SOCW 6361 wk7 Assignment

Defending Your Policy Proposal

This also has to connect with my final project on disability I will attach other assignments that have been done to help 

Submit a slide show presentation summary of the policy proposal you created from last week’s Assignment help – Discussion. Be sure to incorporate feedback from your colleagues. Make sure that your summary presentation provides a solid rationale for the passage of your policy, using reputable sources from experts in the field. This should be a simulation of a summary presentation you would make to “real-world” policy leaders, so make sure you are succinct and informative. You can include any visual aids that you think help your presentation.

Bullet points used on slide show and attach a transcript so I can do a voice over everything cited intext and full references 

The slideshow can only take  4–5 minutes and no more than 6 minutes.

Make sure that your assertions are supported by appropriate research and reputable resources.

Last weeks discussion and responses 


Iris a 78-year-old divorced lady who lives alone and relies on a pension from the pace she used to work as an elementary teacher and the social security retirement benefits. Two years ago her husband divorced her for a younger woman and Iris was not blessed with any child. Iris is forgetful, old, and in need of someone to talk to despite claiming to be independent. Iris is also going through depression because of being divorced by her husband abruptly in the last two years and also because she misses her independence because she now needs to stay in a facility that can provide care for her as it gets harder for her to take care of herself. This paper will look into a policy that can help Iris control and take care of herself.


One of the ways of helping Iris is to provide a way in which she can have company. A policy that will provide or extend the civic engagement of adults will go a long way into helping Iris to extend her stay at the facility she was sent to. This policy should help improve her wellbeing because she feels loneliness because Iris is still dealing with the divorce, she went through which happened abruptly without warning. Policymakers should ensure this is considered so as to give her and other older people at the center time to heal and focus on their health rather than missing home (Zarbo, et al, 2017). The policy should also focus on restructuring health care systems so that those who receive low pensions and retirement benefits can get something that will help them receive proper medical aid. The medical care system should search for ways to increase financial incentives especially for those from low-income families so that they can be able to access medical aid that encompasses a variety of medications. For instance, Iris cannot use the money she gets as a pension to pay for all her medical bills as well as the bills waiting for her at home because she obviously left a house when she got in a accident. This would be very helpful in solving her medical care bills.

This policy should also cover for Iris to remain at the facility forever. She should be given choices or options in which she can choose from. For instance, she can be asked whether she would go home to live alone or stay at the facility to get help giving her the pros and cons. As a smart woman, Iris should trade her independence and wish to go home for the health and social benefits that she would get with staying at the facility. Finding the best solution in this context to keep Iris safe and healthy is better than letting her go back to her house and wallow in depression and not get the care and help she is in need of. Therefore, the trade-off here is telling Iris the consequences she is to face once she goes back home, letting her weigh the benefits and consequences of leaving and staying at-home care. The overall purpose of policies is not to find the optimal solution but the best solution that can work in favor of all participants (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2018)


In conclusion, Iris is facing depression that is affecting her judgment and the activeness of the mind. She needs a distraction that can help forget the messy abrupt divorce that her ex-husband made her go through. She is also lonely because she has no children and is facing financial challenges. The medical care policy can positively impact Iris’s life by paying her medical bills at the home care visits from people who love her should help cheer her up.


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2018). A DecisionFramework for Managing the Spirit Lake and Toutle River System at Mount St.Helens. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Zarbo, Cristina, Brugnera, Agostino, Cipresso, Pietro, Brignoli, Ovidio, Cricelli, Claudio, Rabboni, Massimo, Bondi, Emi & Compare, Angelo. (2017). E-mental Health for Elderly: Challenges and Proposals for Sustainable Integrated Psychological Interventions in Primary Care. Front. Psychol.. 8. 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00118.


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3 days agoTasha Jones 

RE: Assignment help – Discussion – Week 6


Respond to a colleague who selected a different case from yours with another approach to address the identified problem. What is the responsibility of the social workers working with Jose and/or Iris to advocate for a change in the social policy?

Hello Summerlove,

In the case of Iris, I would suggest allowing her to stay in her own home with a caregiver. I would find out about Medicare insurance for her and sign her up for social security income. As a policy advocate, I would do research housing and insurance for this client. I would prepare a policy proposal based on housing need for elderly care. This place would be like a group home but a duplex for two residents with caregivers. I believe addressing this housing issues will help this client regain her independence and help her to feel better about herself. The evolution of the Federal Shelter Program proposal demonstrates that effective policy advocates combine analytic skills in identifying, comparing, and selecting policy options with other policy practice skills (Jansson, 2018). Social workers respect and promote the right of clients to self-determination and assist clients in their efforts to identify and clarify their goals (NASW, 2017).


Jansson, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Series. Chapter 8, “Placing Policy Proposals in Policy Briefs in the Second, Third, and Fourth Steps of Policy Analysis” (pp. 246-283)

National Association of Social Workers. (2017). Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. Retrieved from

Karlise Newman 

RE: Assignment help – Discussion – Week 6


As social workers, we have to advocate for the community and our clients but lobbying, signing petitions, and encouraging change. Having a solid plan and educating the client, her family, and the community on what is needed to see these policy changes is imperative.


Jansson, B. S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Series.

Chapter 8, “Placing Policy Proposals in Policy Briefs in the Second, Third, and Fourth Steps of Policy Analysis” (pp. 246-283)

Chapter 9, “Presenting and Defending Policy Proposals in Step 5 and Step 6 of Policy Analysis” (pp. 284-326)

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