Posted: June 1st, 2023
HA535 Unit 6 Assignment help – Discussion
Using as reference:
Fisher, M. J., & Bloomfield, J. (2019). Understanding the research process. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses’ Association (JARNA), 22(1), 22–27.
Select a topic that is relevant to your field (healthcare administration, public health, health education, health informatics) and based on what you have learned so far about the research process, share how quantitative research can be used in the field of health. Please also share your insights as to on how evidence-based research might be incorporated into your future scope of practice.
In two diferent paragrah give your personal opinion to Meaghan Gateley and Jeremiah Simpson
Meaghan Gateley
Quantitative Research and Health Education
Quantitative research and data is important in so many fields, health education being one of them. Using quantitative research to study and explain specific health phenomenon in individuals and groups can help to guide health education campaigns in positive and impactful ways ( (Jack, et al., 2010). By examining studies using quantitative research and looking at the data collected, we can better ascertain the cause of certain health conditions or behaviors and then assess the most effective way of avoiding or resolving them (University of Central Florida, 2020). “Researchers use the research process to determine how to move from an idea about a problem in practice to generating research findings that may contribute to improving that practice” (Gelling, 2015). Evidence-based research can effect a variety of areas in health education by providing current and valid information geared toward the most positive solution. This can serve to influence course material, government assistance programs, health campaigns, and other programs aimed at changing health behaviors and health outcomes.
Fisher, M. J., & Bloomfield, J. (2019). Understanding the research process. Journal of Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses’ Association (JARNA), 22(1), 22-27.
Gelling, L. (2015). Stages in the research process. Nursing Standard, 29(27), 44-49.
Jack, L. J., Hayes, S. C., Scharalda, J. G., Stetson, B., Jones-Jack, N. H., Valliere, M., Kirchain, W. R., LeBlanc, C. (2010). Appraising quantitative research in health education: guidelines for public health educators. Health Promot Pract, 11(2), 161-165. Retrieved from doi:10.1177/1524839909353023
University of Central Florida. (2020). Retrieved from How has quantitative analysis changed health care?:
Jeremiah Simpson
Obesity is a major issue in my line of work. We are required to monitor and track utilization management of many of our members in our health plan and one of the driving factors for Type 2 diabetes is obesity. One way that quantitative research could be used to combat obesity is to measure the effectiveness of provider education to patients in the area of obesity. A Pittsburg State University study (2016) conducted research on patients that received education on ways to prevent obesity in which a 12 question pretest and post-education test was administered (Larery, p.61). 41 patients were given pretests, received education, and then a post-test; scores from the post-test improved from a median score of six to a median score of 10 with all 41 patients showing improved understanding on obesity prevention (Larery, 2016, p.61-62). This showed direct correlation to improved population health with decreases in type 2 diabetes correlating to improved obesity education efforts.
Of the 12 questions that were administered, 6 were evidenced based questions clinical practice guideline questions that were multiple choice questions (Larery, 2016, p.60). This is important because evidenced based research accomplishes several things. Evidenced based research provides doctors with reliable research that can be used in conjunction with patient history to optimize the process of making care and treatment delusions of individual patients (Chiappelli et al, 2006, p.3). This type of research follows the five step scientific method and instills confidence in providers making care decisions based on the researches historic reliability.
Chiappelli, F., Prolo, P., Rosenblum, M., Edgerton, M., & Cajulis, O. S. (2006). Evidence-based research in complementary and alternative medicine II: the process of evidence-based research. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM, 3(1), 3–12.
Larery, T., “Combating Childhood Obesity with Provider Education: A Quantitative Study” (2016). Doctor of Nursing Practice. 8.
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