Question description

the topic is Students Athlete Using Steroids i want to write 2 pages of introduction and 2 and a half page outline and i will upload my draft to fix it and use the sources listed or bring new matching sources and the details bellow :-

First Draft—General Information
Getting started
on your research paper may be difficult, but it is important to begin as soon
as possible.  Do not put too much
pressure on yourself to be perfect. 
Schedule regular times to write and hold yourself to writing during
these times.
The purpose of
your first draft is to write the Introduction section of your research paper,
and provide an outline for the remainder of the paper. Please remember that all
content in your paper should either be in your own words (preferred) or in
quotation marks with page numbers provided. 
Keeping plagiarism out of your first draft is an important step in
keeping it out of your final research paper.
Format of First Draft (+ Tips)
Title Page, Introduction, detailed Outline, and References.
Homework help – Write
5-7 pages (of text), which is about 1800 words, and include 5-7 sources.
Help write my thesis – APA Style and avoid ALL forms of Plagiarism.
these First Draft Guidelines carefully.
Content of
First Draft (Title Page, Introduction, Detailed Outline, and References)
See Help write my thesis – APA manual
for formatting your Title Page and References section.  Guidance on the other sections of the draft
your Introduction, do the following: 
a)  Introduce your general topic and the
social problem you plan to address;
b)  Describe why this is an important
topic/problem to address (provide relevant statistics as necessary);
c)  Define technical, topic-relevant terms as
d)  Specify at least two sub-disciplines of
psychology that you have selected to inform your project and why these
sub-disciplines, in particular, will be useful;
e)  Describe the historical roots of your
selected topic as far back in psychology as possible (be sure to identify
relevant schools of thought, theorists, and theories);
f)  Describe the overall purpose of your
research paper (in doing so, specify whether you plan to propose an
evidence-based social program or an applied research project);
g)  Describe the main goals of your
evidence-based social program or applied research project (it is not necessary
to include the specifics of your program/research project here); and
h)  Provide a road map for what will be
included in the rest of the paper.
the Detailed Outline section of your first draft, you should briefly
list what you intend to cover in the remainder of your research paper after the
Introduction. As your paper is a
work-in-progress, it is understood that your outline may change over time as
you learn more about your topic.  It is
also understood that your outline will become more detailed over time.  In your outline, map out the overarching
structure of your research paper in as much detail as is possible at this
point. This should follow on directly from the Introduction.  Below
you will find a template outline.
Detailed Outline
Sub-Discipline A
Review relevant literature in sub-discipline A
(map out and use a thematic structure, rather than an article-by-article
Define relevant terms (where appropriate).
Critique literature in this section (as you are
discussing it).
Summarize main themes in this section.
Sub-Discipline B
Review relevant literature in sub-discipline B
(map out and use a thematic structure, rather than an article-by-article
Define relevant terms (where appropriate).
Critique literature in this section (as you are
discussing it).
Summarize main themes in this section.
Integration of Sub-Disciplines A and B
Assignment help – Discuss the themes that have emerged (what you
have learned) from integrating the material from A and B, focusing on what is
relevant for the proposal section of your paper.
Describe any inconsistencies and gaps in the two
literatures, using this to make a case for the uniqueness/necessity of your
proposed social program or applied research project.
Proposal – Evidenced-Based Social Program or
Applied Research Project? (specify)
If proposing an evidenced-based social program,
describe nature of program in detail (be sure to describe and cite evidence
supporting the elements of your program, where relevant).
i.  What
is the specific purpose of your program?
ii.  Who
will program serve? How will it be advertised?
iii.  What
will the program consist of? What will the participants do?
iv.  What
are the ethical issues that surface when trying to realize a social program
like the one you are proposing? How will you address these ethical issues?
v.  Who
will lead/implement your program? What training will they require? How will
this training be provided?
vi.  How
will the program be funded?
vii.  How
will the program be assessed for effectiveness in addressing your social
Assignment help – Discuss the strengths and limitations/obstacles
of your proposed program.
If proposing an applied research project,
describe the nature of your project in detail. Be sure to describe and cite
evidence supporting the elements of your applied project, where relevant.
i.  What
is the specific purpose of your proposed study?
ii.  Who
will the participants be? How many will there be? How will they be recruited?
iii.  Describe
the study design, the materials necessary to conduct the study, and the study
procedure. Be sure to use valid and reliable (well-established) measures where
iv.  What
are the ethical issues that surface when trying to conduct a research project
like the one you are proposing? How will you address these ethical issues?
v.  Describe
how the data will be analyzed and the anticipated results.
vi.  Describe
how the results will be disseminated and how they will be used to address your
social problem.
vii.  Assignment help – Discuss
the strengths and limitations of your proposed study.
Assignment help – Discussion (Summary, Evaluation, and
Re-describe your general topic and the purpose
of your investigation (describe the social problem you sought to address,
including why it is important to address this topic/social problem).
Remind reader of the historical roots of your
topic in the field of psychology.
Remind reader of the two modern sub-disciplines
used in your analysis and summarize the main findings and themes in each of
these disciplines, particularly as they relate to addressing your social
Remind reader of the highlights and strengths of
your proposed evidence-based social program or applied research project. In
doing this, be sure to address what contributions you have made to the
discipline of psychology and to people in general, as well as what makes your
proposal unique/distinctive.
Identify inconsistencies and gaps in the
literature addressing your topic. Identify limitations of your proposed social
program or applied research project.
Identify next steps for researchers in your
topic area. Specify the next steps for future research or specify the
directions for programs that might logically follow-up your proposed program.

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