Posted: March 1st, 2023
Part 1: Written Communication
Written Communication
Part 1: Written Communication
1. Written Communication
a) Key Message
The written communication is aimed at informing the community about the new rural health clinics which would be opened in Richmond Hill, Georgia. It will also identify the potential written communication challenges which individuals could face as well as creating proper communication solutions for the health care facility.
The message of the communication plan will entail creating quality health care for low and moderate income individuals in the local community. However, the communication of the health care offerings will be critical and collaborative relationships with the local community will be significant (Eklof, & Ahlborg Jr, 2016). Communication will assist in understanding the needs of the patients and the ability of the health care facility to deliver the health care services and communicate efficiently with the patients.
b) Credibility
The communication with patients and the health care provider at Richmond Hill, Georgia will help to shape the participative decision making and leadership process in the organization. Such communication aspect will be necessary in improving the overall written communication in the organization. As a health communication health expert, the management of rural hospitals must be ready to engage the community on their health offerings (Abney, et al., 2014). It is because without proper support from the communities, it will be difficulty for the health care facility to shape the written communication process. One key benefit of the written communication is the ability to improve collaboration between the varied stakeholders in the health care facilities. Thus, the effective communication of the health care providers and the patients will be effective in promoting the delivery of the health care services.
c) Supporting Reasons
The audience of the health care facility is critical in promoting the communication in the health care facility. Communication is an essential element of the health care setting and programs. With challenges of financing the health care needs, the management of the hospitals will need to interact with the patients and the staffs in the health care units. Such engagements will help to communicate the vision and goals of the health care units (Papadopoulos, et al., 2016). To improve proper understanding of the patients and physicians, it will be possible to shape the understanding of instructions with the patients. The building of the relationships with the varied stakeholders is useful to improve information sharing.
d) Consult/Join
The consult/join method of decision making will be used in the organization to improve proper communication and negotiation of the good health care programs. Consulting and joining will allow the health care staffs to interact with the patients in getting the desired actions to improve the health care programs. In most occasions, the health care facilities do not consider the ideas of the patients and the employees. Through consult/join approach, the health care management will be able to engage the staffs and other stakeholders before coming up with the final decisions (Moorhead, et al., 2013). It also focuses on promoting collaboration and coordination of good ideas within the set timelines. Such style of decision making is necessary in shaping the communication process.
e) Action Request
My action request is for the community members to call regularly and always be ready to present written feedback on the performance the heath care clinic. Such communication feedback will be critical in improving the ability of the health care clinic to meet their needs. The health care management and staffs must be proactive in the communication process.
2. Professional Writing
a) Clear and Concise
The written communication records of the health care facility will brief and clear. The clarity of the written communication is useful. The communication message and information will be reassured and challenging well to get the appropriate outcome in the audience. The messages will also be complete and useful to achieve significant health care outcomes. The written communication will be based on proper set objectives that are important (Papadopoulos, et al., 2016). Adequate volume of communication plans is effective in encouraging the understanding of the messages. Thus, the written communication is critical in improving the proper engagements and proper interactions in the health care facilities.
b) Logical Communication
The achievement of the communication goals will rely on building rational arguments to be passed onto the various stakeholders in the organization. The accepted patterns and styles of reasoning depend on the testing and evaluation of the reasoning process to link the evidence to the overall conclusion. The convincing arguments would be critical to shape the communication objectives and plans to improve the decision making process. Therefore, the establishment of rational arguments will help to improve the health care communication processes.
3. Professional Presence
a) Authenticity and Genuine in Communication
In terms of the communication processes, the health care facility will rely on both formal and informal communication methods. The formal communication methods will include the use of the email communication, official meetings, conferences as well as health care forums. The health care firm will ensure that the management of the health facilities will be critical shaping the communication plans and processes. Informal methods such as tea break team work meetings as well as out of the workplace interactions are also important in promoting the passing of the health care message. The management of the health care facility is determined to support both the formal and informal communication channels to achieve the overall strategic goals in the health care facility.
b) Appropriate Tone and Vocabulary
Diverse engagements and face to face communication ways will be useful in understanding the influence of the audience in the health care facility. The health care facility will rely on email communication to communicate with the diverse stakeholders both internally and externally. Internally, the company relies on the company’s staff email to engage all the employees in a better manner. A professional way of communication will be critical in shaping the communication channel in the audience. It is significant that audience of the health care facility should improve the communication efforts through the professional methods of communication. Face to face communications including official meetings would be critical in improving the suitable tone and vocabulary in the health care facility.
c) Establish Rapport
It is important that the health care facility continue to create good rapport, which is useful in growing the health care organization’s audience and relationship with the varied stakeholders. The health care facility will need to improve engagements with the varied stakeholders including the nursing sector, hospitals, residents, and the patients of Richmond Hill and the close communities (Arnold, & Boggs, 2015). Such engagements are vital in promoting the relationships with the heath care facility with the stakeholders. For example, the continuous communication with the nurses and doctors will enhance the capacity of the company to achieve its critical goals on offering quality health care services.
In summary, the written communication processes and plans are critical in expanding the identification and sharing of the communication plans to the stakeholders including the patients and the health care providers. Written communication will assist in understanding the needs of the patients and the ability of the health care facility. It will be possible to shape the understanding of instructions with the patients. The building of the relationships with the varied stakeholders is useful to improve information sharing. The health care facility will rely on both formal and informal communication methods. The formal communication methods will include the use of the email communication, official meetings and conferences among others.
Abney, L., Burks, A., Pitman, W., Taylor, J., Obert, L., & Kern, N. (2014). Effective communication regarding advanced care planning and end-of-life care options. Women’s Health Care, 2.
Arnold, E. C., & Boggs, K. U. (2015). Interpersonal Relationships-E-Book: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses. New York, NY: Elsevier Health Sciences.
Eklof, M., & Ahlborg Jr, G. (2016). Improving communication among healthcare workers: a controlled study. Journal of Workplace Learning, 28(2), 81-96.
Moorhead, S. A., Hazlett, D. E., Harrison, L., Carroll, J. K., Irwin, A., & Hoving, C. (2013). A new dimension of health care: systematic review of the uses, benefits, and limitations of social media for health communication. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 15(4).
Papadopoulos, I., Shea, S., Taylor, G., Pezzella, A., & Foley, L. (2016). Developing tools to promote culturally competent compassion, courage, and intercultural communication in healthcare. Journal of Compassionate Health Care, 3(1), 2.
Due Week 9, worth 200 points
Business managers use written communication every day. Opportunities for written communication in the business world include everything from reports, memos, and documentation to emails, instant messaging, and social media. Effective written communication can help build and grow business relationships,
accelerate results, solicit input and feedback, and rally personnel toward shared goals. Your ability to write messages that are clear and concise, while positioned strategically and presented professionally, will distinguish you in your field.
In this assignment, you will develop a written communication for the challenge or opportunity scenario you have identified. The written message needed to fulfill this assignment will depend on your scenario.
Compose a written communication based on your Strategic Communications
1. Develop Your Written Communication
a) State your key message clearly
i. Do not “bury the headline” — the main point should be
presented directly
ii. Your key message must be clear and concise
b) Provide the necessary information and build credibility
i. Provide an appropriate amount of background
information for the audience, given the type of
ii. Get to the point without unnecessary verbiage
iii. Build your position as an expert or trusted colleague
c) Support your key message with three or four supporting
i. Supporting points should be appropriate for the context
and needs of the audience
ii. Reasons should be compelling and relevant
d) Employ either the Consult/Join or Tell/Sell techniques
e) Clearly relay to the audience an actionable request
2. Homework help – Write Professionally
a) Communication should be clear and concise
b) Communication should build logically
c) Sentences should flow smoothly, using appropriate
transitions and varying sentence structure
d) Employ appropriate formatting for ease of reading and clarity
of message (headers, bullet points, etc.)
3. Demonstrate Professional Presence
a) Be authentic and genuine in your communication
b) Use the appropriate tone and vocabulary for your audience
c) Establish rapport to connect with your audience and
grow the relationship
I have enclosed the strategic communication plan for the written communication assignment. Information should be obtained and added from this for this assignment. Please follow instructions carefully and include all relevant points and information. Memo should essays style with headers, and bullet points included per papers instructions.
Strategic Communication Plan
Lacqueshia Barnard
Com 510- Business Communications
Dr. Steven Englehart
July 30, 2017
The ability of an organization to communicate effectively is crucial to its success.
In a healthcare setting, for instance, effective communication between a health practitioner and the patient can increase the satisfaction and contribute towards building better long-term health results. How well a patient internalizes the instructions provided can also impact positively on health care decisions they might make in future. Lack of understanding the information may lead to an increased risk of the patient’s condition (Al-Abri & Al-Balushi, 2014). Therefore, the misunderstanding between health providers and the patients is due to communication barriers.
1. Description
• Various challenges may occur in the new rural health clinic that will be opening in Richmond Hill, Georgia.
a) What is your challenge or opportunity?
• My challenge is the language barrier between national and foreign individuals. Since the hospital will accommodate people from different ethnic groups, it will be difficult to connect directly (Antheunis, Tates, & Nieboer, 2013). This problem will lead to misunderstanding and confusion between the medical providers and the patients. Misunderstanding will also arise due to improper verbal communication.
• This barrier is expected to occur primarily when employees within a personal agency do not use appropriate verbal cues such as speaking openly and asking feedback. In return, patients may fail to understand what is required of them; thus, perform inadequately.
b) Why is this professionally important to you?
• This barrier is professionally significant to me because it increases the interaction with people from different cultures with the aim of overcoming the challenge.
The purpose of the communication
• The purpose of this communication plan is to inform the community about the new rural health clinic that will be opening in Richmond Hill, Georgia.
• Besides, the plan aims at understanding different communication challenges that individuals will face at the hospital as well as establishing the appropriate solutions to the problems.
2. Goal
a) What goal or outcome do you want to achieve with this communication?
• The goal of the plan is to provide quality healthcare for low to moderate income individuals in the community by identifying the challenges that the organization will face and designing appropriate solutions.
• I want to build a collaborating relationship between the people that are offering their services and the residents receiving it.
• Improving the level of understanding between the patients and the health providers by maintaining a translator who will ensure that messages are converted and understood by the patients.
i. Is it clear, concise, and actionable?
• From the description, I believe that my goal is clear, concise, and actionable since it explains how I intend to achieve the objective.
3. Audience
a) Who is your target audience?
• My target audience will be all individuals in the nursing sector, patients, hospitals and residents of Richmond Hill, GA and surrounding communities.
i. What are the professional positions of the audience members?
• The target audience has the professional positions such as doctors and nurses.
ii. What demographic characteristics will the audience comprise?
• Various demographic characteristics will be included in the public’s profile. They include age, gender, marital status, education level, occupation, and religion.
iii. What is your relationship to the audience?
• My position as the medical assistant determines the relationship to the audience. My relationship with the audience is therapeutic patient-nurse relationship.
iv. What background knowledge and expertise does the audience have?
• The audience, for instance, nurses and doctors are well trained to perform physical exams and health histories, administer medications, wound care, and other personalized interventions.
v. What does the audience know, feel about, and expect concerning this communication?
• The audience is aware that communication is important, and is a huge factor in the healthcare setting. Having experienced the language barrier in the workplace, the audience feels that the hospital should have an interpreter who connects the patient and the healthcare provider.
• The level of understanding between the patient and the physicians will increase. By doing so, nurses will understand the patients’ conditions and provide accurate instruction.
vi. What preconceptions or biases do you possess that might prevent you from building rapport with your audience?
• Negative attitude towards their cultural beliefs and practices.
What information is available about your audience?
b) They are well informed on the challenges on the causes of communication barrier in nursing environment.
i. What research/sources will you use to obtain information about the audience?
• I will obtain the information about the target audience from the internet. Additionally, I will conduct a field study to get firsthand information from the hospital stakeholders and patients.
i. What conclusions have you been able to draw about the audience?
• Concerning the availability of information about my audience, they already admit that the language barrier is a problem. Nonetheless, the challenge should not be a big deal since reliable measures have been put in place to solve the issue.
c) What tone will you use to convey your message?
• Regarding the tone, impersonal communication will best suit in conveying the message because it involves the interaction based on social roles.
i. Is the communication personal or impersonal?
• Since the communication will mostly take place between medical providers and patients, it will be impersonal.
ii. Is the setting casual or formal?
• The manner of communication will be causal and superficial as it will cover subject’s necessary to initiate health provision.
4. Key Message
a) What is the primary message you must convey to your audience?
• The primary message that the audience should know is that provision of quality healthcare is not expensive. The only thing that should be done is to increase the level of communication and understanding between patients and healthcare providers.
i. Is the message compelling and memorable?
• It persuades the audience that indeed communication barrier is the main challenge in the nursing environment.
ii. Is the message clear and concise?
• As seen, the message is clear, precise and direct to the point. The audience can clearly comprehend and interpret it.
iii. Is the message aligned with your audience’s goals and needs?
• The message is concerned with the needs and the goals of the audience. That is, to get the quality health care services.
5. Supporting Points
a) What three to four points, reasons, or justifications support your message?
• One of the supporting points is healthcare Cost. Worth of note is that the healthcare cost is expected to be low since the hospital will be in a rural area.
• The other point is quality care. The patients will be assured a better medical care once the understanding between them and the physicians is raised.
• The other thing is Services provided. Better services will be available as the hospital will employ competent and well-trained personnel.
• The last point is Referral Services. These services will be available to patients with critical conditions who require urgent attention.
i. What research/sources will you use to obtain facts/data?
• I will use the internet and nursing journals to obtain facts about the message.
6. Channel Selection
a) What communication style will you employ?
• I will use an assertive communication style because this approach will allow me to state my opinions and feelings, and firmly advocate for the patient’s rights without any violation.
b) What channel will you use to deliver your message, and why will they be the most effective?
• I will employ different channels such as newspaper, radio, television, posting flyers, and word of mouth. These communication channels will be utilized because they are readily available and most people can access them. As such, many people can receive the information within a short time.
c) What purpose is served by each channel you have selected?
• The purpose of each channel is to create awareness of the health clinic that will be opening in Richmond Hill, Georgia and the intended communication challenges that the clinic will experience.
7. Action Request
• My action request would be for members of the community to visit the health clinic so they can see how we can serve their healthcare needs.
This report has examined various communication challenges that individuals will face in the health clinic that will be opening in Richmond Hill, Georgia. Much emphasis is put on the language barrier as it increases the misunderstanding between the medical practitioners and the patients. To address this problem, the organization needs to maintain a translator who will ensure that the messages are converted and understood by both the nurses and the patients. With this understanding, there will be the quality assurance in this healthcare setting.
Al-Abri, R., & Al-Balushi, A. (2014). Patient satisfaction survey as a tool towards quality improvement. Oman medical journal, 29(1), 3.
Antheunis, M. L., Tates, K., & Nieboer, T. E. (2013). Patients’ and health professionals’ use of social media in health care: motives, barriers, and expectations. Patient education and counseling, 92(3), 426-431.
Weller, J., Boyd, M., & Cumin, D. (2014). Teams, tribes and patient safety: overcoming barriers to effective teamwork in healthcare. Postgraduate medical journal, 90(1061), 149-154.
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