Differential and inequitable treatments that are encountered by racial and ethnic groups in policing, courts and corrections comes in various forms against mainly those of a specific/different race then that of their own, different religions, ethnicities and minorities, regardless of the type of hardship that an individual may encounter, prejudice of this sorts is a violation of human rights. There needs to be more training, education and understanding of those individuals that are singled out by society as well as the justice system, focusing more on the individual then the ethnic background of that individual, understandingly this could play a factor in some instances but not all. People have the right to be treated with respect and have the right to understand what is happening to them and why, we need more individuals that can act as an interpreter for those of the non-English speaking minorities, there is also a need for workers within the system that are aware of these cultures with knowledgeable backgrounds of the cultures history, this would make it easier for minorities to understand the procedures/charges and what is going on with them as associated to the circumstance (NCJRS, 1994).
Contemporary issues in cultural diversity, crime and justice, with all of the situations that have risen over the past years and currently pertaining to different type of racism, labeling, bias and prejudices we have a great need for extended training along with understanding within the cultural diversity field. Community relations that are effective as well as trusting are very important when it comes to proper policing and police-community relations. (NCJRS, 1993).
The history of Race, Ethnicity and Social Classism within the Criminal Justice System dates back hundreds of years but has changed over time from what was considered to be that of explicit racism to that of a more surreptitious manifestations and outcomes The treatment of minorities being the most profound civil rights crisis facing the United States of America in the new century (Leadership Conference (2017).
We are in a time where an individual are able to have more opportunities than that of earlier years having more individuals in positions of leadership/authority than ever before and along with that comes a chance for education and employment opportunities both being free of discrimination although by no means are we at a point within society that discrimination does not exist, this is a category in which individuals as well as society as a whole needs to grow and improve upon.
An analysis of the theoretical perspectives used in explaining cultural diversity and the Criminal Justice System involves the use of three main theoretical perspectives which are the symbolic interactionist perspective, the functionalist perspective, and the conflict perspective. Each one of the said perspectives allows sociologists different theoretical paradigms exploring society and its forces along with that of individual behaviors (Flat world Knowledge n. d.).
Cultural Diversity (1993) Retrieved February 1, 2017 from
Leadership conference on human rights (2017) Retrieved from
Racial Disparity in sentencing (2005) Retrieved January 30, 2017 from
Police misconduct and corruption are abuses by the police and refers to a wide range of procedural, criminal, and civil violations. Procedural refers to police who violate department rules and regulations; criminal refers to police who violate state and federal laws; unconstitutional are police who violate a citizen’s Civil Rights or any combination. Police become corrupted for personal gain, which is abuse of power. It may involve profit or another type of material benefit gained illegally because of the officer’s authority. Forms of corruption are bribery extortion receiving or fencing stolen goods, and selling drugs and it also refers to patterns of misconduct within the police department are patterns of misconduct within a given police department and they established codes for conduct, train new recruits, and investigate and discipline officers, sometimes helping with civilian complaint review boards which are intended to provide independent evaluations.
It stands out in its existence, which is spreads out in every part of the world. Corruption is broken down into two sections, internal and external corruption. When referring to the police department and internal corruption is the illegal acts and agreements within a police department by more than one of officer and external corruption is the illegal acts in agreements with the public by one or more officers in a department. Corruption is widespread throughout levels of the administration in the department. Police corruption also violates human rights in their basic rights as citizens. Police corruption has increased big time with the illegal cocaine trade, and officers acting alone or in-groups to take money from dealers or to distribute cocaine themselves. There has been a large group of corrupt police who were caught in New York, New Orleans, Washington, DC, and Los Angeles doing these things. There are 3 elements of police corruption that are present, 1) misuse of authority, 2) misuse of official capacity, and 3) misuse of personal attainment. (Dantzler, 1995: p 157) Power is something that cause a law officer to become corrupted and there are two major categories that corrupted police fall in external corruption, it is concerned with police contacts with the public and internal corruption, which involves the relationships among policemen within the works of the police department. They gave false testimony in court to obtain the dropping of the charges against a defendant. (Sherman 1978: p 129)
A scandal is perceived both as a socially constructed phenomenon and as an agent of change that can lead to realignments in the structure of power within organizations. Within the police department there is what they call brotherhood. This brotherhood plays a role in the way officers see themselves and the world and it is hard to investigate police officers because of lack of honesty among the police officers This code of silence results in police misconduct becoming accepted behavior within police departments the police and systems mandated to help restore order proves that they have no sense of humanity, with a lack of trust from our society and improper set of values. and the correctional systems tends to care less about the livelihood of prisoners today. Leadership constitutes an integral part of police work, and the head of an organization holds the responsibility for its shortcomings and they can influence the success of an agency. As such, leaders have a significant impact in preventing corruption. The dark side of criminal justice work involves putting up with conditions that are at a comfortable level.
The Knapp Commission, are the ones who blew the whistle on the standard police explanation for corruption, they are rotten apples in an otherwise clean barrel. Due to the societies trust in law enforcement officers, a breach of this trust through corrupt activities puts society in danger, since police and correctional systems are to protect society from criminal activity. When an officer is hired, the department should promote ethics on the job. Law enforcement agencies strive to recruit, hire, best efforts will not prevent instances of police misconduct from garnering attention and even departments’ best efforts will not prevent instances of police misconduct from getting attention from the public. This jeopardizes important investigations, and expose agencies to considerable liability. Virtue ethics relies on qualities, like personality traits, values, or attitudes, to explain deviant behavior. If officers lie about evidence to obtain search warrants, their actions reflect their dishonest character. Before an officer can behave ethically, they must recognize the morals at stake in the situation, understand the principles and values involved, and choose the proper course of action. Virtue is the element of honesty, alongside fundamentals like truth and justice. The police use bad things to help dehumanize prisoners and the correctional systems tends to care less about the prisoners.
And excessive force on the inmates, effects the poor sanitations and the elements of mishandling including thorough beating are among the poor treatment of the inmates. There is no help to rectify and make the inmates thrive in a comfortable habitat. Inmates are human beings That deserve the sanctity of life and require reasonable and rationale treatment geared towards their rehabilitation. The first step in fixing corruption in a prison system is acknowledging that there is a problem in the system. This is not to condemn the system it is to recognize the vulnerability of the system and the desire to manage it effectively and professionally. The racial dynamics in sentencing have changed through time and it reflects explicitly on racism in surreptitious manifestations and outcomes. Civil society is trying to take police accountability into their own hands by demanding independent investigative institutions. The police are an occupying force rather than community resource and the police department and prosecutor’s office need to redouble efforts to recruit minorities and the Police departments should encourage, and perhaps require, that officers live in the cities they patrol. I understand policemen are human, police departments not been successful in creating test that will reliably predict officer conduct. But the department can reinforce ethical behavior by example, but it can reinforce the idea that the Academy does not know what it is like on the streets. When the departments hire an officer, they should promote ethics on the job. On what to do on changing corruption is to change the entire ideology and system of policing and punishment. Training in cultural diversity has become a contemporary police professional development course.
Recommendations to stop the corruption occurring in the police and correctional systems
creating external oversight over the police with a special focus on integrity,
improving recruitment and training, leadership from supervisors of all ranks about integrity,
Body cameras on police during their shift.
holding all commanders responsible for the misbehavior of subordinates, and changing the organization’s culture to tolerate misbehavior less.
reforms to police culture, management,
disciplinary processes, and external environment
watching police officer’s behavior
Changing deeply rooted structural and cultural obstacles
help fight corruption involving proper procedures and policies.
incentives program.
Stricter screening methods need to be implemented to decrease the chance that a potential hire will become corrupt.
Improve training of current and incoming police officers to bring police departments into compliance with the national standards
Improve the Diversity of Law Enforcement Personnel
Every one of these recommendations are important in stopping the police and corrections from turning towards to corruption and I am not saying that they will work in helping law enforcement to ethically morally be good police officer that society will then start trusting cops in the end. With cultural diversity and the Criminal Justice System it involves the use of three main theoretical perspectives which are the symbolic interactionist perspective.
Retrieved on 2/1/2017 http://www.cjcenter.org/trcpi/doc/articles/cdp.pdf
Retrieved 1/30/2017: http://www.cjcenter.org/trcpi/doc/articles/cdp.pdf
Retrieved 1/30/2017: https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/search?key=recommandation%20on%20stopping%20corruption%20of%20police%20an%20correction&page=1
The police and correctional systems
The police force maintains peace and order and got the mandate to help cultivate a culture of justice. Within any social, judicial framework, it singly depends upon the police force to help restore peace and uphold virtues. The virtues include the element of honesty, transparency alongside other fundamentals like truth and justice. The mandates lie within the ability of the police force and security departments to be on the forefront to nurture and train the society on the better methods of living. The methods are among others the significance of amicable and mutual existence.
The police and systems mandated to help restore order proves disorderly and got no sense of humanity. The effect is a lack of trust from the society and improper propagation of values. In return, the future gets distorted, and no human values spearheaded. Reports from the police custody and inmates indicate the brutal nature and corrupt levels of the policing systems as well as the corrective platforms. It is with this regard that the whole department gets disinfection. Complaints from the social environment show that the police fail to discharge their duties and mandates within the stipulated confinements. That kills the morale of the people and generates mistrust.
The police use trivial measures to help dehumanize prisoners and the correctional systems tends to care less about the livelihood of prisoners (Baines, 2016). The instances of complains from those held captive in custody got no base of argument with regards to the treatment of the police and the corrective systems. The use of excessive force on the inmates, the effects of poor sanitations and the elements of mishandling including thorough beating are among the poor treatment. No proactive measures tend to be in place to help rectify and make the inmates thrive in a comfortable habitation. Inmates are human beings who not only deserve the sanctity of life but also require reasonable and rationale treatment geared towards their rehabilitation.It is inappropriate to handle the inmates without any sense of dignity and any form of concern. That kills their spirit and makes them feel like mere toys with no any substance in them. Substantially, the police force and corrective systems got a legislative configuration within which they ought to work. That in most cases fails to apply, and they resolve and resort to applying underhand and dubious means to handle the crime doers. Such a measure contravenes the norms and doctrines that abide within the security department and the judicial framework mandated to rectify and restructure the society.
Nonetheless, the police appeared corrupt and got a likeness towards malpractice. They not only solicit funds from the families and friends to set the captives free but also unfairly treat inmates. The corrupt, unfair treatment gets based on the relationship between the prisoners and the police bosses and the management. That in itself coincides with the expected mode of conduct and does not correspond with their postulates of the oath taken by passing out parades. The police in most cases, tend to sideline much towards the members of the society who scale high on the social ladder (Baines, 2016). Corruption deeds within the police departments, and corrective systems heighten with the reduced ability of the society to present claims against them. Ultimately, the whole social setup gets distorted and the reconstruction process thwarted. From such shows, the security and police sector gets deprived of the common rationale. The social stratification and reformation agenda gets soiled. Finally, no proper safety and security to the society discharged.
Corruption kills development, sustainability, and growth of the society. Any department or a system that proves corrupt ceases to exist and fails to meet its objectives. Any form of corruption irrespective of its level or standards gets to be disastrous. It is the corruption that the social framework and the war towards social liberation and empowerment get trampled underfoot (Newbury-Birch et al., 2016). With corrupt leaders or systems in place, no significant and appropriate service delivery gets implemented or witnessed. Simple and fundamentals like honesty and transparency within departments and institutions play a key role to ensure that the exact facilitation takes place. Such also helps to properly execute and deliver policies and implement strategies that reform, construct and better lives and the whole society.
An analysis of the recent research and media profiles indicate the massive mishandling of inmates and improper care of the prisoners. That clearly indicate the fake measures the police department uses to have a reconstruction claim (Boyd, 2016). The role of the corrective systems tends to get polluted with the increase of underhand methods used in rehabilitating inmates. It is worth noting from the recent instances that the police department lacks the human decency and takes the society back to the dark days of unjust treatment. The action of the corrective systems and their operations show the level at which the departments are distorted and lack values for reforms and social touch. Profoundly, it deserves no good use to act contrary to the expectation and expect to be the market leader in reforming and empowering. In other words, the level of hypocrisy experienced within the police and the correctional departments scales high.
Prisoners present complains and states how they get mishandled and unduly managed. That does not measure up and give the security departments a favorable consideration. It is with such issues in place that the lack of decency within the police department gets witnessed. The analysis shows that the level of corruption beats the level of clean dealings within the police collectives. The number of times the inmate’s raise complains in a weekly time frame tends to be higher and raise the alarm to the social setup (Baines, 2016). The corrective systems have in the recent past shown instances of improper and unclear levels of dealings. That helps to substantiate the vain dealings within the systems and necessitates the need to rectify and clean up the systems. The cleanup in most cases faces opposition from the top management with an intention to maintain the status quo. It is clear from the recent findings that the urge of the police force to call for change and seek reformation never exists. Additionally, in most cases, they have taken the frontline to ensure such measures get thwarted and fail to progress.
The analysis also indicates the level of lack of proper streamlining of roles and job description from the senior managerial staff to the junior counterparts. The complains from the inmates also clearly indicate the lack of effective policies and poor disciplinary measures within the police force and departments (Boyd, 2016). Clearly, there lacks required measures and policies to unify and streamline the systems destined to help cultivate a culture of social transformation and construction.
Lack of corruption-free zones within the corrective systems and police department gives an evidenced level of poor management structure and skills in position. Both the technical staff and team alongside the public force and the whole management domain tend to have failed. That shows that the whole idea of the will and desire of the police networking schedules and corrective mechanizations fail to stand and remain baseless. Such position detrimentally proves danger and fails to meet the social expectation. The need for reforms within the police department and the call for change deserve a thumbs up notion. From that, the reformation agenda gets enhanced and realized for safe society and secured future (Slade, 2016).
Casual explanation of the ethical dilemmas
The ethical issues arising from both the police and the corrective systems trace their origin to the poor policies within the management structure. If the team mandated to offer and give proper strategy and measures to help sort issues with the police fails, the whole systems fail. It is with this regard that the systems get messy and fail to respond to their call in them of duty and undertake their responsibilities (Baines, 2016). Behind the scenes of corruption witnessed in the police departments and mishandling within the corrective systems, there tends to lie some ill-intentioned managements staff. It is not common to find a police officer executing a command that lacks the touch and sense from the management. The police staff under recruitment and the systems dealing with corrections gets engaged and learn the dubious and underhand methods of operations from their key employers.
The major team players in the mishandling witnessed in among the inmates from the police got everything to do with the structuring of the policies within the departments. The departmental heads and senior officials take a low stand and fail to harshly punish any form of poor duty discharge. The police and the systems dealing with rehabilitation tend to work in liaison with the heads in charge to corrupt and mishandle the parties involved. That in most cases they do with a claim of letting the social reform to avoid crime and live in a crime free society. Most of the claims presented of late from the inmates claiming mistreatment and corruption got witty. Evidently, the police departments in the past have illustrated forms of unclear dealings. The misdeeds and lack of proper handling witnessed in the police custody align with the fake promises and claims the leaders profess at interview panels. The lack of refurbished police departments translates to the lack of effective mechanizations to help curb and fight gross misconduct in the society (Baines, 2016). The whole idea of the claims from inmates symbolizes the rot and the immorality within the management of the police departments.
The level of corruption witnessed in the police department arises from the lack of transparency on the staff. It also indicates the heightened levels of lack of integrity and common good in the social setup. Such measures fail to reconstruct and help restore the peaceful existence and amicable habitation. It is through such malpractices that the future generational setup gets distorted and fails to meet the expected social standards. The effective role and mandates of the police departments lie within their ability to restores and cultivate virtues. Their corrupt actions and levels of dehumanized handling get traced to the fake management and staff regarding their ability to fight and clear their department (Boyd, 2016).
Another element of corruption involving the corrective systems and the police department arise from the unjust leadership in position. The cause of the malpractice witnessed in the police departments, and the mishandling from the corrective systems arise from the poor administration. Lack of proper strategies and poor administrative methods fail to meet the execution (Newbury-Birch et al., 2016). The administrative configurations do not really measure up and help to catapult and skyrocket the presence of the darkened hands within the department. Any form of corruption and improper handling needs weeding and efforts towards reformation need to get a high applause and encouragement. The public domain contributes to the lack of proper methods of duty delivery from the consistent silence and poor proactive measures to curb and fight such actions.
Corruption practices within the police department and the corrective systems
Corruption in the police department tends to be the order of the day. It is common to witness others complain especially the inmates of how they get mishandles and treated unfairly. Forms of corruption include all elects of unfairness and unequal treatment. Elements of corruption lie within the false delivery of services and duty discharge. It is the corruption that the social fabric gets fake and inappropriate structural configuration (Boyd, 2016).
Forms of corruption within the police department include inmates receiving poor management and care with regards to their color, race, and origin. Discriminatory elements lie within the lack of equal and straighten up treatment (Newbury-Birch et al., 2016). That includes lack of equal distribution of justice Act to all inmates without any form of jealous and impartiality. Elements of corruption also fall within the failure of the police department and the corrective system to equally punish law breakers without any sort of biases and considerations. Some cases include situations where the police take sides with some inmates and prefer others to other inmates. The preference lies with the relationship a specific inmate could be having with a specific police officer. That kind of a measure helps to create enmity among the inmates that can result to ill will motives from inmates towards others.
Another element of corruption among the police officers and within the corrective systems includes unlawful soliciting for funds (Baines, 2016). Evidently, the police in most cases, tend to like seeking for bribes from the families and friends of the ones held captive serving jail terms. It is common for the police officers to seek for favors from the females advancing for intimate requisitions with a view of helping them resolve a given case in question. Funds solicitation gets common within the corrective systems and within the police departments. Such actions give the degree showing how corrupt and unethical police officers and corrective systems tend to be. Elements of funds bribery and solicitation get high enough among the administrative police officers and show the height of police injustice. From such lookouts and whereabouts, the police departments and corrective systems need a thorough and a proper cleansing and reformation.
Instances of inmates complaining of the lack of reason and common sense from the police officers also indicate the level of corrupt mind and mental capacitation. The presence of trivial and useless accusations against some inmates from the corrective systems shows the deepened levels of corruption (Boyd, 2016). The level and rate at which the inmates get unfair treatment in the form of poor sanitation, poor meals and low care and show of concern indicates the percent of which the officers are corrupt. The instances of complains of poor inception and reception of change within the police department indicate the corrupt mindedness and mental realm. From such acts, corruption among the police officers and departments come forth. That calls for reforms in the police department and transformations within the systems dealing in correcting and rehabilitating individuals.
Key recommendations to reduce corruption within the police departments
One of the chief recommendation includes emancipation of the public through civic education. The public need to get aware of the corrupt officers within the department and be made to take any form of corruption witnessed. The public gets to be the eye-opener to the government to ensure that instances of corruption end and ceases to exist. The public domain, therefore, needs to be taught and effectively encouraged to help end corruption through the presentation of their grievances against corrupt officials. They should not take any form of bribe or give a bribe of any kind (Baines, 2016). They should also not accept or give any favors from the police offer and the corrective systems in charge.
Another primary way to end and help fight corruption involves proper procedures and policies. The management of the police staff and ethical team need to properly make and implement effective policies that discourage corruption. One of the polices in place should include corporal punishment to any officers accused or proved to have engaged in any form of corruption. The team in charge need get vigilant in fighting corruption by keeping watch and close attention to the officers in place. With such an act, the rate and level of corrupting witnessed tend to reduce (Boyd, 2016).
Another method of finishing corruption includes close governmental involvement. The ministries in charge of security and safety need to take proactive measures to help fight corruption within the police departments (Slade, 2016). One way the government can substantiate that is by ensuring no department acts singly but gets answerable to the high governmental office. With such a measure in place, fear gets instilled in the police department. The fear helps reduce the levels of corruption and kills the urge to engage in corrupt dealings.
To help restore and magnify a socially upright society, there need a strong a justifiable safety measures in position. With effective policing and rehabilitation, the society and future generations receive proper and appropriate levels of sustainability through security. Such measures transform and help reform a social setup. Using proper and effective measures and procedures, corruption gets thwarted, and the society reclaims its lost glory.
Baines, S. G. (2016). Disrespecting indigenous rights in the prison system of Roraima state, Brazil. Etudes Rurales, (2), 109-126.
Boyd, R. W., Ellison, A. M., & Horn, I. B. (2016). Police, equity, and child health. Pediatrics, 137(3), e20152711.
Newbury-Birch, D., McGovern, R., Birch, J., O’Neill, G., Kaner, H., Sondhi, A., & Lynch, K. (2016). A rapid systematic review of what we know about alcohol use disorders and brief interventions in the criminal justice system. International Journal of prisoner health, 12(1), 57-70.
Slade, K., Samele, C., Valmaggia, L., & Forrester, A. (2016). Pathways through the criminal justice system for prisoners with acute and serious mental illness. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 44, 162-168.