Question description

This year, the American Positive Psychology Association’s (APPA) annual
conference is being conducted in your area, and you are interested in
making a presentation. Review the flier below.
APPA World Conference Call for Proposals
APPA is seeking presentations for the annual APPA World
The American Positive Psychology Association is seeking
presentations for the First World Conference on Empirical Evidence of Positive
Psychology. This international conference will highlight research and gather
experts in positive psychology to present the latest research and best
Those interests in presenting must submit a
15-20 slide Power point presentation in which the topic of interest is
presented. Research evidence that supports this practice and makes this concept
an interesting and engaging presentation for the conference is mandatoryUsing the module readings, Argosy University online
library resources, and the Internet, research the positive psychology
model. Then, based on your research, do the following:
Select one of the featured elements of the positive
psychology model on which you will prepare an application for the APPA
Conference call for proposals as stated in the flier. Develop a PowerPoint presentation as part of your application. Cover the following points in your presentation:
Assignment help – Discuss the foundational information for
positive psychology and the featured element or concept of positive
psychology on which you have chosen to focus. Analyze and apply current research to support
the efficacy of this element or concept of positive psychology. Provide a
minimum of three scholarly references of research conducted within the
past five years. Argue the benefits of this element or concept in
contrast to two different techniques in general psychotherapy such as
cognitive restructuring (from cognitive/behavioral theory) or dream
analysis (from psychodynamic theory). Summarize several significant factors that contribute to a positive outlook based on current research. Analyze the potential advantages of this
positive outlook and what changes would need to be implemented to impact
the mental health field. Be sure to include a title slide and a slide with a list of scholarly references.Remember to include detailed speaker notes for each slide in your presentation.Develop a 15–20-slide presentation in
PowerPoint format. Each slide should contain 75–100 words of
description and research. Apply Help write my thesis – APA standards to citation of sources.
Use the following file naming convention:
By Saturday, June 21, 2014, deliver your assignment to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox.

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