Assignment Details:

1. Collaboration in a business environment is a best practice that leverages the collective knowledge of the team that is assembled. Peer evaluation and support, provided in the spirit of continuous improvement and organizational success, result in higher quality deliverables than what are generally possible by the efforts of an individual.

· Describe the process that you plan to use to conduct research, identify findings, and develop the Comprehensive Project that is due in Unit 5.

· Present a preliminary outline that indicates how you intend to organize the project deliverable.

2. What are the essential elements of a Mission Statement?

3. What is the purpose of a Key Operating Principle?

4. What sort of additional material would best ensure success of the project? Why?

· Please reply to the presented statement(s) below.

Deliverable Length: 250 words (minimum) per reply


Describe the process that you plan to use to conduct research, identify findings, and develop the Comprehensive Project that is due in Unit 5.

When conducting research my plan is to utilize the learning material along with evaluation of pure reviews. I am also planning to review posted sites by our group to find other information I feel would be of value. My plans are to work as a team to assemble our document for the best possible Grade. I have taken measures to getting an early start that this task can be accomplished.

Present a preliminary outline that indicates how you intend to organize the project deliverable.

My outline is a step-by-step Research measure that allow me to organize as I go along the way.


Tools Corp’s strategic initiative Business plan Outline

Executive Summary

Tool Corps

Mission Statement

Corporate Culture (guiding Principles)

Historical (direction & results)







Market Research



Marketing Goals

Consumer Awareness

Market Share


Channels of Distribution for the product or service

Service (Product Development)

Description or the services or product offered.


Delivery System

Delivery Capability

Suppliers of critical elements

Market Plan

Strategic & Tactics

Client Segmentation


Please review the process and outlines of other students, providing an objective assessment and constructive feedback that will help strengthen the effectiveness of their efforts and the quality of their finished products.

I have taken the time to review Marquetta Morgan outline and I totally feel that our Group is headed in the right direction. I also feel the if we compare the outlines presented Our document will meet the quality of our Instructor.

1. What are the essential elements of a Mission Statement?

2. Customers: Who are the enterprise’s customers?

3. Products or services: What are the firm’s major products or services?

4. Markets: Where does the firm compete?

5. Technology: What is the firm’s basic technology?

6. Concern for survival, growth, and profitability: What is the firm’s commitment towards economic objectives?

7. Philosophy: What are the basic beliefs, core values, aspirations, and philosophical priorities of the firm?

8. Self-concept: What are the firm’s major strengths and competitive advantages?

9. Concern for public image: What is the firm’s public image?

10. Concern for employees: What is the firm’s attitude/orientation towards employees?What is the purpose of a Key Operating Principle? The Operating Principle are often referred to, as a company’s operating system, and are essentially too the way that organizations put their values into practice and get things done.What sort of additional material would best ensure success of the project? Why?The information that supports what we have provided. Such as peer reviews logged and documented records of the related business reports from scholastic reviews. Student Muse weeks 1-5 and the Library.



One of the processes that I plan to use to conduct research is going to involve researching the market via the internet and obtain information from different types of literature in the same field. By researching my competitors, I will be able to get a clear overall view of the market. After identifying the findings, I will collaborate with my group peers to tailor the project in areas that provide a path to success. The Preliminary outline will consist of a basic format to include the deliverable requested and listed as follows…

· Outline of the Business Plan

· Strategic Planning (SWOT Analysis)

· Mission Statement

· Key Operating Principles

· Market Analysis

· 3 Time framed strategic Proposals in one-year, five-year, and ten-year increments

· Additional information to support the strategic initiative

Elements of a Mission Statement consist of customers, products/services, markets, technology, survival, philosophy, self-concept, public image, and concern for employees.

Operating principles are important because they are the way a business place their values into motion to achieve their goals/visions. They are great to get everyone involved and on the same page.

Additional material that contributes to the success of the project will include good communication within the organization, risk management, project closure, and proper planning.


Some good old fashion research, Strategic Management in Dynamic Environment e-book, AIU Library, AIU learning center, discussion board, intellipath, M. U.S. E. information, prioritizing my information, organizing my thoughts, analyze my information, organizing my thoughts, analyze my material, and evaluate this process for changes and produce a awesome final comprehensive project. My plan is to work with my team to achieve the comprehensive paper.

Preliminary outline:

*Executive Summary

*Introduction-Mission statement

*Purpose-corporate culture

*Process-Consumer awareness, market goals


*Findings-historical direction and results

*Homework help – Discussion-market plan, strategic and tactics




Looking at my teammates outlines we are headed in the right direction and should be on point with our comprehensive paper.

What are the essential elements of a Mission Statement? In developing a mission statement, management must take into account three key elements: the organization’s history, its distinctive competencies, and its environment. Also the customer, products or services, markets and technology information is so important.

What is the purpose of a Key Operating Principle? Operating principles are the rules of the road that enable people to know what’s in bounds and what’s out on bounds in their companies and workplaces. Operating principles can serve as guides, helping people make sound decisions, building trust and enabling greater innovation. Operating principles for teams can take many forms.

What sort of additional material would best ensure success of the project? Some good old fashion research, Strategic Management in Dynamic Environment ebook, AIU Library, AIU learning center, discussion board, intellipath, M. U.S. E. information, prioritizing my information, organizing my thoughts, analyze my material, and evaluate this process for changes and producing the final comprehensive project. If complete all of the above steps, my paper will be successful and receiver a positive appropriate assessment.


1. Since the assignment is a group project, we will split the work up evenly and some one is responsible for their part of the assignment. I plan to use credible online sources, the class book, intellipath, and MUSE to help find my research.


Executive Summary


SWOT Analysis

1. Strengths

-5 factors & why they are important and in category

2. Weaknesses

-5 factors & why they are important and in category

3. Opportunities

-5 factors & why they are important and in category

4. Threats

-5 factors & why they are important and in category

Outline of Business Plan

Mission Statement

-9 components

Key Operating Principles

Preliminary Market Analysis

Strategic Objectives

1 year

5 year

10 year

Implementation Plans

Potential Ramifications

Feedback Mechanisms

Additional Material



2. The nine components of a mission statement are:

1. Customers-who are they?

2. Product/Service- Describe product/service

3. Markets-Where is the location?

4. Technology-Is it up to date?

5. Survival, growth & profitability-Is the business financial stable and show growth?

6. Philosophy-What are the beliefs, values, aspiration, and ethical priorities

7. Self-concept-distinctive competence and competitive advantage

8. Concern for public image-Is the firm responsive to social, community, and environmental concern?

9. Concern for employees-Are the employees a valuable assets of the firm

3. The purpose of the key operating principle is to help describe the firm’s values, cultures, and vision. They put the values into practice and how they get them done. It is how the company is motivated and how to decide to make the decisions.

4. Additional ideas for the project would be an employee and management segment where it is to be discussed how the employees are treated and how management deals with dilemmas. Also, discuss the competition of the company.


Gerber, Michael. (2012). 10 Guiding Principles in Start-Ups. Mansueto Ventures. Retrieved from

Jurevicius, Ovidijus. (2013). Mission Statement for Success. Strategic Management Insight. SM Insight. Retrieved from


The way that I will approach my lesson in the Unit 5 Comprehensive Project. i will first meet with my group and out what part of the lesson each of us will be assigned to. Since I have already looked over the lesson, I decided to answer the first and second question. I have already looked over the whole lesson and those were the two that I chose I will began my research by using different websites that are reputable, I will use the AIU Website, neighborhood library, M.U.S.E, Learning Materials, Intellipath, Homework help – Discussion Boards, honest Authors and feedback from my classmates. I will then pull everything that I have gotten and written in a draft and go over before I pull my outline together. After I have done my outline I will post it. This is when I get ready to do the actual Comprehensive Project, I will have a

roadmap as to which way I will going. I will be letting my group know what is going on by posting ever so often. After I have finished my

paper with my questions I will I will then post it to the Homework help – Discussion Board for my Group to look it over I will have also have done my Executive Summary and the extra part that I am suppose to do to help make the paper even more successful.


Neat and Organized Report

A. Strategic Officers Steering Committee ( SOS-C ) of Tool Corp Corporation

B. Purpose

1. Go Forward

2. Next Step

3. Develop Business Plan for Tool Corp’s Strategic Plan

II Global

C. Global Market Place

4. Break Into the Global Market Place

III SWOT Analysis

D. Internal and External Environments

7. Strengths-Internal

8. Weaknesses-Internal

9. Opportunities-External

10. Threats-External



D. Business Plan

11. Strategic Plan

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