Unit 3 – Homework help – Discussion Board
 Unit:  Global Business Issues 

Within the Homework help – Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Click here to visit a government Web site listing trade agreements the United States has with other countries. Select one of these trade agreements as the subject of this assignment.
Identify the trade agreement you selected and the country affected by this trade agreement. Answer the following questions as though your company were planning to start operations in the country affected by the trade agreement you selected:

How would this trade agreement impact your strategic decision making?
Consider the areas of the trade agreement that most threaten a successful strategic partnership with an offshore outsourcing possibility.
Would this move be a good idea or not?

Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain your reasoning.

Unit 3 – Individual Project 
 Unit:  Global Business Issues 
   800 words 
An ethical dilemma is one where there is no clear right or wrong options, just consequences to decisions. Managers are often faced with ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. Understanding how to make ethical decisions is an important skill for all managers.
For this assignment, consider the country affected by the trade agreement you studied in this week’s Homework help – Discussion Board.
Research paper writing help – Write a paper explaining how to work with the following ethical dilemma:
You continue to conduct due diligence required to make a sound decision on doing business in the subject country. A colleague of yours who has done business working with the country in question suggests that if you make a bribe to the government official involved, the deal will go much smoother. Without the bribe, you might lose the deal altogether. Your competitor is willing to make the bribe if you do not. This is a normal everyday practice in this country and is in no way illegal.
Use the Project Management Institute (PMI) Guidelines for Ethical Decision Making for this assignment. Document each of the 5 steps to show how you made your final decision. What do you do, and why?

Unit 3 – Discusion Board 
Unit:  Selecting Strategy 

Within the Homework help – Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.  
Literature Review of My Topic
Utilizing the Internet, CTU Library, and your textbook to support your research topic, choose 2 peer-reviewed articles in which previous research has been completed on your exact topic or areas closely related to your research topic.

Summarize each research study. Compare and contrast the 2 articles’ research studies.   
Write my Essay Online Writing Service with Professional Essay Writers – Explain how each article supports or refutes your research question and hypothesis.   
These articles will become part of your literature review for Unit 5.

Unit 3 – Individual Project 
Unit:  Selecting Strategy 

Regarding your research topic selected in unit 1 and your research question, hypothesis and five survey questions created in Unit 2, write a narrative 800-1,000-word paper describing your proposed research.

Creating the Research Paper Introduction, Purpose of the Study, and Methodology

The required information for this Individual Project includes the following:


Business, organizational problem, or topic   
Problem statement 

Purpose of the Study

One research question   
Hypothesis regarding the research question  
Rationale for selecting your proposed research strategy utilizing your two articles identified in unit 1 for support


Research strategy that you will use to explore the problem    
Method for securing the sample population  
Method for delivery of the survey instrument  
Research instrument to collect data  

Include a copy of the actual survey, complete with the introduction to the study (including all of the ethical considerations that should be included in the survey introduction. See Ethical Concerns: Informed Consent in the Unit 2 M.U.S.E.).

The following information MUST be included:

The business, organizational problem, or topic  
The problem statement   
The research strategy that you will use to explore the problem   
1 research question  
Your rationale for selecting your proposed research strategy   
1 research instrument that you will use to collect data   
A questionnaire or survey with at least 5 research questions for the study   

Survey example:   

What do you know about Brand X?   
Would you be willing to try Brand X if a free sample was available?   
If you answered yes to Question 2, please explain why.   
What is one of the most important features of a product for you?   
How do you decide what product to buy? 

After creating your survey, complete the following steps:

Send your research survey to at least 5 people (via e-mail, survey monkey, or another option).   
You will interpret the results of this survey/questionnaire in Unit 5’s assignment.

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