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Posted: February 1st, 2023

Trident ANT100 full course (all case and SLP)

Module 1 – Case
STOP!!! Review the text and diagram on the Home page and the .pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=8746″>introductory
Anatomy and Physiology tutorial before proceeding with this
Case Assignment
Now study this diagram showing how the .pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=5824″>body responds to
stressful stimuli. Notice that short-term stress follows one signaling pathway
that begins in the brain, travels out the spinal cord, and directly to the
adrenal glands. Many organs of the body will receive direct stress response
messages using this pathway as well. When the adrenal glands receive the signal
from this pathway, they release a stress hormone that signals many systems in
the body to prepare to either run away from the stressor (such as a predator or
an oncoming vehicle, for example), or fight. The part of the nervous system
that activates this response to acute stress is called the sympathetic
nervous system. After the stressful stimulus has passed, the parasympathetic (nicknamed
the “rest and digest” response) calms the nervous system and restores the
normal function of the body systems, maintaining homeostasis.
The Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic Nervous Systems
These two divisions of the nervous system counteract each other to allow
the body to receive the resources it needs to respond to a life-threatening
situation (more glucose to the brain to enhance thinking ability, more oxygen
and sugars to the muscles to run, etc.), and then return to a relaxed state. As
you saw in the diagram, the sympathetic response begins when a stressful situation
is detected by your sensory nerves, which make up the peripheral
nervous system, or PNS. The sensory nerve endings can deliver
this message directly to the brain through cranial nerves, which gather the
information we need to give us the senses of smell, sight, hearing, and taste.
Stress stimuli can also be detected by peripheral nerve endings throughout the
body and delivered to the brain via the spinal cord. The brain and the spinal
cord make up the central nervous system, orCNS.
View this diagram to review the anatomy of the .pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=10056″>sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous systems.
Notice that the “rest and digest” (parasympathetic) message
is delivered through cranial nervesthat originate in the brain
stem, and sacral nerves that originate in the sacrum at
the end of thespinal cord. The “fight or flight” (sympathetic) response
originates from the spinal cord. These nerve impulses are delivered by the CNS
to the effector organs responsible for reacting to the situation by either
simulating the organ to take action, or calming (inhibiting) the organ to
return homeostasis. In this situation, the nervous system sends a signal to the
endocrine system to handle acute, or short-term stress.
When the body is faced with long-term, or chronic stress, the endocrine
system predominantly responds by releasing hormones such as cortisol. You will
learn more about cortisol in the next module.
Read .trident.edu/content/enforced/41638-ANT100-FAL2014-1/Understanding%20the%20Stress%20Response%20-%20Harvard%20Health%20Publications.pdf?_&d2lSessionVal=qEkbHmHpME0P9etqqmR6oH4E9&ou=41638″>Understanding
the Stress Response in Harvard Health Publications,
published by the Harvard Medical School.
From your reading address the following:
1. Define acute and
chronic stress. Provide examples.
2. What region of the
brain detects stress and interprets the stimulus as dangerous? What is its
function, and where does it relay the signal that conveys the danger? What
format is the signal in? What is the role of the region of the brain that
receives the stress alert?
3. What is a hormone?
What hormones are involved in the stress response? When are hormones released
in the stress response?
4. What is the HPA and
what role does it play in the stress response?
5. What
recommendations are given to counter stress?
Assignment Expectations
Organize this assignment using subtitles that summarize each question
above. For example, to answer Question 1, use the subtitle: Acute
versus Chronic Stress. Answer each question under the subtitle using
complete sentences that relate back to the question. Be sure to include a
reference section at the end of your assignment that lists the sources that you
were required to read and any additional resources you used to research your
answers. Follow the format provided in the Background page.

Module 1 – SLP
As you work through this SLP assignment, you will learn more about the
flexibility, or plasticity, of the brain. You have learned
about how the spinal nerves can deliver messages directly to effector organs
from the CNS through peripheral nerves that branch off of the spinal cord.
These nerves are collections of neurons bundled in connective tissue. Neurons
also communicate with each other within the CNS and establish circuits and
neuronal pathways.
First take some time to work through these tutorials about how neurons
1. .pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=5530″>Neurons communicate with each
2. Neurons communicate
at .pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=5527″>synapses
3. Communication is
delivered via the .pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=5529″>axon
4. .pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=5538″>Synapses and neurotransmitters: Be sure to
click on “Presynaptic neuron,” “synaptic cleft,” and “postsynaptic neuron.”
Throughout life, the connections between neurons in the brain develop
and change according to the genetic foundations that the individual inherits
from the parents, and the environmental influences to which the individual must
respond. For example, the abundance of one type of neuron over another, and the
neurotransmitter that each produces can be predetermined by the DNA an
individual inherits. However, an individual who is exposed to chronic stress
during developmental years may reinforce some response pathways more than individuals
who do not experience the same patterns of stress. These points are summarized
and explained further in this article “.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/stress-management/in-depth/stress/art-20046037?pg=2″>Stress
Management,” provided by the Mayo Clinic. Read this brief
article before continuing to the requirements for this SLP.
Continue your reading on how the brain handles stress and the idea of
plasticity at .brainfacts.org/about-neuroscience/ask-an-expert/articles/2012/long-term-stress-and-the-brain/”>BrainFacts.org,
a public information initiative of the Society for Neuroscience, The Kavli
Foundation, and Gatsby. Read the article, “How does the brain handle long-term
stress?” and follow the link to the article, “Effects of Stress on the
Developing Brain” in the right-hand column of links provided on this page.
Address these questions in paragraph format to complete the SLP assignment for
Module 1:
1. What is a
neurotransmitter and what is its function?
2. What
neurotransmitter is mentioned in the article, “How does the brain handle
long-term stress?”
3. How is short-term
stress described in this article?
4. Do a little
independent research on the hippocampus. Where is it located in the brain?
Briefly describe its function and neurogenesis. Insert a labeled picture into
your assignment illustrating its location.
5. How is long-term
stress differentiated from short-term stress in this article? What brain region
is involved in this comparison and what is its general function? Insert a
labeled picture of this region into your assignment illustrating its location
in the brain.
6. After reading the
article “Effects of Stress on the Developing Brain,” explain the implications
of chronic stress on the brain and the rest of the body reported by the
authors. What examples of chronic stressors are included?
7. What components of
parental care are described as being important determinants of brain
development in this article? What genetic influences are described as relevant
to the ability to handle stressful environments?
SLP Assignment Expectations
Organize this assignment using subtitles related to the content for each
question. Answer each question under the subtitle using complete sentences that
relate back to the question. Be sure to include a references section at the end
of your assignment that lists the sources that you were required to read and
any additional resources you used to research your answers. Follow the format
provided in the Background page.

Module 2 – Case
VIEWED ALL LINKS AND TUTORIALS!!! You will need this information
to complete this Case Assignment.
Assignment Overview
Cortisol is an important hormone that is released in the stress
response. In this module assignment, we will look at this hormone more closely
to investigate:
1. the molecular
composition of cortisol
2. the signaling
pathway that elicits the production and release of cortisol
3. the cellular-,
organ-, and organ system-level response that results from this cell signal
Case Assignment
Read the following articles:
.dartmouth.edu/fall-2010/the-physiology-of-stress-cortisol-and-the-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-axis#.U-aGCONdVyw”>The Physiology
of Stress: Cortisol and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis. Randall, M. 2011.
Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science.
Relationship between Traumatic Stress, PTSD and Cortisol. Delaney, E. Naval
Center for Combat & Operational Stress Control.
After reading these articles, develop a 10–15 slide presentation in the
following format.
Slides 1 and 2: The cascade of hormonal signals described by
the section titled “Neurochemistry of Stress” of the Randall (2011) article.
Use simple ovals or circles to depict the regions that release specific
hormones in the hormone cascade that results in the release of cortisol. Label
the hormones and regions and organs involved using textboxes (both options
appear in the “Insert” tab of the PowerPoint program).
Slides 3 and 4: Label and diagram the kidney and adrenal
gland. Include the following:
Adrenal gland: cortex and medulla; regions associated with hormone
production and release; hormones released in each region
Kidney: cortex and medulla; region of water absorption and filtering;
region of urine collection
Slide 5: Diagram and label the HPA axis. Include the hormones released by
each component and their effect on the target organ(s).
Slide 6: Using your diagram from Slide 5, include the location of the
hippocampus and the negative feedback loop that occurs when the hippocampus
detects high cortisol levels. In the notes section, include a brief description
of the effects associated with elevated cortisol exposure to the hippocampus.
Slide 7: Using bulleted points, list factors that exacerbate the stress
response through activation of the HPA axis.
Slide 8–10: Do some additional research on PTSD. Diagram the regions of the
brain believed to be involved with symptoms of PTSD. Explain the relationship
between PTSD and depression and include relevant regions of the brain in your
labeled regions.
Slides 11–13: In bulleted points, summarize the varied findings in the studies
described in the article, “The Relationship between Traumatic Stress, PTSD and
Cortisol.” Include the relationships found between cortisol levels and
individuals with PTSD. In the notes include some explanations from the article
for the variability in cortisol levels in these individuals. Explain the
limitations of these studies mentioned by the author at the end of the article.
Slides 14 and 15: references cited, additional notes if
Assignment Expectations
For this Case Assignment you will develop a PowerPoint presentation that
is approximately 15 slides in length and addresses the requirements outlined
above. Place the text containing the answers to the questions above in the
Notes section of your slide presentation. Reference all of your answers in your
Notes sections with citations, such as (Murray 2014). Your slides should
contain labeled images that illustrate the text that you included in your Notes
sections. Do a Google search that includes the term “image” to find diagrams of
the required organs and systems (e.g., search for “adrenal gland image”).
Provide the website or reference used for each labeled image. Be sure your last
slide is a references slide that contains the full references cited on your
slides. Many resources are provided for you. Include these in your references
section. This assignment should not require much independent research.
Module 2 – SLP
Continue your investigation of
the effects of stress on brain function and behavior. Read more about the
hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex in these articles:
“.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-mindful-self-express/201208/how-prevent-stress-shrinking-your-brain”>How to Prevent
Stress from Shrinking Your Brain,” in Psychology
“.rockefeller.edu/mcewen/stresshippo”>Stress Effects on Structure and Function
of Hippocampus,” by the Rockefeller University
Answer the following questions
in paragraph format to write an essay about the findings reported by these
First, do some research on how
hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex communicateand result in normal behavioral
response. You will begin your reading on the amygdala by following this link.
After reading this section, click on.mcgill.ca/flash/i/i_04/i_04_cr/i_04_cr_peu/i_04_cr_peu.html”>several other
structures in the brainat the end of the page to read about
the interactions between these three regions. Briefly describe this pathway and
the behavior that results from the interaction of these regions using the
format and requirements outlined below.
Paragraph 1
Summarize the effects of
glucocorticoids on the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex reported in the
article.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-mindful-self-express/201208/how-prevent-stress-shrinking-your-brain”>How to Prevent
Stress from Shrinking Your Brain.
Paragraphs 2 and 3
What effect on hippocampal
cells have stress hormones had in recent studies described by.rockefeller.edu/mcewen/stresshippo”>Stress Effects on Structure and Function
of Hippocampus? What effect have they had on the
amygdala in studies? What are the implications of these effects? HINT: What are
the functions of the regions and how might they be affected by changes in their
Paragraph 4
What is neurogenesis and where
does it occur in the brain? What effect on the regeneration of hippocampal
cells is reported in this article? What is the mechanism?
Paragraph 1
Summarize the effects of
cortisol on this pathway by describing how PTSD can result from perpetuated
cortisol release and how this can result in depression by activating and/or
Paragraph 2
Describe the methods proposed
to counteract the negative effects of chronic stress in.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-mindful-self-express/201208/how-prevent-stress-shrinking-your-brain”>How to Prevent
Stress from Shrinking Your Brain.
SLP Assignment Expectations
For this assignment, write an
essay using the outline above. You are provided with many scholarly references
to complete this assignment. Include a References section that lists these and
any additional sources you used (refer to the Background page). For any
additional research you are required to do to complete your assignment, please
use scholarly references such as a peer-reviewed journal article or a
government-sponsored or university-sponsored website. As you read through your
sources, take notes from your sources and then write your paper in your own
words, describing what you have learned from your research. Direct quotes
should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas
must give credit to the original author, for example (Murray, 2014).Direct
copying from “homework help” websites will not receive credit.

Module 3
Now that
you know about the immune response, return to the article .dartmouth.edu/fall-2010/the-physiology-of-stress-cortisol-and-the-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-axis#.U-aGCONdVyw”>The
Physiology of Stress: Cortisol and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
in the Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science and read the section related
to the immune system in closer detail. Using this as a starting point, complete
the requirements below using paragraph format to address each topic:
1: Introduction
Note that
the inflammatory response and the complement system are mentioned in the
article. Now learn more about the .pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=8622″>inflammatory
response and the .pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=8631″>inflammatory
mediators. You will find information on the .pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=8600″>complement
system as well. Do a little research on these components and provide a
paragraph explaining the normal function and steps associated with signaling
these components. Identify where in this cascade of signaling events that
cortisol is thought to interfere.
2: PTSD and the Complement System
compare the theory mentioned in the Dartmouth article to the findings in this
study on .ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2834673/”>PTSD
and the complement system. Focus on the Abstract and Assignment help – Discussion sections of
this study on PTSD. Address the following questions:
What did they find in common
among PTSD patients?How does alteration of the
complement affect the inflammatory response?
3: Inflammatory
and the Brain
read .dana.org/Publications/ReportOnProgress/Consequences_of_the_Inflamed_Brain/”>The
Consequences of the Inflamed Brain and draw connections between the
inflammatory response and brain function and behavior. How are the CNS and the
immune system interconnected? How does the inflammatory response affect mood
and behavior?
component of the nervous system reacts to an infection? What are the
implications for mood and behavior if the inflammatory response is prolonged?
What types of things might cause the inflammatory response to become prolonged
or exaggerated?
4: Conclusions
complete this assignment, “connect the dots” between the influence of stress on
the immune system, the potential effects that PTSD can have on the inflammatory
response (remember this occurs after an extremely stressful event and is
related to dysregulation of cortisol), and the perpetuation of depression and
other symptoms of PTSD.
Assignment Expectations
You are
provided with many scholarly references to complete this assignment. Include a
References section that lists these and any additional sources you used (refer
to the Background page). For any additional research you are required to do to
complete your assignment, please use scholarly references such as a
peer-reviewed journal article or a government-sponsored or university-sponsored
website. As you read through your sources, take notes from your sources and
then write your paper in your own words, describing what you have learned from
your research. Direct quotes should be limited and must be designated by
quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must give credit to the original author, for
example (Murray, 2014). Direct copying from “homework help” websites will
not receive credit.
For this
Case Assignment, answer all questions using full sentences and use the headings
provided above to organize your paper.
Paper 2
You must
complete your Case 3 assignment before you can proceed with this assignment.
In this
module’s SLP assignment, you will take a break from the anatomy and physiology
of stress to analyze the work you have done so far, specifically in your Module
3 Case Assignment.
readings you accomplished for Module 3’s Case Assignment are quite new
scientific theories that are currently being tested by scientists who are
trying to figure out why individuals suffer from behavioral issues such as
depression and PTSD. The scientific and medical communities have collected a
lot of evidence that stress plays a very big role in not only creating these behaviors,
but also perpetuating them. We still have a long way to go and a lot of
unanswered questions!
completing Case 3, you have participated in the .pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=10647″>scientific
method. After you view this linked animation, use this .pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=5624″>diagram
as your reference point to complete the following components of this
In which part of the Case
Assignment did you address Step 1, “observe and generalize”?Which part of the Case
Assignment required you to accomplish Step 2, “formulate a hypothesis”?Did your hypothesis contain
information that can be accepted as the absolute truth? If not, what
information was missing? (HINT: Think back to the studies about cortisol
and PTSD.) Based on the information that was missing from your hypothesis,
what could you test in order to obtain more information on the unknown
piece?Do a bit of research on the
technology available today that could facilitate this test. Examples of
new technology include brain imaging, blood chemistry and hormone level
tests, CAT scans, MRIs, and DNA mapping. What step of the scientific
method does this require?Now that you have some
additional information, briefly and in simple terms, describe how you
would test the missing information and which step of the scientific method
this accomplishes.
SLP Assignment Expectations
For this
SLP assignment, answer all questions using full sentences in paragraph format.
For any additional research you are required to do to complete your assignment,
please use scholarly references such as a peer reviewed journal article or a
government sponsored or university sponsored website. As you read through your
sources, take notes from your sources and then write your paper in your own
words, describing what you have learned from your research. Direct quotes
should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas must
give credit to the original author, for example (Murray, 2014). Direct
copying from “homework help” websites will not receive credit.
Module 4 – Case
Case Assignment
In this
Case Assignment, you will address the following in a 2- to 3-page essay:
complete this exercise to identify the factors that have an effect on.pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=10491″>heart
In your
introductory paragraph, explain:
Which factors contributed to
an increase in HR, andWhich factors contributed to
a decrease in HR?
Now view
the video.pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=7472″>Stress
effects on the heartand read the following resources on hypertension
and stress:
and Blood Pressure, by the American Heart Association
of psychological stress on blood pressure increase: a meta-analysis of cohort
Gasperin, D et al. 2009. Cad. Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, 25(4):715-726.
Based on
what you read and observed, address the following questions in the body of your
What is the risk of stress
on the heart?What are the contributions
of the nervous system to the increased workload that the heart experiences
when an individual is stressed?Do some additional research
to define “myocardial infarction risk.” What do Gasperin et al. (2009) say
about the relationship between stress and myocardial infarction risk?Using the resources above,
define “hypertension.” Summarize the results reported by Gasperin et al.
(2009) about stress and hypertension. What was successful in lowering
hypertension?In a conclusion paragraph
write about what surprised you as you completed the readings/video for
this Case study?
Assignment Expectations
You are
provided with many scholarly references to complete this assignment. Include a
References section that lists these sources (refer to the Background page). For
any additional research you are required to do to complete your assignment,
please use scholarly references such as a peer-reviewed journal article or a
government-sponsored or university-sponsored website. As you read through your
sources, take notes from your sources and then write your paper in your own
words, describing what you have learned from your research. Direct quotes
should be limited and must be designated by quotation marks. Paraphrased ideas
must give credit to the original author, for example (Murray, 2014).Direct
copying from “homework help” websites will not receive credit.

Module 4 – SLP
In this
SLP we will investigate the effects of stress on the digestive system,
including its effect on.pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=6822″>regulating
blood sugar levels.As you can see, dysregulation of blood sugar levels
can cause metabolic problems and unusually high or low blood sugar levels, such
as in diabetes. View the trends for.pearsoncustom.com/mct-comprehensive/asset.php?isbn=1269879944&id=6271″>diabetes
in Americademonstrated in the graph.
continue to your readings for this SLP assignment:
We Gain Weight When We’re Stressed—And How Not To, in Psychology Today
Connection: Tips on Managing Stress and Weight, by Christine A.
Maglione-Garves, Len Kravitz, Ph.D., and Suzanne Schneider, Ph.D.
Part I:
Stress and Weight Gain
complete sentences in paragraph format, address the following questions:
hormones are implicated in the weight gain response that some individuals
experience when stressed? Which type of stressor elicits this response? How
does this influence fat deposition? What role do dietary choices and cravings
play in stress-related weight gain?
Part II:
Blood Sugar Regulation
review the article from the Dartmouth Undergraduate Science Journal:
Physiology of Stress: Cortisol and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
How is
the pathway described here different from those described in the first two
articles? Which type of stressors influence the relationship between cortisol
and insulin? Are the health risks different?
Part III:
In a
conclusion paragraph, compare and contrast the influence of short- and
long-term stress effects on blood sugar regulation and fat deposition. Are
these responses related to health risks in the cardiovascular system? Explain
the connections between the body’s response to stress described in these
articles and other health risks such a high cholesterol and hypertension.
SLP Assignment Expectations
this assignment using the subtitles that summarize each group of questions.
Answer each question under the subtitle using complete sentences that relate
back to the question. Be sure to include a references section at the end of
your assignment that lists the websites and articles used above and any
additional resources you used to research your answers. Follow the format
provided in the Background page.
Module 5 – Case
Case Assignment
Now that you have reviewed the anatomy and physiology of reproduction,
let’s continue to investigate the influence of the stress response on human
reproductive function. We will begin by investigating the interactions between
hormones responsible for regulating female reproductive cycles and the stress
First read some background on stress and reproduction in the article, “.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2009/06/15_stress.shtml”>Stress puts
double whammy on reproductive system,” By Robert Sanders, UC
Berkeley News. 15 June 2009.
Next read the review by Kalantaridou, N.S., et al. .trident.edu/content/enforced/41638-ANT100-FAL2014-1/stress%20and%20female%20reproduction.pdf?_&d2lSessionVal=qEkbHmHpME0P9etqqmR6oH4E9&ou=41638″>Stress and the
female reproductive system. Journal of Reproductive
Immunology. 2004.62:61–68, and address the following questions in paragraph
1. What term is used
in this article to describe the regulatory axis of the reproductive system?
What is the principle regulatory hormone for this axis?
2. What effects does
the HPA axis have on the female reproductive system? What two hormones are
described in this article and what are the general effects of these hormones on
female reproductive organs?
3. Which female
reproductive organs normally respond to CRH? What effect does this hormone have
on these organs? What is the role of this hormonal signal in regulating
reproduction? Use Table 2 and do a little outside research to look up any
unfamiliar terms.
4. Recall the
information that you have reviewed in previous modules about unregulated
cortisol and stress hormone release on the other systems of the body. What are
the implications of dysregulation of CRH and glucocorticoids for human
reproduction? Describe the physiological and psychological effects that these
hormones can have relative to female reproduction.
Assignment Expectations
Organize this assignment by answering the questions above in four
paragraphs that align with the numbering above. Answer each question using
complete sentences that relate back to the question. Be sure to include a
references section at the end of your assignment that lists the websites and
articles used above and any additional resources you used to research your
answers. Follow the format provided in the Background page.
Module 5 – SLP
Review the tutorials and links
on your Home page to better develop the foundation you will need to complete
this final SLP assignment.
Do a Google search of labeled
images of the kidneys and the nephron. Develop a 10-slide PowerPoint
presentation that addresses the following questions regarding the stress
response and kidney function:
Slides 1–3:Provide an overview of kidney structure and
function. Note where osmosis and ion secretion take place and how this
contributes to water and BP regulation.
Slides 4–7:How do the kidneys regulate BP? What stress
hormone(s) are involved? What situation(s) cause(s) this signaling pathway?
Slides 8 and 9:How do the kidneys respond to dehydration?
Do a little research on the effect of caffeine on the kidney. Where in the
physiology of the nephron does caffeine interfere with normal regulation of
water balance?
Slide 10:References cited.
SLP Assignment Expectations
For this SLP assignment you
will develop a PowerPoint presentation that is approximately 10 slides in
length and addresses the requirements outlined above. Place the text containing
the answers to the questions above in the Notes section of your slide

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We want to know how your experience went. You can read other clients’ testimonials too. And among many options, you can choose a favorite writer.