Posted: February 16th, 2023
Epidemiology Paper on Whooping Cough in South Florida
Please see the attached paper along with the grading rubric. This assignment is worth 20% of your overall final grade and is due Week 8
geographic area South Florida
Whooping Cough
This paper should clearly and comprehensively identify the disease or population health problem
chosen. The problem must be an issue in your geographic area and a concern for the population
you will serve upon graduation with your degree. The purpose of this assignment is to:
• Provide learners with the opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills learned throughout this course
• Directly apply principles and knowledge learned in the course to problem solving of population health problems in their own geographic areas.
Assignment Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
1. Define key terms in epidemiology, community health, and population-based research.
2. Compare study designs used for obtaining population health information from surveillance, observation, community, and control trial-based research.
3. Identify appropriate outcome measures and study designs applicable to epidemiological subfields such as infectious disease, chronic disease, environmental exposures, reproductive health, and genetics.
4. Apply commonly used measures of health risk.
5. Examine current ethical/legal issues in epidemiology.
6. Identify important sources of epidemiological data.
7. Evaluate a public health problem in terms of magnitude, person, time, and place.
• Page length: 6-10 pages, excluding title/cover page
• Help write my thesis – APA format 7th edition
• Include at least one table to present information somewhere in the paper.
• Must include at least 4-5 scholarly resources not older than 5 years
Epidemiology Paper: Descriptive Epidemiology of a Selected Infectious Disease
Please select an infectious disease to explore in detail by using a descriptive epidemiological approach. Using the Help write my thesis – APA 7th edition Style Manual as a reference, the scholarly paper should be no more than 10 and no less than 6 pages excluding title and reference page
Outline of the Assignment (make sure the paper includes the following)
a) Introduction with a clear presentation of the problem as well as significance and a scholarly overview of the paper.
b) Describing an infectious disease to explore in detail by using a descriptive epidemiological approach. Background of the disease including definition, description, signs and symptoms, and current incidence and/or prevalence statistics current state, local, and national statistics pertaining to the disease. (Include a table of incidence or prevalence rates by your geographic county, state, and national statistics.)
c) A review of current surveillance methods and any mandated reporting or methods for
reporting the disease for providers.
d) Identifying various sources of data for the epidemiological description of a health disorder/infectious disease
e) Identifying host characteristics (age, gender, marital status, race etc.) and environmental attributes: geographic areas, income, housing, occupation, and education (essentially the main social determinants of health) as they relate to an infectious disease or health condition.
f) Conduct descriptive epidemiology analysis of the disease including who is more frequently affected and characteristics of the population that might help in creating a prevention plan. Include costs (both financial and social) associated with the disease or problem.
g) Identifying temporal variation: (secular, cyclic, seasonal, and epidemic) as they relate to an infectious disease or health condition.
h) Summarizing current hypotheses that have been proposed to explain the observed distribution of the infectious disease or health condition
i) Review how the disease is diagnosed, current national standards for screening or
prevention, and pick one screening test and review its sensitivity, specificity, positive
predictive value, cost and any current national guidelines for conducting which patients to conduct this test on.
j) Listing gaps in knowledge about the distribution of an infectious disease or health condition.
k) Provide a brief plan of how you will address this epidemiological disease in your practice
once you are finished with school. Provide three actions you will take along with how you will measure outcomes of your actions.
l) Examining areas for further epidemiological research related to an infectious disease or health condition. Conclude in a clear manner with a brief overview of key points of the entire disease
Grading Rubric
Criteria Proficient/Exemplary Competent Beginner
Introduction (30 pts) 30 pts
Clear introduction of the problem and infectious disease with a clear direction and purpose for the paper 20 pts
Mostly clear introduction that largely presents the problem and infectious disease/health problem and a clear direction and purpose for the paper 10 pts
Presents a vague introduction that only limitedly presents the problem and infectious disease/health problem and fails to provide a clear and direct direction for the paper
Descriptive epidemiological approach is utilized to describe the infectious disease/health problem. Background & significance data is included. County, state, and national data presented (make sure to include a table here to present the data) (45 pts) 45 pts
The infectious disease/health problem is introduced and described using descriptive epidemiology. This includes definition, description of signs and symptoms, current incidence and prevalence statistics at the state, local, and national level pertaining to the disease. Includes a comprehensive table of incidence and prevalence rates by geographic county, state, and national data. 30 pts
The infectious disease/health problem is introduced and largely but not fully described using descriptive epidemiology. Most but not all the following information is included such as definition, description of signs and symptoms, current incidence and prevalence statistics at the local, state and national level pertaining to the disease. Includes an adequate table of incidence and prevalence rates by geographic county, state, and national levels 15 pts
The infectious disease/health problem is introduced but poorly and vaguely described using descriptive epidemiology. Limited information is provided about the disease definitions, description of the signs and symptoms, current incidence and prevalence statistics at the local, state and national level pertaining to the disease. May or may not include a table provided the required county, state and national level data.
Surveillance methods and mandated reporting (30 pts) 30 pts
Current and relevant surveillance methods and mandated reporting or/and methods for reporting the disease to providers is well described. 20 pts
Current and relevant surveillance methods and mandated reporting or/and methods for reporting the disease to providers is mostly described but somewhat limited in scope. 10 pts
Current and relevant surveillance methods and mandated reporting or/and methods for reporting the disease to providers is limited and vaguely described.
Sources of epidemiological data about the disease (30 pts) 30 pts
A comprehensive variety of data sources are identified that provide an accurate and relevant description of the health disorder/infectious disease 20 pts
An adequate variety of data sources are identified that provide a good and somewhat accurate description of the health disorder/infectious disease 10 pts
A limited variety of data sources are identified that provide a poor and inadequate description of the health disorder/infectious disease
Host characteristics and environmental, geographic, income, housing, occupation (essentially primary SDOH) that relate to this infection’s disease/health condition (45 pts)
45 pts
Comprehensive and thorough integration of the main social determinants of health that impact the infectious disease/health condition including those outlined in the above section (e) 30 pts
Good integration of the main social determinants of health that impact the infectious disease/health condition including those outlined in the above section (e) 15 pts
Limited and poor integration of the social determinants of health that impact the infectious/health condition including those outlined in the above section (e)
Reviews how disease is diagnosed, tested with specific information about screening, prevention, and screening test (45 pts) 45 pts
Comprehensively reviews how the disease is diagnosed, current national standards for screening and prevention are identified. At least one screening test is identified with a thorough analysis and review of the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, cost and current national guidelines for populations or patients who should be tested. 30 pts
Adequately reviews how the disease is diagnosed, current national standards for screening and prevention are identified. At least one screening test is identified with a good analysis and review of the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, cost and current national guidelines for populations or patients who should be tested. 15 pts
Limitedly reviews how the disease is diagnosed, current national standards for screening and prevention are poorly identified. A screening test may or may not be identified; with somewhat inaccurate and incomplete data regarding the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, cost and current national guidelines for populations or patients who should be tested.
Epidemiological analysis of the most affected population that assists in formulation of a prevention plan (including financial and social factors) (30 pts) 30 pts
Comprehensive descriptive epidemiological analysis which identifies the most affected population which informs a prevention plan which includes both financial and social factors associated with the disease/problem 20 pts
Adequate descriptive epidemiological analysis which identifies the most affected population which informs a prevention plan that includes both financial and social factors associated with the disease/problem 10 pts
Limited descriptive epidemiological analysis which identifies the most affected population which informs a prevention plan that includes both financial and social factors associated with the disease/problem
Temporal variation identified (30 pts) 30 pts
Clear and evident identification of a temporal variation (secular, cyclic, seasonal or epidemic) that relates to the infectious disease/health condition 20 pts
Good and mostly clear identification of a temporal variation (secular, cyclic, seasonal or epidemic) that relates to the infectious disease/health condition 10 pts
Limited and vague identification of a temporal variation (secular, cyclic, seasonal or epidemic) that relates to the infectious disease/health condition
Current hypothesis reflecting existing literature (30 pts) 30 pts
Identifies and accurately describes the current and existing hypothesis that reflects existing literature as the rationale for the observed variations or distribution of the infectious disease/health condition 20 pts
Adequate and mostly accurate description of current and existing hypothesis that reflects existing literature as the rationale for the observed variations or distribution of the infectious disease/health condition 10 pts
Limited and vague description of current and existing hypothesis that reflects existing literature as the rationale for the observed variations or distribution of the infectious disease/health condition
Gaps in knowledge about distributions are identified (30 pts) 30 pts
Clearly and concisely identifies gaps in knowledge about the distribution of the infectious disease or health problem 20 pts
Adequate and mostly accurate gaps in knowledge about the distribution of the infectious disease or health problem 10 pts
Limited and poorly identified gap in knowledge about the distribution of the infectious disease or health problem.
Detailed plan with 3 specific actions to address the epidemiological disease. Three specific and measurable outcomes to address the identified actions. (45 pts) 45 pts
Provides a thoughtful and realistic plan on how the student will address the epidemiological disease in student practice upon graduation. Provides a detailed description of at least 3 actions along with specific and measurable outcomes for the proposed actions. 30 pts
Adequate and mostly realistic plan on how the student will address the epidemiological disease in student practice upon graduation. Provides an adequate description of at least 3 actions along with a somewhat specific and mostly measurable outcomes for the proposed actions. 15 pts
Limited and somewhat unrealistic plan on how the student will address the epidemiological disease in student practice upon graduation. Provides an a somewhat vague and limited description of 3 or less actions along with either no or some outcomes which are not measurable and/or relate to the identified actions.
Identifies areas for further epidemiological research related to the infectious disease/health problem. Clear and concise summary of key points in the conclusion (45 pts) 45 pts
Comprehensively identifies areas for further epidemiological research grounded in evidence r/t the infectious disease/health condition. Clear and concise summary of the key points provided in the conclusion 30 pts
Adequately identifies areas of further epidemiological research grounded in evidence r/t the infectious disease/health condition. Mostly clear and somewhat concise summary of the key points provided in the conclusion 15 pts
Limitedly identifies areas of further epidemiological research which may or may not be grounded in evidence r/t the infectious disease/health condition. Vague and unclear or no summary of key points provided in the conclusion.
Help write my thesis – APA formatting 7 th edition (30 pts) 30 pts
Paper is formatted according to Help write my thesis – APA 7th ed. formatting including spacing, referencing in-text and reference page with less than 2 errors. 20 pts
Paper is formatted according to Help write my thesis – APA 7th edition formatting including spacing, referencing in-text and reference page with more than 2 errors and less than 6 errors. 10 pts
Paper does not follow correct Help write my thesis – APA 7thedition formatting in regard to spacing, referencing, in-text and reference page with greater than 6 errors.
Spelling, grammar and formatting and supporting literature (30 pts) 30 pts
Less than 2-3 errors in spelling and grammar throughout paper as well as formatting. The paper has the required 4-5 scholarly resources. 20 pts
Greater than 3 to 6 errors in spelling, grammar and formatting throughout paper. Paper has at least 3-4 scholarly resources are included within the past 5 years. 10 pts
Greater than 6 errors in grammar, spelling and formatting throughout paper. Paper has less than the required 4 scholarly resources that are or are not within the 5 years.
Total: 495 pts
Student score
Epidemiology Paper on Whooping Cough in South Florida.
I. Introduction
a) Clear presentation of the problem and significance
b) Scholarly overview of the paper
II. Description of Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
a) Definition and description
b) Signs and symptoms
c) Current incidence and prevalence statistics (include a table)
III. Surveillance Methods and Reporting
a) Overview of current surveillance methods
b) Mandated reporting or methods for reporting the disease to providers
IV. Sources of Epidemiological Data
a) Identification of various sources for the epidemiological description of Whooping Cough
V. Social Determinants of Health and Whooping Cough
a) Host characteristics (age, gender, marital status, race, etc.)
b) Environmental attributes: geographic areas, income, housing, occupation, education
VI. Descriptive Epidemiological Analysis
a) Identification of the most affected population
b) Characteristics of the population for prevention planning
c) Costs associated with the disease
VII. Temporal Variation
a) Identification of temporal variations related to Whooping Cough (secular, cyclic, seasonal, epidemic)
VIII. Current Hypotheses
a) Summary of current hypotheses explaining the distribution of Whooping Cough
IX. Diagnosis, Screening, and Prevention
a) Review of the disease’s diagnosis
b) Current national standards for screening and prevention
c) Selection of a screening test and its analysis (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, cost, national guidelines)
X. Gaps in Knowledge
a) Identification of gaps in the understanding of Whooping Cough’s distribution
XI. Addressing Whooping Cough in Practice
a) Brief plan for addressing Whooping Cough in your practice
b) Three specific actions with measurable outcomes
XII. Areas for Further Epidemiological Research
a) Identification of areas for future epidemiological research on Whooping Cough
XIII. Conclusion
a) Clear summary of key points covered in the paper
XIV. Help write my thesis – APA Formatting and References
a) Ensure adherence to Help write my thesis – APA 7th edition formatting guidelines
b) Include at least 4-5 scholarly resources within the past 5 years
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