Posted: February 1st, 2023
how behavior and attitude introduce fragility into Cyber security
How behavior and attitude introduce fragility into Cyber securityProject Summary
This should have its own page, be no more than 300 words and includes a statement of the issue that the proposed research will address highlighting; motivation, importance and expected outcome(s) & benefits.
I. Research question and significance
Clearly state the research question that the study will address. Make a case for why the proposed research is important and innovative, how it will present a fresh point of view, or how it develops or improves tools, processes, technologies, etc. Which authors have pursued a question similar to or related to yours Did they do it well or badly Sub-questions can be used to add further clarity to the research question, reflect a particular approach or combination of approaches etc. Indicate the data/info required to address main question.
Briefly embed the research question in the context of relevant body of knowledge that led to the question under study. What characteristics describe the literature-to-date on the topic, e.g. heavily theoretical, based on single case studies, explorative, based on a conceptual framework or a strong theoretical framework. Pertinent literature will be critically analyzed in a later section of this assignment.
Describe how the research will increase knowledge in the field and what critical gaps it will fill; identify the managerial problem that the research will address and how it will improve the practice of project management.
Explain whether the research will lead to general or specific findings is it going to be based on one or more case studies, in a specific industry and regional context, or more general from a wider population of different industries, sectors and international regions If this research is part of a larger research program involving two or more PhD researchers, indicate how it will contribute to the overall success of the whole research.
II. Specific aims
The specific aims are the objectives of the research project, what you intend to accomplish by the close of the project. They are to be clear, focused, concise statements that elaborate on or unpack the research question.
The aims should flow directly from the research question, and the methodology used in the study should relate to them.
The project should usually have no more than three specific aims.
III. Literature review and theory development
Demonstrate knowledge of relevant literature and present a critical assessment with up-to-date references. Identify, up-front, the particular strands of literature you intend to draw on. Reference significant related research in allied fields. Use this section to show existing gaps or discrepancies in knowledge on the proposed topic. If you have undertaken any previous work on the same topic, e.g., pilot or exploratory study, or a Masters dissertation, summarize the results in this section. Explain the relationship between your earlier study (ies) and the proposed research. If you plan to use a questionnaire in the proposed study that was developed in a pilot project, mention it here, describe it briefly in a later assignment Methodology Research design and data analysis and attach it there as an appendix.
In this section, you should be looking at the theory published on your topic. This means that you should be selecting those authors who present theoretical foundations for your topic and, for empirical studies, the foundational theory from which these are designed. You need to be able to identify which disciplinary sources are being used psychology, sociology, system dynamics, etc., and the particular schools of thought within those disciplines that are used. The literature review will synthesize all the relevant previous research literature material you have worked with in other modules.
The literature review will usually involve 3-5 different bodies of literature relevant to your topic and research question. You need to show relationships between topics and how they are connected or related historically in the literature. Focus on theories, concepts, models proposed in the field including contrasting ones. Which theoretical approaches do you prefer and why Which ones do you disagree with; can you identify and argue their weaknesses Add subheadings to provide some structure to aid the reader and help the flow. Sections should complement each other and not appear unrelated and disparate.
How is your approach going to add to the literature and understanding of the phenomenon (you may wish to distinguish among international, regional, and local aspects or levels) What traditions does it contribute to and what is new Is it framed within an approach or combination of approaches Are you going to develop a conceptual framework or a theoretical framework or neither If the topic is well explored, has a strong, well-established theoretical base already then a theoretical framework may be appropriate. If the field is, less well understood but has benefitted from significant exploratory research, perhaps from different methodological perspectives, then a conceptual framework may be more suitable at this stage. Or, if the research is truly explorative, with little prior empirical work, then a more grounded theory type of approach may yield the best results in which case you might be unable or unwise to construct a framework at this stage in exploratory research, a framework is more likely to be the output or conclusion of your own research project
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