Gay Parenting
After viewing the required video for this discussion, please address each of the following questions:
What core social values are most challenged by legalized gay adoption
How have these values been defined and reinforced
Assuming these values are changing, at least for some individuals or societies, how have experts explained or described the change
How has your personal view of the family changed over your lifetime
Supporters and opponents of gay adoption both claim to have childrens best interests at heart. Which do you think is in the best interest of children: banning or permitting their adoption by gay parents Why

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates posts by Day 7. How have their opinions changed over time Any surprises Any perspectives you might want to understand a bit better
Reinventing Healthcare
While we do not want to replicate our Week One discussion of obesity, this issue certainly overlaps with the growing healthcare challenge. Remember that the focus of the previous discussion was on our sociological imaginations. Keep your imaginations going, but we will shift gears a bit for this discussion with a focus on solutions.
In addition to the required video and text, please complete a web search for additional information. All sources should be authoritative, so your search should focus on scholarly papers, government reports, and other expert sources. After reviewing all of these resources, please discuss the all of the following:
According to experts on all sides, does the government have the right to enforce, legislate, or regulate behaviors such as obesity, health, and nutritious eating
Are these expert opinions biased in any way Provide examples.
Now that we have heard from the experts, do you personally believe the government has a right to enforce, legislate, or regulate behaviors such as obesity, health, and nutritious eating Why or why not

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