The Deep Web Vs Dark Web
People are used to getting on the web using the various tools such as Yahoo and google and through that one can often find any information online. However, this type of search is simply referred to as the surface web. Surface web simple uses links to find information on the things that one is looking for online. That is a common way that people get material online. However, other searches are called deep web and dark web.
The deep web is something that one cannot find with the standard search engines. When looking at the deep web, the analogy of searching changes from the use of the search box. In this case, one has to click links to get to the information that is needed. In such type of searches, one would often learn to use the search boxes to find to get to the right information. An excellent example of how the deep web works are the result one gets from the Hotwire site. In most case, anytime one gets of Google and tries to get things directly from the internet, then one would understand how the deep web works. The government databases and libraries often work from the deep web data. Another good example is North, Dakota Court record search, and Florida Medical license Database. When using google search, it often becomes impossible to find information that exists in such search boxes (Chen, Hsinchun, et al.).
On the other hand, the dark web exists within the deep web, but they are some small parts that cannot be accessed through the standard searches. An excellent example of such a web is the TOR network. The website is anonymous can only be obtained using the TOR browser. The site is commonly used for illicit activities because of the anonymity that is associated with it.
While there is confusion about the deep web and the dark web many people often do not get the difference. The deep internet is the place that many people go to when visiting any private sites. This includes the private mail, watching videos on Netflix or purchasing something on Amazon. Therefore, the deep web is not all about the illegal things, but it’s about the things that one cannot get on the surface of the internet. On the other hand, the deep web can only be accessed using special software that is specialised for the purpose. In the dark network, there are often illicit activities that happen there (Chen, Hsinchun, et al.).
It is essential to understand that the deep web is a subset of the deep internet. While on the deep web one cannot use the search indexes, still one would not need some special sensors to access them. On the contrary, the dark internet can only be accessed using platforms that are anonymous. There are often many cases that people have often made the confusion between the deep web and the deep web. Just as the names go, to get to the deep web you need to be getting off the normal searches; however, the deep web requires specialised software. Besides, the dark web would often involve secret and illicit activities while the deep web is all about things that are private. Therefore, one should get to understand the difference between these two issues. It is common for people to get to the deep web, but one might never get to the dark web.

Works Cited
Chen, Hsinchun, et al. “Uncovering the dark Web: A case study of Jihad on the Web.” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 59.8 (2008): 1347-1359.

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