Introduction to Sociology Exam 1

David Underwood, MA, MSW, LCSW, BCD, CCBT

1. The butterfly effect refers to the far-ranging or even global impact of a small change in a specific location, over time and distance.


2. McDonaldization refers to the spread of the theories of the renowned sociologist Suzy McDonald.


3. Sociological imagination is a concept associated with C.Wright Mills.


4. Dangerous giants refer to very tall people who talk down to others.


5. Agency refers to social power and capacity for creativity.


6. The social construction of reality refers to a continuous process of individual creation of structural realities and the constraint and coercion exercised by those structures.


7. Emile Durkheim wrote the classic book, THE POWER ELITE.


8. Social structures refer specifically to buildings such as apartment houses and restaurants where people congregate.


9. In sociology, consumption refers to a disease similar to tuberculosis.


10. Capitalists are those people who own what is needed for production.


11. August Comte was the founder of Sociology.


12. Karl Marx was a member of the famous comedy team

The Marx Brothers.

13. Rationalization was a concern of Max Weber.

14. Anomie is a concept developed by Thorstein Veblen.

15. Double-consciousness refers to the sense, among black Americans of being both black and American.

16. Structural-functionalism is a set of ideas developed by Karl Marx.

17. Latent functions are unintended positive consequences.

18. Critical theory focuses on culture.

19. Mass culture refers to those people who attend Catholic church services.

20. Queer theory asserts that everyone is gay.

21. Symbolic interactionism focuses on the role of symbols and how their meanings are shared and understood by those involved in human interactions.

22. Quantitative research involves the analysis of numerical data derived usually from surveys and experiments.

23. Values involve our cultural idea of what is good or right – our ideals.

24. Laws are norms that are written down and formally enforced through institutions.

25. Symbolic culture includes those aspect of culture that exist in nonmaterial forms.

26. Ideal culture and real culture are identical.

27. Countercultures blend in well with the larger culture.

28. Culture wars are when soldiers dress up in designer clothing before combat.

29. Cultural relativism refers to having sophisticated family members who are highly cultured.

30. Culture jamming is what happens when sociologists get together and play musical instruments.

31. The looking-glass self is associated with Charles Horton Cooley.

32. A gesture is movement of one animal or human that elicits a mindless, automatic, and appropriate response from another animal or human.

33. Self refers to the sense of oneself as an object.

34. Dramaturgy refers to a type of religious service.

35. The dramaturgical approach is associated with Erving Goffman.

36. Family would be an example of an agent of socialization.

37. CCAC is an example of a total institution.

38. Your age is an achieved status.

39. Conflicting expectations associated with a given positions or multiple positions are known as role conflict.

40. Primary groups are small, close knit, and have intimate face to face interaction.

41. A bureaucracy is a highly rational organization characterized by efficiency.

42. An informal organization is defined as one in which people can wear t-shirts and jeans.

43. Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual attention that takes place in the workplace or other settings.

44. Gemeinschaft societies are characterized by impersonal, distant, and limited social relationships.

45. The terms nation and state may be used interchangeably.

46. Informationalism is the outsourcing of information.

47. The World is Flat: a Brief History of the 21st Century was written by Thomas Friedman.

48. Oligarchy refers to an organization run by a small group of people who illegitimately acquire and exercise far more power than they are entitled to have.

49. Queen Elizabeth of England holds traditional power.

50. A risk society has a central issue of preventing, minimizing, and channeling risk.

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