170 out of 4 pointsOn a failure to warn claim, adequate warnings and instructions for a product’s safe use can shield a manufacturer from liability for aQuestion 180 out of 4 pointsIf the societal value of an inherently dangerous product outweighs the risk of harm from its use, it is known as a(n) ________ product.Question 194 out of 4 pointsTo prove ________ in a product liability case, the injured party must show that the defendant did not use reasonable care in the design or manufacture of its product.Question 204 out of 4 points$Under the doctrine of _________, when a person voluntarily and unreasonably assumes the risk of a known danger, the manufacturer is not liable for any resulting injury.Friday, February 27, 2015 10:21:45 PM ESTQUIZ 4Question 14 out of 4 pointsCorrectA ________ placed on a product indicates that the product has met the certifier’s standards of safety or quality.Question 24 out of 4 pointsCorrectUnder the ________ use doctrine, under certain circumstances, a person may infringe the copyright owner’s exclusive rights without liability in the course of such activities as news reporting, education, scholarship, or research.Question 34 out of 4 pointsCorrectA defendant is not liable for trademark infringement if its use is ______ use, meaning that it uses the mark to talk about the mark itself.Question 44 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following are defenses to patent-infringement claims?Question 54 out of 4 pointsCorrectAn example of a fanciful trademark isQuestion 64 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhen an idea and its expression are inseparable, the ________ doctrine dictates that the expression is not copyrightable.Question 74 out of 4 pointsCorrectMandy purchased a business law book and used it during her business law class. She later loaned the book to Steven, and then to Christen. Another student accused her of copyright violation and threatened to report her to the book publisher and also to her school’s ethics board. Did Mandy violate the copyright laws?Question 84 out of 4 pointsCorrectThe federal trademark act is known as the _________ Act.Question 94 out of 4 pointsCorrectThe _________ doctrine provides that copyright protection does not extend to the useful application of an idea.Question 104 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhen may a defendant be held liable for vicarious copyright liability?Question 114 out of 4 pointsCorrectA[n] ______ is an effect of a purchase or use decision by one set of parties on others who did not have a choice and whose interest was not taken into account.Question 124 out of 4 pointsCorrectAbandoned or historically polluted sites are governed by the _______ whereas the _______ covers current and future hazardous waste treatment facilities.Question 134 out of 4 pointsCorrectCompany X was responsible for 40% of the environmental pollutants on a hazardous waste site whereas Company Z was responsible for the remaining 60%. Under CERCLA which of the following is true regarding the imposition of liability on the parties?Question 144 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following laws governs the quality of drinking water served by public drinking-water systems?Question 154 out of 4 pointsCorrectLaws addressing wilderness preservation, wildlife protection, coastal zone management, energy conservation, and national part designation are referred to as _______ laws.Question 164 out of 4 pointsCorrectEnvironmental ________ is a systematic and ongoing process for determining whether property contains or emits hazardous substances and whether a company is in compliance with environmental lawsQuestion 174 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhich of the following refers to the belief that decisions with environmental consequences should not discriminate against poor and minority communities?Question 184 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhat was the result in Pakootas v. Teck Cominco Metals, Ltd., the case in the text in which the plaintiffs sued the defendant, a Canadian corporation, regarding an order under CERCLA pertaining to its contamination of water in Write my essay for me – CA Essay writer Canada that reached the U.S.?Question 194 out of 4 pointsCorrectThe management of hazardous waste is governed by the ____ as amended.Question 204 out of 4 pointsCorrectWhen can a corporate officer be held civilly liable under the Clean Water Act?

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