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Transformational Organizational Practice

 Transformational Organizational Practice

Kets de Vries (2004) suggests that people are prisoners of their past. Evaluate and reflect upon how your past might influence your future workplace role and development.

Psychologically defined strategies can assist in understanding different dynamics associated with individual motivation, leadership tactics, decision making processes, social defense mechanisms, organizational culture, neurotic system in the organization and the extent in which people and organizations can be prisoners of their past  (Kets de Vries, 2006). The establishment of cognitive and impacts of indemnity in organizational leadership mechanism can help the management in understanding the extent of unconscious and conclusive decisions made within their organization. There are specific dynamics that define our personal norms and attitude especially in the fields that require professionalism and experience.These dynamics enhance our individual productivity through the articulation of our personal behaviors in the places that we work (Edgar, 2010). The decision making process is usually a complex activity especially when dealing with different types of issues, therefore the way we make, our decisions is determined not only with the professional knowledge but also our past concerns. The following essay will focus on the following strategies that define and encompass different causes of certain norms and altitudes within an organization.  The past has a reflective aspect on how we deal with different issues that we face in our present life. In an organizational point of view, employees are faced with different situations that ranges from the aspects of decision making to the process of goal formulation. Therefore the aspects of motivation have a high impact on the employee’s mode of attaining their goals (Marc & Kenneth, 2002). The past, present and the future experiences analyses the methods that we use in order to deal with different types of situation. Many people have different goals and objectives to achieve in life but how much an individual achieves his or her goals actually depends on how she or he evaluates the past and the present. This actual implies that it is always important for an individual or a person to mold the future into the present than remain in the past.


Evaluate and reflect upon a personal experience of change in your workplace

What I understand is that there are aspects that define professionalism in an organization for instance, attitude and behavior. Most of the time people in an organization lack the ideas that support norms and attitude. According to my own experience I used to work in a non-governmental organization where by my efforts were privileged by the employees and more so my boss. Since I was a new employee in the organization, my boss saw my determination and he assisted me in ensuring that I was effective in all my responsibilities. After some couple of months working with my boss as my leader and mentor he was fired. Following on the reasons as to why he was fired, I found that his behavior and attitudes were not acknowledged in the setting of the organization although he was very confident when it came to the processes of making decisions. From my bosses experience I found out there are certain codes of behavior as well as professional attitudes that marked the existence of employees in an organization. After my boss was fired immediately, I was chosen as group leader and my responsibilities changed drastically. It was not only the responsibilities that changed but also the mechanisms of the department reporting system changed completely. Since I was the group leader I was entitled to report to the director directly. I had already learnt from my boss, therefore it was my responsibility to secure my job adversely; I decided to control my attitude and develop professional behaviors.

One thing I noticed during the processes of initiating the reporting system was that policies were defined frequently and they were supposed to be implemented. And many times my boss emphasized that I was supposed to be effective in the way I did my job. At this point I was working with an authoritarian type of a boss, whereby no mistakes were supposed to be initiated only effectiveness was the goal, but I made sure that I was effective and responsible enough in my performance. According to my own perception, I think that this was not the right approach that my boss used to handle organizational issues, although policies had been defined and implemented accordingly. What I understand is that in each and every organization there are specific cultures that define the normality and function system in the organization. But this was not the case in my own experience, but I still wonder whether my director was trying to change the organizational culture. With time negative impacts especially in the communication sector developed and employees started their own mechanisms of enhancing communication in the department.


Apply Krantz and Maltzs (1997) role analysis to your current workplace experience.

Organizational role analysis explains the strategies of an existing work group in understanding the interpersonal skills that enhance effectiveness in the workplace ((Krantz & Maltz, 1997).I have come to understand that organizations have different types of employees and each employee plays a role in the organizations with different personality, Actually, my work as a finance assistant administrator encompasses reporting systems to two types of managers that is, the administration manager and the finance department administrator and these managers are top level managers in the organization that I work for. There are two things that I have noticed that contrasts the two types of managers in the way they work, and that is the role and personality. The administration manager is usually outgoing, understanding and always ready to give assistance. The finance manager has authoritative type of leadership skills and more likely authoritative personalities. Since they are my managers, I have always wanted to learn from them on the role they play to the organization and how they enhance effectiveness in the organization. It is true that being the top level managers they are entitled to the enhancements of the organizational performance by reviewing each and every department is performing effectively. I interact with them more often and learn since I believe that I have a future and sometime to come I will be like them.


Using the triangle of conflict (de Vries, 2007), evaluate and reflect upon a majorincident of conflict in your life. Consider your learning/ experiences in relation to your future workplace role.

Hidden feelings














The triangle of conflicts explains three strategies, hidden feelings, defense and anxiety. The hidden feeling explains the emotional processes that are associated with an individual in order to enhance behavioral changes (Kets de Vries, 2006b). The second relationship in the conflict triangle includes the anxiety that results from the thoughts of an individual and they introduce the effects of the defenses that prohibit terminologies of change and productivity in an individual. The third aspect in the triangle of conflicts explains the experiences that are acquired by an individual, that enhances certain responses that if they are repeated they can cause dysfunctional. The triangle of conflict is very important in the assessment of the self improvement (Kets de Vries, 2006b).

I have a major incident of a conflict that occurred in my life, several years back my mother worked as a manager in an organization and she secured a job position for me after the completion of my university education. When I was employed, I was not comfortable with the salary that was imposed on me and I thought that it was a great idea if I got another job position in another organizations. But I was afraid that my mom would not be happy about it so I had to stick with my little salary. My performance was very poor in the organizations and many of the managers were very dissatisfied and after some few weeks I was fired.

According to my own experience I used wrong approaches on the way I handled out issues simply because I lacked the knowledge of how I was supposed to solve such issues. At this particular incident, it would be of great significance if I advanced on the issues by understanding the hidden feelings that I had and that I was not comfortable with the job in several dynamics. Finally, my mom came to understand what was happening to me after I decided to be open up and tell the truth. This incident opened the reality of honesty in my life and winning other people trust requires trust and honesty. Before then, I was unable to rise the topic of being poorly paid to my mom because it would create conflict and when my mother confronted me I would use defenses and adjust the story in order to protect myself, but I came to realize that defenses are not the way out, they make the situation even worse. I have learnt from my own experience that honest and openness explains a certain behavior and more so they win a person altitude towards another. There is no need of making other people feel comfortable when your own perception is not comfortable.


Apply James and Arrobas (2005) reading and carrying framework to critically evaluate and reflect upon how you interact with others.  Consider the implications in relation to your future workplace role

James and Arroba 2005) explains that reading and carrying aspects create the methodologies that are required in the emotional regulation and awareness for effective leadership (Turnbull & Arroba, 2005). At a time, employees in an organization have different types of behaviors and actions that are triggered by certain emotions. If every employee does not consider the impacts of emotions when dealing with organizational activities then there might be difficulties that can occur in dealing with the employee (Turnbull & Arroba, 2005). The concept of how we understand emotions and how they impact the organization is an important aspect that each and every employee should learn. For instance some of the employees in an organization are aggressive while others are not insistent.

This means that the personality of an individual is also determined by the emotional effects on handling issues. In my work experience, I have come across different types of colleagues and sometimes I would be fond over them, but I never let any loose emotions introduce my personality on the way I approached issues that dealt with other employees. When we let loose of our emotions, it becomes a difficult process in the way we handle things and sometimes emotions can make us act differently and in awkwardness.  I like learning and for me to learn effectively I have to interact, therefore I tend to interact frequently with friends and my work place colleagues. I have two terminologies that define the way I interact with other people that is I do not consider on people perception but how people compliment my ideas.  My actions define a certain behavior and personality. These are some of the characteristics that people are supposed to be aware of, since the concepts are effective in my life application in enhancing social interaction. On the aspects of my future workplace role, actions and personality in addition to emotional regulation and awareness can serve more of an advantage more than a disadvantage in enhancing interaction.


Conduct and develop a critical self-analysis using Jungs notion of individuation (Carr, 2002), and relate this to your leadership archetype.

According to Jung’s notion of individuation, His argument was based on the concept of consciences that marks a great significance on the way managers should approach specific aspects in dealing with the employees (Adrian, 2002). Both the moral and ethical conscience defines the theme of social behaviors and reflects a personality of self. According to Jung, the personality of an individual is composed of several applications and manipulations of other people and they include the ego, unconsciousness in a person behavior and collective unconscious (Adrian, 2002).

  • The ego

The ego is influenced by certain moral conscience that defines a norm, therefore in order to be individuated a person is supposed to develop conscious awareness on the concepts of individual unconsciousness. Therefore in this case the ego acts as discerning process that admits into self consciousness of an individual (Reynolds, 1999).

  • Individual unconsciousness

The individual unconsciousness explains in depth the sum of materials that we as individuals were conscious about and we suddenly forgot. Ego and personal unconsciousness are different aspects

  • Collective unconsciousness

Collective unconsciousness is the least concept in Jung’s argument. According to Jung, he believed that every individual accumulates certain type of life experiences and stores the experiences in the collective unconsciousness (Sayles, 2008).

In conclusion to the Jung notion of individualism, it is true that it defines individuals perspectives in which sometime individual can consider bounding from the ego perspective to the concept of discernment and assessment. I understand that there are certain forces that we try to consider on the perception of higher being that enhances our spiritual level application of our life.  Therefore it means that we are releasing our self centered desires and more so our individuals focus and indulging in insubstantial as well as naturally spiritual mechanisms, for instance making an awareness of the journeys of life. Actually, it has been a difficult concept in my life in understanding the notions of individualism and how they apply to my life. It is important to echo on our past experiences once we are faced with difficulties because our past acts as a clarity where we can retrieve some ideas and be able to understand our situation (Sayles, 2008).

I came to understand that there are reasons as to why individuals have to indulge the past actions with the present and future actions. According to my own thoughts and the strategies that I had set was to be a principled person and a mentor to many people, but it is the examination of an individual that has to define and determine the main principle in their inner soul. On the concept of Jung arguments and what I understand about the notions of self, I know that my stand is firm supported with manifestations of a higher power in my consciousness. Most of all, I have engaged my thoughts on the concepts of higher power that are determined by my actions as well as emotions in dealing with other people. The realization of this type of behavior and actions gives significance in understanding my personality and my future dreams (Klein, Gabelnick and Herr, 2007). The mentorship model that I want to become will be based on leading other people effectively, although I have not utilized any management roles in my past but I understand that I will learn effectively on the leadership skills. management skills require a lot of experience and professionalism in order to manage other employees. What I know about higher power is the definition of strategies that enhance spiritualism.

There are experiences in my life that have denied me the chances of success due to the inflexible behavior I have always had. I know that if I would have been aware of the consequences I could have made the right choice. This happened a little while ago when I was working and we were subjected to work for an extra period after other employees had finished their jobs in order to access the performance of their work. I and my colleague (Nicholas) were chosen by the department team manager to ensure that we worked for extra time to conclude the effectiveness in other employees work. I felt this concept being too unfair for me and undermining. I lacked the knowledge of understanding why we were chosen to serve such a purpose. It is true that each and every person has his own way of making decisions, but sometimes decision that we make are usually harmful and do not define the way we should solve problems. If I could have approached the situation easy, I could have looked for easier methods may be realize weather other departments were still working for extra hours hence assist us.


Critically evaluate, and reflect upon your own resilience and relate this to your existing and future leadership competencies

Resilience is a term that has been used widely to describe not only the negativity effects that an individual faces but also the positive effects that an individual faces in terms of resilience (Vince, 2001). It is a term that has an anomalous meaning when it comes to describing individuality in a person but also with a valuable meaning. My personal background has been in terms of learning from my elders who have always had the desire to formulate their goals and work with the purpose of meeting certain objectives. Through the experience I have learnt that resilience is a beneficial factor in my mentor’s life. What I think is that, my whole life has always been based on the theme of my own understanding and self actualization. The way I valuate myself is very important as it asserts the conditions and specifications that I will be able to apply in order to fit in any organization or work place. Actually, I have highly appreciated the people who have been my mentor since I copy and learn their altitude towards the achievement of certain goals. My affectionate is resilient to myself since I appreciate what I want. Therefore, if I am given the chance to manage others I will dedicate myself and serve like a leader and use the methodologies that I have learnt as an effective leader.

I have always had a desire of being a top manager and most likely a C.E.O in my future career. I have understood that leadership skills and effectiveness are the beneficial factors that enhance organizational performance since the employees will require good leadership from their managers. Communication strategies are supposed to be effective and more so, many people think that it is an easy to strategize in effective communication between the employees and the management team, but it is a complex terminology that requires strategized approaches on how we handle our employees. Additionally motivation is the fundamental factor and it concludes on how the top level managers as well as employees are able to do their work effectively (Powell, 2009).




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