Topic Sentence:
The impact of drug addiction is a serious problem that affects personal health, damages social relationship, and emotional well-being.

What Is Cause and Effect Analysis?

Writing that explains what happens as a result of certain events or why certain events occur is called cause and effect analysis. From the time we are children, all of us ask questions about why and how things happen: Why is the sky blue? What makes planes fly? Why are vegetables good for us? Why do the seasons change? What causes earthquakes? What makes the waves on the ocean? Even after we have grown up, we never completely lose our sense of curiosity about why and how things happen. We continue to won­der about what causes things to happen the way they do and how certain things affect our lives. Whenever we try to figure out and explain the causes of something or the effects of something, we are using cause and effect analysis.

Writing Objective: Analyzing Causes or Effects

Your objective for this unit is to write a paragraph or short paper that analyzes the causes of something or the effects of something. You may write about a personal topic, such as how being in the military service or winning an award affected you, or why you made a certain decision; or you may want to choose a more objective, informative topic, such as the effects of acid rain or the causes of the American Civil War. Informative topics may relate to history, economics, psychology, geology, nutrition, or any other area of knowledge that you are interested in. You may want to consider topics like the effects of a certain chemical or nutrient, the causes of a physical or mental disease, or the effects of an economic recession. With this kind of topic, it may be helpful to look up some information in a reference book or magazine article to be sure that your facts are accurate.

Ending Effectively

The conclusion for a short essay is just like the conclusion for a paragraph, except that the conclusion for an essay is generally a little longer and is written as a separate paragraph.

Like a conclusion for a paragraph-length paper, the purpose of a conclusion to an essay is to make the paper seem finished and complete. In addition, a good conclusion often leaves the reader with something to think about.

The suggestions for Ending Effectively at the end of previous weeks’ lectures can also apply to short essays, so you may want to review these suggestions. In general, most conclusions either review and reinforce the main points discussed in the essay or explain some insight or understanding to be gained from the essay.

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