Great job this past week! Now you can focus on your Research Paper. You have already submitted a rough draft to me. Be sure to take the comments into consideration,and revise the essay. Always have someone read over your essay to help edit and revise as someimtes you won’t see your own mistakes. Another option is contacting the Post University Writing Coaches, who are available to help strengthen your essay by giving you feedback. Here is the link to submit your essay to a Writing” alt=””> will be submitting the final draft of your research essay by Sunday night at 11:59PM EST. Keep in mind that your final portfolio is due next Saturday at 11:59PM. The requirements and rubric are listed in Unit 1 and the syllabus.Objectives:Revise research essayDemonstrate the support of a thesisContinue working on final portfolioAssignments:Actively participate in the Assignment help – Discussion BoardBegley, “Happiness: Enough Already” (p 454)Kenyon: “Happiness” (p 459)Yi-fu Tuan: ” The Good Life” (p 461)Watch the video below on how to organize your essay.Research Essay due Sunday at 11:59PMFinal Portfolio due Next Saturday at 11:59PMFor your research essay, choose one research activity from page 287 that relates to the follow chapters. At the end of each chapter is a list of research activities to choose from.Economics: Chapter 10 (p 289)Sociology Chapter 11 (p 340)Philosophy Chapter 12 (p 408)Environment: Chapter 13 Green Power, (p 478)Business Chapter 14 Advertising (p 548)Psychology: Chapter 15 (p 619)

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