Order Description

The class is Nursing Informatics. Instructions will be uploaded. Please make sure at least 1 reference is outside the assigned readings. Thanks

Ethical Issues In Nursing Informatics
This discussion is worth 10% of the course grade.
Read the ANA Code of Ethics at this URL:
Describe an example of a violation of ethical principles related to managing healthcare information that you have witnessed in a clinical environment.
Gonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. G. (2015). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (3rd
ed.). Boston, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. (Refer to chpts 1-5)

***Be sure a least 1 reference is outside the assigned readings***

NURS 6109: Fall 2015
Online Assignment help – Discussion Rubric for Assignment help – Discussion 1
Quality Description % Comments Score
Thoroughness of Responses Thorough, in-depth and succinct posting that provides thoughtful answers to prompt questions in discussion assignment. 15
Critical Analysis Considered critical analysis with evidence based data makes salient point regarding the topic. 15
Organization Written in a clear, logical order that makes it easy and interesting to follow writer’s train of thought. 10
Writing Style & Voice Sentences are varied in length and type; their structure contributes significantly to both meaning and enjoyment for the reader. 10
Spelling and Grammar Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are correct and reflect graduate level writing mechanics. 10
Citation of Sources Reference to outside resources is consistently cited and documented in correct Help write my thesis – APA style 5
Timely Initial discussion is posted on the due date posted in the discussion directions. 5
Thoughtfulness Response is well written, thoughtful, and relates to the initial posting. 10
Critical Analysis Response advances the ideas of the initial posting. 10
Timely Response discussion is posted on the due date posted in the discussion directions. 5
Engagement Responds to at least 1 initial postings. 5
TOTAL 100%

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