Milestone Assignment 2: Psychology Shapes Our Daily Experience
• Points 100
• Submitting an external tool
• Examine sensation, perception, heredity, and genetics.
• Analyze the underlying principles and basis of the psychology behind learning, memory, and experience.
• Explain cognitive abilities and intelligence from a psychological perspective.
• Evaluate health psychology and approaches to health management.
Assignment Overview
For this assignment, you will create a series of slides (also referred to as a presentation or slide deck) and a written script that describe how psychology influences our daily experiences. Be sure to provide relevant examples of perception, learning, and intelligence that an audience can relate to their own lives.
IMPORTANT – Upon submission, all writing assignments are automatically analyzed by anti-plagiarism software within Canvas and flagged when possible plagiarism is detected. This video (Links to an external site.) shows you how to scan your paper before you submit it so you can identify content that is flagged for plagiarism and make revisions if necessary. If plagiarism is verified, you will be subject to the appropriate disciplinary actions outlined in the Academic Code of Conduct. (Links to an external site.) To learn more about what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it, you are encouraged to work through this informational TUTORIAL. (Links to an external site.)
Required Submissions
• A series of 8-12 slides (also referred to as a presentation or slidedeck)
• A corresponding written script with 1-2 paragraphs of written narration describing each slide
Step 1
Review assignment requirements.
Create slides and a written script document that explains how psychology influences our daily experiences. Your slides should demonstrate a hypothetical “day in the life” scenario in which a person your age encounters three different situations.
• In the first situation, create a scenario in which the person uses his or her senses, perception, experiences, and memory to learn a new skill. Be sure to explain the biological structures and physiological functions associated with senses, perception, experiences and memory. The situation you describe should be engaging and realistic (not overly academic). (2-4 slides)
• In the second situation, describe an example in which the person’s intelligence and cognitive abilities are involved in the decision-making process. Your example should focus on something that people look forward to in life. (2-4 slides)
• In the third situation, describe an example in which stress affects the person. Include suggestions for promoting overall psychological health and well-being. This situation should be realistic by drawing from your own life experiences and those of people you know. (2-4 slides)
Step 2
Create the slides.
Using presentation applications (also referred to as slide ware) such as PowerPoint or Google Slides, organize and display the required information for each of the three sections in a series of presentational slides (also referred to as a slide deck). Note that you are not required to present this project in a live setting; however, you should design these slides as if you were doing so. If you have never created a slide deck before or need some additional help, several resources and tutorial videos are available online. Conduct an Internet browser search for the slide application you are using (for example, Google Slides, PowerPoint, or Keynote) and the search term “tutorial.” Such a search will provide videos and websites that can assist you in creating the slides and using the application.
Design your presentation with the following in mind:
• Presentation title slide should be Psychology Shapes Our Daily Experience.
• All slides should be contained within one file.
• Label each slide with the slide title and number.
• Use clear, concise bullet points.
• Presentations are primarily visual. Avoid including too much written information on your slides. You can include more detailed information in the written script portion of this project.
• Images and diagrams are wonderful presentation tools to support your message.
• At the end of the slide deck, include proper citations in Help write my thesis – APA style for the sources you used, which include images and diagrams(explore the Purdue OWL (Links to an external site.) website for examples). The source citation slide will not count toward your slide total.
Step 3
Homework help – Write the presentation script.
Homework help – Write the text of your script to correspond with each slide as though you were delivering a live presentation. You should write 1 to 2 paragraphs for each slide that expands on the information covered for each individual slide. The script should be written in a professional, yet conversational tone as if you were speaking to a live audience.
Homework help – Write your script in the following manner:
• Use headings that show the slide number and slide title to indicate the narration for each slide.
• Use language intended for a live audience as opposed to a reader. Include language that helps your audience follow along, such as “I want to talk more in depth about…”
• Use clear, concise sentences.
• Use clear and relatable examples to help explain concepts.
• At the end of the script document, include proper citations in Help write my thesis – APA style for the sources you used.
It is recommended that you read the script out loud before you submit a final version.
Step 4
Review your rough drafts for originality.
The assignment will be reviewed using Unicheck Plagiarism Software. Unicheck generates an originality report for your rough drafts, highlighting anything that may be plagiarized or incorrectly cited. This allows for revisions to be made before submitting final drafts.
Please title your assignment as “LAST NAME – INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY- ASSIGNMENT 2.” Submit your script only as a Microsoft Word or RTF document and your presentation slides only as a Microsoft PowerPoint file. Acceptable formats are .docx, .rtf, and .pptx.
Follow the steps below to review your rough drafts for originality:
• Select the grey button at the bottom of this page to load Unicheck.
• Upload your rough drafts in the “Drafts” section.
• Once the files have been uploaded to “Drafts”, select the checkbox for each file you would like to check for similarity.
• Select “CHECK FOR SIMILARITY” to generate a report.
• Review your report and, if necessary, correct your rough drafts based on the findings. Check again for similarity as needed.
• You may obtain up to three Unicheck reports to check your rough drafts
• Proceed to Step 5 only when you are comfortable with your originality score.
Step 5
Save and submit your assignment.
When you have completed your final draft of the script and presentation, save a copy of each for your records. Final drafts may only be submitted once. Be sure to submit both the script and presentation at the same time, as only one submission is allowed.
To submit your final drafts:
• Navigate to the “Drafts” section of the Unicheck software.
• Select the checkbox adjacent to the script and presentation files you will use for the final submission
• Select “Add to Assignment”. This adds your checked final drafts to the Assignment Files section.
• Note : The final draft of your podcast script and presentation slides should be the only files in this section. All files in the “Assignment Files” section will be submitted for grading. If only one file is present, DO NOT proceed to the next step until both files are present.
• Select “Final Submission” to upload both files in “Assignment Files” for grading.
You will receive feedback from your grader within one week of submission.
Assignment Rubric

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