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Iranian people
Geographically, Iranian people in America are concentrated in areas of California, probably because of the mostly liberal and accepting society. Additionally, there are also people of Iran in other areas of the US. In Iran, the topography is mainly composed of a desert which is rich in oil. In the recent past, there has been a population explosion, and the number of people has totalled 75 million with a massive chunk of those being under the age of 30 years. In terms of culture, there is a lot of diversity in both Iran and the US.
Politically, Iranians who are living in the US can be termed to be liberal-minded. Hence, there are welcoming of modernity. Economically, they have already been assimilated to the broader American culture and thus, they often hold regular jobs. In Iran, there is always a clash between those who are politically liberal and conservatives. However, in general, Iran emerges to be a conservative nation given the influence that is wielded by religious groups. In fact, religious groups go to the extent of presenting a hurdle in the process of initiating the much-needed reforms in the country. In terms of the economy, Iran is very dependent on oil which is often a weakness given the fact that prices occasionally tend to fluctuate (Jafari, 2018). Therefore, there is a need to diversify the economy.
Iranians can be described as being socially conservative, and hence religion has an impact on their healthcare beliefs. For example, there is often resistance to birth control, given that it goes against the religious teachings of Islam (Purnell, 2012). Apart from that, there is often a combination of traditional healing practices and modern medicine. Traditionally, Iranians will use herbs and also seek the services of healers. Additionally, Iranians will often take over the counter medicine seek modern medical interventions. Mental health is highly stigmatized, which might be caused by religious beliefs such as the evil eye.
In general, Iranians see good health as a daily way of life which people should aim to pursue. Therefore, people will always seek treatment immediately they feel unwell. Notably, illnesses are taken seriously and hence most Iranians will typically seek the most invasive or strong treatment as they believe it will be effective in dealing with an ailment. As for death, it is seen as the beginning of another life, but mourning is allowed to encourage people to let go. Iranians will follow Islamic traditions when performing a burial, for instance, there is no embalming or cremation which is allowed.
Haitian People
In terms of topography, Haiti occupies the Island of Hispaniola, which can be described as being mountainous. In the US, there are over 400,000 migrants who have come to find better opportunities. Much of that population is localized in big cities such as New York, Chicago, and Boston. The settlement in cities is motivated by the need to find opportunities to better themselves, given the fact they came from dire situations in Haiti.
Politically, Haiti is very unstable, and there have been many instances of oppression. Notably, corruption is very rampant in this country, and hence the government is often not accountable to the people. Apart from that, there have many military interventions by the US and France, which is usually met with a lot of resistance by the locals. That is mainly inspired by the history of Haiti in resisting slavery and other forms of imperialism. In terms of economics, Haiti is a poor country given the lack of stability politically as well as rampant corruption (Merilus, 2015). That is part of the reason why many of the Haitians have migrated to the US seeking better opportunities.
Religiously, many of the Haitians are Catholic, but there is a huge belief in Voodoo practices. That permeates to the manner that Haitians view healthcare issues. For instance, there might be the belief that some diseases are caused by angry spirits (Purnell, 2012). That is usually the case among the traditional Haitians. Just like in many very traditional communities, there is a lot of stigma that is associated with mental heal problems. There is also a significant emphasis on self-care and other traditional remedies in the treatment of different ailments. Even those who have migrated to the US might prefer to bring traditional remedies from Haiti.
Health is often viewed as personal responsibility, and it will involve taking care of oneself through eating well and praying. Thus, there will be a significant emphasis on healthcare in the Haitian culture. As for illness, it will often be seen as punishment which can be caused by natural and supernatural factors. Natural factors will include the environment, while the supernatural factor will be composed of evil spirits. In terms of death, many in Haitian culture will prefer to die at home where different religious ceremonies will be performed. Also, there is a huge belief in the afterlife, and hence cremation is not permissible.
Jafari, P. (2018). Linkages of oil and politics: Oil strikes and dual power in the Iranian revolution. Labor History, 60(1), 24-43. doi:10.1080/0023656x.2019.1537018
Merilus, J. (2015). Rural development: The economic potentials of Haiti’s “Lakou” system. Focus on Geography, 58(1), 36-45. doi:10.1111/foge.12047
Purnell, L. D. (2012). Transcultural health care: A culturally competent approach (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F A Davis Company.