DIT615 Homework help – Discussion

Pawel P. (2017) Agile transformation in project organization: Issues, conditions, and challenges.

Homework help – Discussion Questions:

The research provided in this paper empirically established that transitioning to the Agile Project Management methodology significantly impacted the entire organization requiring extensive organizational change. Please select one of the author’s recommendations provided on page 205 under the heading “The key proposals and recommendations are as follows” and elaborate on how a company’s organizational framework would need to change in order to implement your chosen recommendation.

DIT630 Homework help – Discussion

Review the video below and provide a summary of your understanding of the message of the video in one paragraph.

This short essay should be 100 words (not including references) and you must provide evidence for your position using 1 academic or professional source.

TED (2020). The Fabulous World of Time Series | Zhanao Sun | TEDxYouth@ZJMLIS. Retrieved from

https://youtu.be/HH4yHZCCapA (11:12)

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