Part III. Multiple Choice Questions (40 Marks)
3.1 A manager with a high personalized need for power would prefer:
A. Taking control of others to setting challenging goals for a work group.
B. Gaining opportunities to improve communication to gaining recognition from his superiors through promotions.
C. Quick performance feedback to loyal and dedicated subordinates.
D. Taking individual responsibility to control of others.
3.2 OB and workforce management have focused on all of the following except:
A. Employee job satisfaction.
B. Small group behavior.
C. Leader–follower relationships.
D. Production engineering and computer-assisted design.
3.3 The link between emotions and heart disease:
A. Ignores the impact of work stressors.
B. Grows in importance as we deepen our understanding of how our personalities govern our perceptions of stress.
C. Cannot be proven because emotions are unique to each of us.
D. Is strengthened only in the alarm reaction phase of the General Adaptation Syndrome.
3.4 The problem of which comes first – great leaders who make great situations or great situations which make great leaders – is handled least well by the ____ leadership theory.
A. Behavioral
B. Trait
C. Contingency D. Path–goal
3.5 The right to give orders inherent in one’s position is ____ and the capacity to influence peers and superiors is ____.
A. Power; authority
B. Influence; authority
C. Authority; power
D. Power; control

3.6 Enlarging a job is most closely related to which of the following job content factors?
A. Skill variety.
B. Autonomy.
C. Task identity.
D. Task significance.
3.7 Studying the future and arranging the means for dealing with it is part of the process of
A. Organizing
B. Commanding
C. Controlling
D. Planning
3.8 Which of the following is probably not a result of organizational culture?
A. Shaping employee behaviors through social control.
B. Reinforcing corporate ethical values.
C. Building unquestioned employee support for new corporate goals.
D. Helping new employees makes sense of organizational systems.
3.9 One of your staff members fails to ensure the protection of sensitive company documents by leaving his computer password on an email message. Instead of disciplining the employee, you decide to employ extinction to eliminate the irresponsible behavior. Therefore you:
A. Reassign the worker to a less desirable job.
B. Ignore the oversight and pretend it did not happen.
C. Change the passwords for all staff members in the office.
D. Take the whole matter to your supervisor and ask her what to do.
3.10 A group quality that can sometimes lead to either high or low team effectiveness is:
A. High interpersonal attraction.
B. Cohesiveness.
C. Members participating in team decision making.
D. Risk avoidance by members.
3.11 In expectancy theory employees can most easily control:
A. The reward, or second-level outcomes.
B. Expectancy, or the probability that effort will yield high performance.
C. Reward distribution.
D. The extent to which the job contains content factors.
3.12 A strong culture reflects:
A. Employee’s beliefs that are intense and positive about the firm.
B. A restriction on employee creativity and innovation.
C. Widespread bureaucratic rules and regulations.
D. The value of intense competition among employees.
3.13 Job enrichment is most closely associated with:
A. Taylor’s SM.
B. McClelland’s socially acquired needs.
C. Herzberg’s two-factor theory.
D. Maslow’s need hierarchy.
3.14 The third stage of group formation involves:
A. Members trying to understand those behaviors that are most important to the group.
B. Collaboration and minimization of process losses.
C. The development of trust and support among members.
D. Stabilized leadership and the determination of group hierarchy.
3.15 For the Ohio State leadership studies the perfect leader:
A. Combines a focus on the task and the employee
B. Focuses on the task and getting things done
C. Inspires workers to aim higher and achieve more
D. Is concerned about the small details and how to increase productivity
3.16 When an employee engages in entrepreneurial behavior and seeks to find creative solutions to problems confronting his department, he is using ____ to gain power in his job and career.
A. Creating obligations in others B. Giving excellent performance
C. Limiting access to information
D. Taking risks and being creative
3.17 Which of the following is not an important component of a firm’s culture?
A. Short history and recent changes.
B. Shared norms and organizational values.
C. Symbolism.
D. Employee socialization and indoctrination.
3.18 A major difference between motivator and hygiene factors is that:
A. Motivators are controlled by supervisors and hygienes are content factors in the job.
B. Hygiene factors create self-actualization when present, while motivation is triggered by the availability of acceptable pay and benefits.
C. Motivators are most concerned with negative factors in the external job environment and hygienes relate to personal appearance and physical health.
D. Motivators deal with job content factors that are intrinsic to the job and hygiene factors deal with characteristics of the work environment or factors outside (extrinsic to) the job.
3.19 How are the big five personality factors (McRae and Costa, 1990, 1996) also known?
A. RIVER scale
B. BROOK scale
C. PONDS scale
D. OCEAN scale
3.20 In leadership trait theory what is a trait?
A. A list of the things that make leaders different to everyone else.
B. A list of the key things that a leader should do to be great.
C. The list of key behaviors a leader exhibits.
D. A list of key characteristics that makes a leader great.
3.21 Contingency theory is based on the assumption that the ideal leader:
A. Shapes their leadership style depending on the situation.
B. Provides clear instructions to the followers so that they know what they are doing.
C. Knows what their strengths are and makes the most out of them.
D. Spends time with their followers and therefore listens and responds to their needs.
3.22 A transactional leader is one who:
A. Inspires people and has strong interactions with them
B. Does deals with people in order to get them to do things the leader wants
C. Is the ideal form of leadership
D. Works for long-term goals of the organization
3.23 What is a transformational leader?
A. Someone who is involved in organizational change.
B. A leader, like Taylor, who provided new ways of carrying out management.
C. A leader who inspires the workers to new levels by offering them a vision of a better future.
D. A leader who tries to transform their staff by giving them rewards for what they do.
3.24 Which of these is not a key feature of a team?
A. Mutual independence
B. Mutual purpose
C. Shared responsibility
D. Working in the same department that is called a team
3.25 The Five-Stage Model of team formation go in what order?
A. Norming, storming, forming, performing, adjourning
B. Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
C. Founding, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
D. Forming, staining, norming, performing, adjourning
3.26 Which of the following best describes the reason for bureaucratic rules and procedures in organizations?
A. People have a moral duty to abide by the rules set.
B. They are designed to ensure that everyone across the organizational hierarchy is acting in the same way.
C. They create jobs within an organization.
D. They allow all managers to have a manageable span of control.
3.27 Fill in the missing word in this definition of culture: ‘the basic assumptions and _______which are shared by members of an organization’
A. Hopes
B. Beliefs
C. Fears
D. Views
3.28 Which of these is a core underlying discipline that informs organizational behavior?
A. Motivation
B. Sociology
C. Teamwork
D. Leadership
3.29 Which personality measuring instrument uses four scales and is derived from the work of Jung?
A. Cattell’s 16PF traits
B. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
C. Big five personality factors
D. Keirsey’s temperament sorter
3.30 According to Mehrabian (1971), what percentage of meaning is communicated through actual words?
A. 7%
B. 37%
C. 55%
D. 100%
3.31 Who, in this list, has power in the organization?
A. Only executives
B. Only management level
C. Only workers
D. Executives, management, and workers
3.32 Assembly line jobs:
A. Tend to be non-repetitive.
B. Require minimal mental attention.
C. Require the employee to set the pace of work.
D. Impose high skill requirements on employees.
3.33 Ensuring that everything is carried out according to plan is part of the process of
A. Planning
B. Controlling
C. Organizing
D. Coordinating
3.34 Who defined human motivation as “the study of ultimate human goals?
A. Weber
B. Maslow
C. Taylor
D. Fayol
3.35 A common definition of Organizational Behavior is that it is the study of:
A. Group behavior
B. Individual behavior
C. Patterns of organizational structure
D. All of the above
3.36 OB is a field of study that places equal emphasis on:
A. Micro and macro issues, such as employee motivation and organizational design.
B. Understanding the needs of employees and managerial requirements for technical problem solving.
C. External environmental issues and managerial ethics.
D. A and B.
3.37 Which of the following is not an influence on behavior in work organizations?
A. The individual
B. The environment
C. The building
D. The group
3.38 The main contribution of psychology to Organizational Behavior is the study of:
A. Personality, attitudes, perceptions and motives
B. Social structures and relationships
C. Social beliefs, customs and values
D. Philosophy and ethics of human activity
3.39 Which of the following is a part of the basic framework for analyzing Organizational Behavior issues?
A. The process of management
B. Organizational context
C. Behavior of people
D. All of the above
3.40 Individual differences (dimensions of personality) are best defined as:
A. The fundamental components of the OB modification paradigm.
B. Primary constructs in the psychodynamic theory of personality development.
C. Basic aspects of human nature that predict employee behavior in the work setting.
D. None of the above.

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