Article Review and Evaluation: Concept Map

locate and read three research articles on the topic of systems for managing quality improvement across healthcare organizations [e.g., Six Sigma, Lean manufacturing, Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award (MBNQA), and Benchmarking, ISO 9000].

Two articles must be quantitative studies, and the third article must be a qualitative study.

Create a concept map that compares and contrasts the characteristics of the quality improvement systems represented in each article. Your concept map may include graphics such as diagrams, tables, or charts and must provide an evaluation of the effectiveness of the systems.
Your concept map should meet the following requirements:

• clear and concise visual representation of the key strengths and weaknesses of each quality improvement system with cited support from the selected articles;
• graphic representation of similarities and differences between each system;
• evaluation of situations in which each system can and should be effectively applied;
• full Help write my thesis – APA citations for articles under review, formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and Help write my thesis – APA. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these references; and
• tools you may wish to consider using to create your concept map include: Mindmapple, Bubbl, or EDraw.
Depending on which tool you use to create your concept map, either submit your map file (document or image file) or a link to your map.

Important: You must have a concept map!

here are some studies that need to be reviewed and used to create concept map that includes the above criteria





Please click on links below and access and use these articles and cite using Help write my thesis – APA format

What Is Six Sigma?

this is a very important assignment and must contain a concept map( like a flow chart)

i have included links to websites of articles that i would like you to see..If you find other scholarly articles on studies, you can use them but i must have scholarly studies used


By [Student’s Name]

Institution Name

This short essay discussing the quality improvement processes is founded on a discussion of three research articles; two quantitative and one qualitative research studies. These studies serve as benchmarks to the systems in which quality improvement processes in health care can be improved. Below is a concept map depicting a summary of the three articles discussed in this outline.

From the quantitative research article ‘Assessing the Impact of Continuous Quality Improvement/ Total Quality Management: Concept versus Implementation’ by Shortell, et al. (1995), we observe the characteristics of quality improvement systems to entail laying emphasis on systems and processes rather than individuals, data-driven problem solving approaches, use of cross-organizational teams, empowerment and customer-focus. In the research article, the effectiveness of the systems is evaluated by using continuous quality improvement measures, organization culture evaluations, implementation approaches evaluations and employing the Baldrige Award criteria. A key strength of this research article is that it allows for comparisons by allowing for data collection across organizations in the same industry, but a key of its flaws is that its findings cannot be generalized for the industry as a whole. This system is effectively applied in situations where the size of the hospital is small in size.
Below is a table summary of the research article.
Characteristics of Quality Improvement Systems Evaluation of the effectiveness of the systems Key Strengths and Weaknesses of each system The situations in which each system is effectively applied
1) Lay emphasis on systems and processes rather than individuals.
2) Data-driven problem solving approaches.
3) Use of cross-organizational teams
4) Empowerment
5) Customer-focus. 1.) Use of continuous quality improvement measures
2.) Organization culture evaluations.
3.) Implementation approaches evaluation.
4.) The degree of improvement based on the Baldrige Award criteria. A key strength of the culture measure is it allows for comparisons by data collection across organizations in the same industry.

Among the weaknesses include its findings cannot be generalized, it uses charge data rather than cost data, and it does not give condition-specific outcome data. When the hospital is small in size, thus easier to control, because what really matters is the existence of a culture supporting quality improvement work and an approach that encourages flexible implementation.

From the other quantitative research article ‘Institutionalization, Framing, and Diffusion: The Logic of TQM Adoption and Implementation Decisions among U.S. Hospitals’ by Kennedy and Fiss (2009), we find quality improvement systems to be characterized by the technical or efficiency gains directly associated with employing them, and the social nature of organizations. The article posits that the effectiveness of the systems can be evaluated from institutionalization, framing or diffusion standpoints. A key strength identified is that it helps contribute to organizational and efficiency goals for new adopters. It is weak in that the economic and organizational factors considered in decision making in organizations such as population, age and size are only predictable for the first-time adopters of such systems. As such, the situation in which this is effectively applied is when garnering to overcome administrative problems for early adopters, and when striving to remedy efficiency concerns in early stages.
Below is a table summary of the research article.
Characteristics of Quality Improvement Systems Evaluation of the effectiveness of the systems Key Strengths and Weaknesses of each system The situations in which each system is effectively applied
Technical or efficiency gains and other factors directly related to the economy affect improvements.

The social nature of organizations affects its implementation of improvement systems.

1.) Institutionalization
2.) Framing
3.) Diffusion A key strength is that it helps achieve administrative and efficiency goals for new adopters.

A key weakness is that economic and organization factors such as population, age and size are only predictive for early adopters.

Also, later adopters who engage fewer systems enjoy fewer performance benefits. When attempting to overcome administrative problems for early adopters.

When striving to remedy efficiency concerns in early stages.

The last article discussed a qualitative one; ‘BMJ Quality & Safety’ by Nieva & Sorra (2003). It lays out the characteristics of quality improvement systems to include engaging both managerial and/ or staff perspectives in research, and the opennes of communication, teamwork and other event reporting techniques employed. The effectiveness of the system is evaluated by patient safety intervention programs, diagnosing safety culture and raising awareness, conducting internal and external benchmarking, fulfilling directives or regulatory requirements, and implementing action planning and initiating changes. A key strength of this is that it involves all the stakeholders, while a key weakness is that it is not supported by empirical research evidence. A situation where this can be effectively applied is in measuring organizational conditions that could lead to adverse events and harm, and coming up with safety procedures.

The following is a table summary of the discussed article.
Characteristics of Quality Improvement Systems Evaluation of the effectiveness of the systems Key Strengths and Weaknesses of each system The situations in which each system is effectively applied
1. Engage managerial or staff perspectives, or both in research.
2. Openness of communication, teamwork, and other event reporting techniques employed. 3. Evaluating patient safety intervention programs
4. Diagnosing safety culture and raising awareness.
5. Conducting internal and external benchmarking
6. Fulfilling directives or regulatory requirements
7. Implementing action planning and initiating changes. Among the key strengths is that it involves all stakeholders.

A weakness is that it is not supported by empirical research evidence. Useful in measuring organization conditions that could lead to adverse events and patients harm, thus useful for coming up with safety procedures.

The outright similarities and differences of the three research articles are summarized below.
Similarities Differences
1.) All employ processes in attempting quality improvement systems.
2.) All employ certain tools of quality improvement measurement in assessing the evaluation of the effectiveness of systems.
3.) All employ problem-solving approaches to quality management. 1.) Shortell et al lays more emphasis on processes other than individuals, unlike the other two.
2.) All but Nieva & Sorra’s are empirically testable.
3.) Nieva’s & Sorra’s model involves all stakeholders in data collection, unlike the other two.

In concluding the discussion of the quality improvement systems in healthcare from the three research articles discussed, it is important to note the six sigma quality program and the 12 essential lean concepts and tools that could be used to wholesomely evaluate the quality improvement systems employed in an organization, for example, for each of the three discussed in the research papers above. Jack Welch summarizes the Six Sigma as a quality program that above all improves customer experience, nurtures leaders and lowers the operational costs of organizations. Chandra (2013) discusses twelve essential lean concepts and tools that are useful in evaluating the quality improvement systems of organizations. These are cellular manufacturing, takt time, standardized work, one piece or continuous flow, pull systems and kanban, the five why’s, quick changeover, mistake proving, leveling the workload, total productive maintenance, the five S methodology and problem-solving.
Chandra, P. V. (2013, June 25). 12 Essential Lean concepts and tools. Retrieved February 25, 2018, from PEX Process Excellence Network:
Kennedy, M. T., & Fiss, P. C. (2009). Institutionalization, Framing, and Diffusion: The Logic of TQM Adoption and Implementation Decisions among U.S. Hospitals. Academy of Management Journal, 52(5), 897-918.
Nieva, V. F., & Sorra, J. (2003). BMJ Quality & Safety. Retrieved February 25, 2018, from BMJ:
Shortell, S. M., O.Brien, J. L., Carman, J. M., Foster, R. W., Hughes, E. F., Boerstler, H., et al. (1995). Assessing the Impact of Continuous Quality Improvement/ Total Quality Management: Concept versus Implementation. Health Services Research, 30(2), 377-401.
Welch, J. (n.d.). What Is Six Sigma. Retrieved February 25, 2018, from iSixSigma:

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