
II Article Critique

genetic testing right for you and your family?

Recent advancements within scientific
research have spurred controversy over the topic of genetic testing, especially
with newborns. Although scientists can now identify certain DNA markers that
reveal an increased propensity for various diseases and disorders, numerous
moral dilemmas quickly emerge. How will predicting future events impact the

knowing that your child is most likely going to develop Alzheimer’s disease
change the way that you raise him or her? Should someone help you understand
the implications if you are told that your child is most likely going to be
autistic? What impact will these “potential” results have on your child’s
healthcare? Could genetic testing force your child to be plagued with unnecessary

the article by Pollack (2010) and write a two-page critique examining why so
much controversy surrounds genetic testing today. Do you agree or disagree with
the author’s stance on this topic?

Pollack, H. (2010). Put to the test: As
genetic screening gets cheaper and easier, it’s raising questions that
health-care providers aren’t prepared to answer. The American Prospect, 21(9),
21-24. Retrieved from Opposing Viewpoints in Context database.

for locating the article: Locate the article within the CSU Online Library.
After you log into your myCSU homepage, click on the CSU Online Library button.
Next, go to the Opposing Viewpoints in Context database. You will then type the
name of the article within the search box located at the top of the page and
click “search.” You should then see the article listed in your choices. You can
always contact one of the librarians for further assistance.

for writing your Article Critique:

Introduction – This is meant
to give a concise overview of the article being discussed and is usually one
paragraph in length.

Summary – This contains the
summary of the article that gives the general argument(s) and overview of the
featured author.

Critique – In this portion of
the paper, you should provide a critique/opinion of the article. You should
state whether you agree or disagree with the issues that were posed.
Furthermore, you should also discuss why you

1010, General Psychology 2

agree or disagree with the author’s
viewpoint(s). Do not forget to discuss the importance of this article to the
field of psychology.

Conclusion – This summarizes your final
thoughts for the featured topic.

Do not forget to double space your response and use Times
New Roman 12 pt. font. This written assignmentshould have a cover page,
two full pages of content in which you organize the four sections of the
article critique based on the guidelines as listed above, and a references
page. You are required to utilize the textbook, assigned article, and one
additional source to support your stance on this topic. All three
sources should be included on your references page. You should also have
accompanying in-text citations for each source that you have used throughout
your response. Follow Help write my thesis – APA format.

about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided

IV Article Review

you be pushed to commit a horrific crime?

most individuals can readily predict their response during a stressful
situation, recent advancements have revealed that situational forces can have a
far greater impact on one’s behavior than previously acknowledged. In fact,
discoveries have been revealed which provide shocking insight into human
behaviors and abuse. Read the article by Hong (2012) and write a two-page
review examining how “normal” individuals can become vulnerable to heinous acts
when placed under certain duress. What can be learned from Zimbardo’s prison
experiment? Can certain correlations be drawn from the conditions in Abu
Ghraib? Could you blindly follow the commands received by an authority figure?

Hong, J. K. (2012). The Lucifer Effect:
Understanding how good people turn evil. Army Lawyer, 55-58. Retrieved
from Academic OneFile database.

for locating the article: Locate the article within
the CSU Online Library. After you log into your myCSU Student Portalhomepage,
click on the CSU Online Library button. Next, go to the Academic OneFile
database. Select the index for

and type the name “Joon K. Hong” in the search box. You should then see the
article listed in your choices. You can always contact one of the librarians
for further assistance.

for writing your Article Review:

Introduction – This is meant
to give a concise overview of the article being discussed, and is usually one
paragraph in length.

Summary – This contains the
summary of the article that gives the general argument(s) and overview of the
featured author.

Analysis – In this portion of
the paper, you should provide a review of the article. You should state whether
you agree or disagree with the issues that were posed. Furthermore, you should
also discuss why you agree or disagree with the author’s viewpoint(s). Do not
forget to discuss the importance of this article to the field of psychology.
You must use an additional source to support your opinion.

Conclusion – This summarizes
your final thoughts for the featured topic.

Do not forget to double space your response and use Times
New Roman 12 pt. font. This written assignmentshould have a cover page,
two full pages of content in which you organize the four sections of the
article review based on the guidelines as listed above, and a references page.
You are required to utilize the textbook, assigned article, and one additional
source to support your stance on this topic. All three sources
should be included on your references page. You should also have accompanying
in-text citations for each source that you have used throughout your response.
Follow Help write my thesis – APA format guidelines.

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VI Reflection Paper

this unit, you have learned that certain links exist between emotions,
motivation, and stress. In fact, if one does not handle his or her stress
effectively, numerous health issues could arise.

this assignment, you are to compose a two-page reflection paper in which you
examine a current or former stressful event in your life. You must embrace
Selye’s general adaptation syndrome (GAS), and describe your reactions to the stressful
event during each stage. Be sure that you recount the various facial
expressions that you displayed as you

1010, General Psychology


progressed through each stage as well. What
coping strategies did you embrace to help solve the problem? Additionally, how
was your professional work impacted by the stressor? Furthermore, did you
experience additional conflicts with other individuals as you endured this life

must effectively examine each of the areas listed above. Furthermore, you
should visit the CSU Online Library to identify a source that provides specific
information on how this stressful issue could impact your health, future goals,
and motivation. You must integrate the textbook as a source as well.

for writing your Reflection Paper:

Introduction – This is meant
to give a concise overview of the featured stressful event and is usually one
paragraph in length. In your introduction, you will reveal the featured
stressful event that you will examine for this paper.

Summary – This contains your description of
the required areas listed above in the opening statement, including
Selye’s GAS, your facial
expressions, coping strategies, professional impact, and relationship

Analysis – In this portion of
the paper, you should provide information from the textbook and an additional
source identified from the CSU Library to analyze the impact that the stressful
event could have placed upon your health, future goals, and motivation.

Conclusion – This summarizes
your final reflections for the featured topic. For instance, what implications
have you uncovered during your research that you will apply to future stressful

Do not forget to double space your response and use Times
New Roman 12 pt. font. This written assignmentshould have a cover page,
two full pages of content in which you organize the four sections of the
reflection based on the guidelines as listed above, and a references page. You
are required to utilize the textbook and one additional source for this
assignment. Both sources should be included on your references
page. You should also have accompanying in-text citations for each source that
you have used throughout your response.

about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided

VII PowerPoint Presentation

does personality develop and evolve over a life span?

Throughout this unit, you have learned that
numerous issues directly impact one’s development over a life span. In fact,
much research is present which supports the fact that childhood experiences
have direct correlations with adult behaviors.

this assignment, you are to design a 10-slide PowerPoint presentation, not
including the title and reference slide, in which you examine how an
individual’s personality grows and evolves over a life span. Your presentation
should include details from conception through death. You must utilize the CSU
Online Library to identify a minimum of one peer-reviewed article which
specifically addresses personality development and the various influences on
such, including genetic, environmental, and cultural factors. While examining
the article, you must describe the author’s primary purpose? What evidence is
present to support the researcher’s findings? Which implications are shared
that reveal the impact on life experiences? Additionally, you must integrate
the information covered in the textbook as well.

for designing your presentation:

Slide #1 – Cover Slide

Slides #2-#11 – These slides
provide specific details that cover one’s personality development over a life
span, including genetic, environmental, cultural, and innate factors.
Slide #12 – References

Please use Microsoft PowerPoint for this project. If you
do not have this program, you may use a similar tool. Youare required
to utilize the textbook and one additional peer-reviewed journal article for
this assignment. You should use short bullet points on your slides while giving
specific details in the notes section at the bottom of each slide. Both
sources should be included on your references slide. You should also have
accompanying in-text citations for each source that you have used throughout
your response.

about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided

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