Topic: Novis Teacher or an Expert teacher?
Paper details:

We’ve all had teachers that we loved/didn’t love so much growing up. Some teachers left their mark long after you left their class, while others you can’t quite seem to remember their name or anything from the course! Using Table 2.4 in your textbook (p.39), compare and contrast two teachers from your past – one that was great and one that was not so great – and then answer these questions:

What made that great teacher great or not so great? According to this table, would he/she be considered a Novice Teacher or an Expert Teacher? What characteristics from this table fit each teacher’s teaching style? What characteristics from this table did you admire or wish the not so great teacher would have adopted?
From this table, what are three Expert Teacher characteristics that you would focus on if you were a teacher? Why are these important to you specifically?
What were these teachers general approaches to teaching (expository teaching, discovery teaching, etc)? Describe how they used this approach and provide an example from your memory of being in their classroom.
What are some specific ways in which teachers can become effective teachers and increase their teacher knowledge, self-efficacy, expertise, and reflective teaching?

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